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Trump predicts the end of U.S. democracy if he loses 2024 election

"If we don't win this election, I don't think you're going to have another election in this country," Trump said.



it has already ended.



Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Republicans are running the Supreme Court but because your God Trump isn't King it's all over.


And the Democrats want to pack the U.S Supreme Court when things don't go their way too πŸ™„


I would never disagree with that. Of course they do. That wasn't the topic.


do you know how stupid it sounds when dems said they wanted 15 supreme court justices? as Obama said. "elections have consequences"


Of course the democrats want the Supreme Court, my God, I am saying that republicans already HAVE the Supreme Court, they are making the laws you want, yet you say America is over. I didn't realize my point was so subtle.


and the dems own the presidency and one house. Joe bypassed the supreme court and gave out billions for student loans. whats the point of the supreme court if the president can do whatever he wants?


In order to save democracy, the Democrats must destroy it. Of course if Trump loses there will be no more elections. Why would the Democrats ever allow another Republican the chance to take the White House and destroy democracy?


But their not Republicans, they’re psychopathic MAGA Republicans


What Democrats think is a "real Republican" is actually just a willing dupe who puts up just enough token resistance to Democrat initiatives to preserve the illusion of a two party system before caving.


Project 25 is your new Republican party


If the GOP loses the White House and Congress, why would anyone need to steal an election to keep them out?


So the people could not vote the Democrats out next time, when they become disillusioned with their ineptitude?


Which party has been trying to make it harder to vote? That would be the GOP.


Do you want people to be able to buy guns or fly on planes or drive cars without having official ID? Why not for voting to determine the future of your country?


I'm not talking about voter ID. The GOP has put other obstacles in place like closing polling places, restricting absentee ballots, reducing the number of ballot drop boxes, gerrymandering, restricting early voting.


We will never have fair elections again and America is likely going to see the second Civil War or World War 3 if the Biden Regime cheats their way to victory.




That is what Trump's rhetoric is causing in this country.


You either want to defend our nation's sovereignty like Trump or you're trying to bring about The Great Replacement like Biden.


All the unrest and strife in America is coming from the Left. The problems in Trump's first presidency were all due to "the resistance".


Those have stood against Biden's Authoritarian Regime are either in Jail or the Corrupt DOJ is is trying to lock them up. All because they're trying to root out the corruption in the Federal Government.


More Trump rhetoric.


More Trump = More America


Are you going to fight in this civil war that you're hoping for, or will you lead the charge from MovieChat?


I certainly hope not, but when even Bill Maher is asking how Biden is ahead in the polls when he's leaking voters like a sieve, if he wins folks are going to be at least suspicious.

Not just that, but when polls start breaking it down to the various issues, the ones the Dems are pushing -- Climate Change, DEI, Ukraine, etc. -- people can't give a rip. But if they start talking about the issues the GOP is talking about -- the basic, kitchen table issues -- people tend to be FOR Republicans. The economy that people actually LIVE IN -- as opposed to the one Biden and the Dems claim exists -- gives people sticker shock every time they go to the store or fill up their tanks. Young people are looking at what it takes to buy a house and they don't know if they'll ever be able to afford one. They thank Bidenomics.

Now we've got increased crime from the people the Biden Administration were supposed to be vetting as they came across the border, but they've been letting them cross in such numbers that the BP hasn't been able to keep up. As time goes on, it's going to become a bigger issue. In Europe, people are turning on the governments that have allowed their countries to be invaded by people who have no intention of adopting their countries' culture, but expect everyone to understand that it's considered okay to rape women and girls who aren't covered head to foot. It will be an issue here, too.


If one wasn't suspicious enough of the 2020 Election, I can't imagine they'll be anymore suspicious of the upcoming 2024 Election because there's just no way Joe Biden got 81 Million votes, more than Obama for Christ sake who privately laughs about this probably to this day


β€œWalking into a dictatorship”


Sanders, Manchin and Cheney... Now there's three stoo... Uh, I mean "wise statespersons" for you.

Anyone the Democrats hate is always the next Hitler or Jim Jones (ironically, a Progressive Leftist and big Dem supporter) or the President from Stephen King's "The Dead Zone".


Biden's saying the same thing. I have a friend who's a diehard Democrat and bless her, she's bought what The View is peddling, which is whatever the White House tells them to think. Biden says Trump wants to be a dictator -- "HE SAID IT!!!1!" -- whereas he just plans on doing what Biden did the first ten minutes of his Presidency, which is sign EO after EO undoing his predecessor's term.

But Biden started with the "This election is about the future of our democracy!" bit. If Trump says it, too, who's surprised? Well, except for some of the people here.


Trying to instill fear into people is some straight up Nazi propaganda. Maybe instead of undoing everything the president before him has done, Trump could do something NEW, like maybe improve the enormous cost of healthcare and housing?


"Trying to instill fear into people is some straight up Nazi propaganda."
I agree. Biden should stop it. You have no idea how my 100% Democrat friend is sincerely terrified by the rhetoric, even though Trump didn't do what they're saying he's going to do the first time around. Now Biden's flaks in the media are saying they're afraid they'll be put in camps. Gay Patriot on Twitter used to laugh and tell us it was Day [fill in the blank] of the Trump Administration and he still hadn't seen these Gay Concentration Camps the Democrats swore he and his husband would be put in. The Dems have been trying to instill fear in people since before this campaign cycle. Everyone they disagree with is a Nazi and is going to lock people up. Every time. Never fails.

"Maybe instead of undoing everything the president before him has done, Trump could do something NEW, like maybe improve the enormous cost of healthcare and housing?"
Maybe Biden could have left the border alone, and we wouldn't keep hearing of women and girls being tortured, raped and killed almost every day by people whom the Biden Administration was supposed to have been vetting, but since they've allowed the border to become swamped and the BP agents to be swamped, too, all the BP can do is just let illegals in and give a notice to appear before a judge...years from now.

Trump DID improve the cost of healthcare. He brought down the cost of insulin. Biden raised it, then lowered it with great fanfare as if he'd fixed something Trump had broken. Were you one of the many fooled by that? They count on silly people to have short memories. My husband had diabetes, so I know about this one. Trump also allowed terminal patients to have experimental drugs, which extended my husband's life about four years.


Improving housing prices would be difficult, since they don't allow logging on public lands, but they DO allow "controlled burns" which makes the timber useless. Let the loggers in there, allow them to make a living, and create the fire breaks the "controlled burns" do while lowering the price of the timber required to build houses. Instead, we've been buying timber from Canada, which is stupid, since we could log our own, put Americans to work, and lower the prices of timber.

The rest of the prices, of course, is Bidenomics. I'm going to have a generator installed because PGE promises ever so faithfully to cut our power in the summer, when proper logging practices would take care of the problem. The fellow who owned the generator company told me that the same unit and installation would have cost me $5000 less, pre-pandemic -- that is to say under Trump's economy.

Now I'll admit that 15 days to slow the curve was Trump listening to Fauci like an idiot. But Biden just doubled down on everything Trump did when it came to Covid.

Suffice it to say, though, that Bidenomics has destroyed our economy -- which is why they aren't talking about Bidenomics anymore, and are trying to rely on what you call "straight up Nazi propaganda" to scare people into voting for the guy who's giving them sticker shock up and down our once great economy.


"Now Biden's flaks in the media are saying they're afraid they'll be put in camps."
Can you link me to an article where a Democrat said that Trump was going to put gay people in camps?

"wouldn't keep hearing of women and girls being tortured, raped and killed almost every day by people whom the Biden Administration was supposed to have been vetting"
Can you link me to any information of women and girls being tortured, raped and killed by illegal immigrants please?

President Joe Biden raised insulin prices after former President Donald Trump lowered them.
Trump recognized that the price of insulin is lower under President Joe Biden but still tried to take credit for it.
If you don't want to actually READ, here is a graph:

Trump spent most of his term trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which covers roughly 45 million Americans, without offering an alternative health-care option.

You need to stop getting all of your information from tweets. If you want to use X at the very least fact check these claims.


1) Rachel Maddow is saying it now:

2) You must not watch the news, or you only get it from the sorts that call these incidents "fear mongering":

I know what we lived through and the price of medications and treatments under Biden. It's a little like Biden claiming he created all these jobs when in reality jobs just came back after the pandemic. I wonder how many jobs he would have created if he counted from BEFORE the pandemic.

You need to open your eyes to the crime epidemic. We can disagree on the others, but dang! You've got you head buried in the sand on the victimization of women by illegals. Soon, it will be as bad as England with the grooming gangs, where people like you turn their heads away while girls get gang raped every night, just because it doesn't fit your narrative.


First of all THANK YOU for actual links! I always ask for them and no one ever gives me any but you did and I appreciate it SO much. I really WANT to see other people's point of view and you took the time to do that.

1.) I never listen to Rachel Maddow for news, she is a news commentator like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity and Anderson Cooper. They make a living off of commentating on the news with a distinctly biased point of view to generate money for their station by telling their listeners what they want to hear, or use fear (like the Nazis did) to scare people into thinking that they have to do something drastic or the world is going to end, it's not 'news'.

This article was written to appeal to what certain people want to hear as well, you can see that even in the title how they deconstructed it with single quote marks because it's not a direct quotation.

She was discussing how she was worried about the country (broadly) if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people. What she actually said was β€œFor that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he’s planning are only for migrants? So, yes, I’m worried about me β€” but only as much as I’m worried about all of us.”

You can see how that quote was taken out of context to create a headline. She's not anymore worried for herself than the rest of us.

Despite her not exactly SAYING that everyone is going to be put into camps, she implied that they MIGHT be which is contributing to the fear tactic. It's important to recognize it and call it out no matter who or where it comes from.


I saw a clip where Maddow was saying on The View that she was worried about herself in particular and people in the country as a whole.

Did you know that many people take The View as an actual news show? They do. I guess because it gives an entertaining version of the overall message the the MSM is trying to push. Like how Biden is the victim of "cheap fakes." You'd think they'd want to show the clips in context just to show what's been cut out or altered. But they never do. Golly. Makes you wonder why.


Here's another link where a Democrat in the Administration is saying it'll be the end of our country and the world if Trump wins the election:

Not much fear there. Oh, no.


2.) Thanks for those links, I read them all, it's important to stay informed.

I could read them and become scared and angry at all immigrants. It's easy to do, they come from somewhere else and have customs that make us uncomfortable, they don't speak our language, it's all unfamiliar, alien and DIFFERENT. It's easy to turn them into the boogie man, especially if someone was constantly telling me they were raping torturing and killing women on a daily basis.

However if you zoom out and actually start comparing crime rates between undocumented immigrants, legal immigrants, and native-born US citizens you find that the truth is quite a different story.

I've given you a lot of different sources because I know that Republicans don't trust some of these sources so maybe one of them will be trustworthy to you, if not, PLEASE look it up for yourself. it's important!

This one has a graph of just Texas crime:


The point is that Mayorkas and Biden are in charge of making sure these people are properly vetted. If they're coming through at a rate where the Border Patrol cannot properly vet them, they need to slow them down until they can be properly vetted.

Yes, we do have enough home-grown criminals. We don't need to import more.
