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Felons or dupes? Treatment of Trump’s fake electors has varied wildly by state

It amazes me that most MAGA zombies aren’t even aware of the fake elector scheme to steal the 2020 election. Unlike the unproven “massive voter fraud” in the 2020 election, there is tons of hardcore evidence that Trump & his cohorts tried to steal it.
And it’s a travesty of justice for the American voters that we most likely won’t see a trial revealing these corrupt lunatics


The lady doth protests too much, me thinks...


Fake elector


What about the fbi and the cia working without authorization to run a political operation against the sitting president AND the american people during an election?

IMO, that's the worst example of the breakdown of our society.


the worst example of the breakdown of our society

I dunno, some dudes are buying women's farts in a jar for actual money... But this is pretty bad too.


wtf are you talking about?


The cover up op to suppress the hunter biden laptop story.

The top law enforcement agency and the top intelligence agency both went rogue togethter, operating at best illegally and at worse treasonously.

iMO, that is vastly worse that the way that Trump tried to game the system.

Trump was at least trying to pretend to play by the rules, and possibly ACTUALLY playing within the rules.

The fbi and cia? THey were completely off the reservation. No authorization, operating both against the sitting president and the American voter.

I'm not a lawyer, I don't know what laws they violated, but I would think it would be a whole host of laws, each and every one of them.

BUT, even above and beyond that, is the complete violation fo their oaths of office, both the letter and the spirit.

At LEAST the leadership of both organizations need completely purged, and replaced by loyal Americans. And actually that might not be nearly far enough.

THere should be a massive criminal investigation, that is not focused on which low level cia or fbi agent did which act, but WHO THE FUCK WAS IN CHARGE of this.


Why should there be a trial for using "alternate electors" which is legal and have been used for decades, especially by the DNC.
They were prepared to use their own slate of alternate electors in 2020 against Trump.


Why isn’t there a trial to prove your absurd points?
Why doesn’t Trump want a speedy trial and clear his name?
Why are there dozens of people indicted for this?


The hivemind and NPCs don't care about trials, they consider everyone guilty unless others agree with them.

Courts are rigged and many judges are compromised/corrupt. The DeepState/Swamp owns them.

Dozens of bogus indictments? ... see the above points.
