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tRump will not debate

He will not risk it. He knows he is suffering a significant mental decline, and despite his side's exaggeration of Biden’s own mental decline, he still feels the welts from the whipping Old Man Biden gave him in the last debates.


What fucking planet are you living on??? Trump is as sharp as he ever was and Biden is a bumbling idiot.


Biden will destroy Trump in the upcoming debate. Without a teleprompter Trump will just babble nonsense and every American will see that the 34 times convicted felon has nothing for them. Trump's only campaign platform is to get revenge on everybody who hurt his feelings. Most Americans will not vote for that. You really are a dumbass. 🖕🏻🤣


Remember in teh last debate when Biden lied to the American people, claiming that his son had NOT gotten millions of dollars from foreign businessmen?

That was funny. I wonder if he had been honest about his son getting all that money, if he would have won the election?


Give it up
Trumps been lying every 30 seconds his whole life LOL!


Any lies during the debates that telling the truth could have swung the election?


Ask David Pecker


I'm asking you.

It's clear that Hunter was his dad's bag man.

That's a whole next level of corruption. And really vile to use your drug addict son for that.


Unlike yr delusional unverified conspiracy theories, here’s some real 2016 election interference by DJT


Can't see the link. Use your words.

What do you think that those millions bought from Biden? I mean, is our current government policies based on what Biden thinks is best for the country or is he simply following though on what he was paid for?


More proof that you people have everything twisted and upside down. Biden is a retard and wasn't that bright before he got dementia.


Biden is a blind doddering old fool who controls a massive voter fraud network that leaves behind zero evidence


Almost exposed though by that blabber mouth, co-conspirator #1!


This is what the left are doing now, they pretentiously and arrogantly say the exact opposite of what we see and hear.

Border is secure
Economy is good
Joe is sharp
Ugly is now beautiful

Its beyond strange , they get off on trying to make people believe what they see and hear are not true..
They are beyond stange.


Nice trolling attempt.


Thank you!


Both sides are HEAVILY exaggerating the other. Ive seen edited videos on both sides claim the other one is suffering mental decline. Ive also watched both of them speak WITHOUT a political commentator telling me WHAT TO THINK. They are fine. Typical hiccups once in a while you will see with anyone doing live speeches. Both sides are also trying to "FEAR" their bases into a frenzy while their supporters drink it up and run all over parroting whatever spinsters and political pundits proclaim.

Its all noise. Stop watching it. You are being programmed. Learn to think for yourself and analyze whats going on independently. For that you will need to stop letting them control your emotions. The only way people will ever stop all this manipulation they put through is for people to have control over their emotions again. These are standard cult programming tactics for control and both sides use them. Maybe research Trauma Based Mind control. There is no "Group" way out of all this and the phrase "Where We One We Go All" is a Lie that was developed to pull people into an alternative cult. The "You are watching a show" phrase is largely true though just not the way people think it is.

Good Luck and Godspeed


You cannot rise above the muck by claiming both sides are at fault. Your wimpy, warped view of reality is not the cure for the cancer eating away at one half of the American polity.


OK so you are a little clueless LOL. No Worries, Little hint for you.. there are no "Sides". The end goal is the same for both "Sides" they only fight over who gets to have the "Perception" of control as far as who gets to take us there. You are either completely ignorant or a political shill running around the internet trying to keep division going.

Sheesh.. everyone has fallen for this "Show" these days. Its not "American" this is worldwide if you have not noticed by now. This is more about religion than its ever been about politics. The "Cancer" as you call it is also worldwide.

I miss the old days pre internet when people still kind of thought for themselves and had somewhat of an ability to analyze and assess things. I suggest you learn the power structure worldwide before shooting your mouth off like an idiot. It goes a lot higher than "Nations".


He will debate, it's his only chance to show if Biden can last 90 minutes and possible show cognitive decline.


Trump better go all out on Joe.....push him to the limits.

Is the hunter laptop still Russian disinformation joe?

Why wont you acknowledge your illegitimate grandchild joe?

Border is a diseaser, how many Americans were killed by Joe's open borders?

China has found a way to kill more Americans then going to war with fentanyl.
And joe is doing nothing. Epidemic levels of Americans dying.

Cartels have grown financially and in power under Biden.

Democrat no cash bail is the biggest disaster and most retarded bill ever passed. It has caused a crime wave since its introduction.

College loan forgiveness is illegal..

Democrats are nothing but evil


I agree; unfortunately, Trump will be debating the CNN puppeteers behind Joe's earpiece.


You're still obsessed with Trump's ass? Yikes.


You're the only one I see constantly bringing up tRump's ass. Is it the size or the imagined smell that has you inFATuated? Don't be coy now, we're all adults here.


You just did it again.


You're avoiding the question--sure sign of a debilitating infatuation. Come on now, you were the first one to mention tRump's ass--spit it out!


You keep capitalizing the R.


It's apt. Apt!


Only to your obsession with the man's ass.


Course he will , ever see those high school movies where the nerdy girl with glasses is trying to make an intelligent point , and the jock counters it with "{insert school football team } RULEZZZ! " and the crowd go mad

Thats how it will go .
Magas for some reason see Trump as the Jock , rather than the idiot brained spoiled self obsessed rich boy who had a fortune handed him on a plate


So in this fantasy, Joe Biden is the nerdy (guy) trying to make an intelligent point?


indeed yes.
Trump sets the bar so low with his "smarts" that literally anyone could be the nerdy guy.

its similar to the "voting biden purely because he's not Trump" philosophy


No crowd in this debate though. Cutting mics if they go over time. Something I've been wishing they'd do for all primary & presidential debates for years.


Its a good start ,
but then Trump will just play the victim if/when they cut his inane babbling off and say "its rigged"

It'll be great to see trumps brain whirring trying to think of something relevant or intelligent to say rather than throwing conspiracy theory soundbites at his sycophants.
