MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Donald Trump is the antichrist

Donald Trump is the antichrist

Among the list of criminal activity and questionable behavior, Trump is responsible for seeding chaos and discord. He single handily caused hatred and public mistrust of the CDC and Asians.

The man is a walking time bomb. I'm not even sure why nobody has tried to assasinate Donald Trump yet.


Nope, the dark side could not compromise him; he refused their offer to join them so they made him public enemy number one.

The establishment's propaganda and fake news have deceived you.


Are we starting to figure out why women were once not allowed to vote?


Well in The Book of Revelation, the antichrist gets involved with a whore.

Why didn't Trump spend his OWN money to pay off that whore Stormy Daniels? He could have done that. Instead he got his lawyer to use monies allocated for his political campaign for US president to pay off the whore.


So that one line is all the identification you require is that right? Also please give Matthew 7:1-5 a read.


No it's just one example. Why should I list them all?


Why any? What do you think you'll get from it? Believers in your ridiculous accusations?


I remember when he was president for four years and the demons from Hell took over the Earth.

Oh wait, that never happened.


Yes it did
One conviction and a million indictments later


Running out of your meds? Well, that's also a failure of the Biden administration... 🙄
