MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Is he the only one who can stop the Ukra...

Is he the only one who can stop the Ukraine war?

I think so.


You are not thinking.


Biden clearly wants the war to continue. Trump wants to stop it.


PUTIN wants the war to continue cos russia is shit. They have a shit economy and NEED the Ukraine's resources.

Biden is inept, but he's not a pig. I don't think any politician from this country wants the "war" to continue, unless they have a vested interest in the death and profit from Russia.

International diplomacy is not the simple thing you may think it is.

And chump may say he wants the death to stop, but he's got a deal for himself with putin(hisass)... there's no benevolence and goodwill with chump!

Biden has supplied arms and assistance to the Ukraine... if he wants ANYTHING it's for Ukraine to kick the shit out of putin(chumpsass) and russia without further US involvement. That would avoid WORLD WAR.

chump has a building in moscow, no...? And fuck russia! Racist fucks!


America in his imperial form (So Biden's form) has all the interest for the war to continue. Yes,they are spending money,but from USA's point of view its money well spent because they basically pay Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia and only Europe pays the price of this war. America under Trump,instead,doesnt want to be "the police of the world" so in this way America stops to fund wars in the world.


I wore a uniform, so for US soldiers to go die in this "war" is NOT something I want.

And the ONLY REASON chump doesn't want US to be the "police of the world" is because he has side deals with putin(hisass). If you think otherwise, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you!

He also has side deals with the saudis.... you know, those pricks who did 9-11?!

There is no benevolence and good will with fat fonzie. None.

If these are things you refuse to see, I cannot help you see them.


youre talking about side deals with zero basis. ZERO PROOF. The only proof comes from accusations from the same group of people who accuse everyone of the things THEY DO! Meanwhile Biden's son has literally ties to Ukrainian energy companies. You're a moron, which is why you wore a uniform. Go back to eating your goyslop and dying for Israel and corporate entities. Your opinion is not only completely stupid and baseless, it's irrelevant and invalid. SO save your breath replying to me because I dont give a shit what you have to say. Just die for Israel and save the tax payers your welfare.


The Saudis gave baby boy "Mr. Ivanka" how many billions...?!

"Zero Proof" my dingaling!

YOU are the ones who have zero proof! You had Hillary in front of congress, never pled the fifth, and still you talk shit about her.. you talk shit about Biden... with NOTHING coming of it... how's them hearings going????

And you have the nerve to accuse others of "no proof"?!

Like whomever you like politically, but sell your horseshit elsewhere.... I ain't buying it!


What do the Saudis have to do with Russia vs Ukraine you pathetic bootlicker!
No proof? What exactly qualifies Hunter to be employed by anyone let alone a Ukrainian Energy company. And how's the hearing going? About as well as you'd expect when criminals investigate themselves, you moron. No mention of the shared bank account between Joe and Hunter, and absolutely no charges for Hunter's FARA violations and how all of that makes Joe part of RICO crimes including treason. So if this country wasn't a banana republic, both would be and should be executed (a banana republic you fight and should die for, like the bootlicker you are). Go on defending this filth, because you're apart of it and the only way to get clean is ante up and kick in. So do the world a favor.


Eat a dick you conservative douche tool.

Know that all you fuqers are gonna be locked up.

I did ante up, unlike that ass hat chump! Go complain to fat, greedy fux like him about the way this country is a "banana republic"!

Kinda fitting, karma and all... with how the US shit on all of South America and the Caribbean with "American Fruit", and the illegal wars started by the CIA to over throw socialist governments in favor of friendly dictators who let the US do whatever the fuck we wanted down there as well as the cocaine trade being commandeered by the CIA and CRACK being let loose on the streets here in America... WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND, Dickhead. You reap what you sow... and those Christians... they love the bible until it turns back on them!

Your tears taste wonderful.

But don't worry. The way REPUBLICANS have fucked everything up and are OBVIOUS HYPOCRITES, there will not be another repub Pres for a long time! BOOBERT and Garbagy Taylor Greene are soon to be out... mitch is having conniptions... and jim jordan can't hide from hypocrisy... none of your impotent, closet case fux will have a future. Enjoy that!



T.D.S. on full display. lol hilarious, these are the few people that vote BIDEN hahaha


hows he going to stop the war. get into detail with specific examples.


No. Dont tell me to do shit. I dont have to explain anything to you. It'd be like trying to teach algebra to a retard or more to the point, you.


bitching out. its your conservatives modus operandi


makes perfect sense to do when the M.o. of a liberal shithead is to play the fallacy wheel of fortune.


im not a liberal but nice try :) so no evidence huh? just bitching out? good conservative B


Not a liberal? Oh, so just a straight up corporate bootlicker shill. Your thoughts, opinions, ideas and questions are irrelevant. Welcome to the ignore list.


keep throwing spagetti something will stick lol. you are sooooo desperate and pathetic


Know that all you fuqers are gonna be locked up.

Yeah, little fascist, that's what the Nazis did with the opposition as well. Biden supporters... 😂🤣


Better to buy a pardon from someone like Fat Fonzie, right?


Everything is better than being a Nazi.


Make sure chump's nazi supporters, with the "good genes" know you feel that way.

PROUD BOY LOCKED UP!!!! LOL! I hope his nazi ass gets it good in prison!


Ehm, sorry, you don't get that it is YOU who talks like a Nazi?


LOL! Yeah, tell yourself whatever you need to.


No Fonzie?

This moron has surpassed emori as being the most uninformed clown on the Ukraine issue.

Imagine supporting Nazis, then calling others racist.


Fuck man, what are you on about???

Go sniff some glue or something!


Just curious why you believe Biden wants the war?


yes an aggressive authoritarian bully invaded their democratic neighbour. thinking it would be a cake walk, and ended up getting their ass handed to them.

why would we want to roll over like a bitch to Putin?


He’s the only one who’ll try. Democrats have been prolonging it for 18 months. The peace deal was ready to go a week after it started.

Unfortunately until Democrats are removed it will be much of the same. The blood of over 100,000 Ukrainians and Russians is on their hands.

They have a great money laundering scheme going and they’ve never cared about killing people.


so what would trump do exactly?


what specifically would trump do? i see you dodged moviechatter below like a chicken shit


Trump alone is the only one that can do it.


How do you think Trump would stop the war?



Would it really matter if I gave you an answer?



I do like it when a person who makes a claim, has the guts to back their claims with some sort of proof or line of reasoning. Do you have anything at all to support the notion that Trump alone is the only person who can stop the war?

I think you don't and that is why you're fencing with me. I don't mind being wrong though.


>>>Do you have anything at all to support the notion that Trump alone is the only person who can stop the war?<<<

I have a few...

1. Putin didn't do this under Trump's watch. that alone should tell you something.

2. Putin and Trump are best friends.. right? It should be easy for him to negotiate a peace deal...

3. Trump was able to garner deals with other world leaders. After all, his book is called "the art of the deal" for a reason. lol...

4. Trump has actually made deals with leaders that no one would have even dreamed of making a deal with.

5. If anything, NATO needs to share the biggest burden of this catastrophe. And Trump would straighten them out. Trump would stop sending billions to secure Ukraine's border and would use that money to secure our own border. In fact, we shouldn't do anything to help other nation's borders until we fix our own first.

There's more but I don't want to bore you with all this....


The invasion did not happen during the Trump administration because Trump was Putin's bitch.

What "deals with other world leaders" are you referring to? Is one of them the deal that lead to 5000 Taliban prisoners being released so they could kill more Americans?

I think Tony Schwartz wrote Art of the Deal, not Trump.

Trump was not really interested much in securing our border while he was president; he was mostly talk and very little action. He only got an additional 80 miles of wall built and did not get Mexico to pay for it as promised.

Go ahead and bore me some more. Your claims are stupid, but somewhat entertaining.


"2. Putin and Trump are best friends.. right? It should be easy for him to negotiate a peace deal..."

A negotiation involves two sides. Do you consider Trump to be a big friend of Zelenskyy? I mean they did have a perfect conversation in which Trump threatened him with stopping military aid in return for lying about Joe Biden.


I would also like to know how Trump would end the war.


If I answer this, do you promise not to come back with "no, that wouldn't work"? lol

The real question is, why wasn't Biden able to stop it before it even started?


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it sucks. Why do you want assurances that your claim will be welcome here by anyone?

Biden said from the start he would not use NATO troops to stop the invasion and his sanctions were ineffective.


I'm really curious so I won't say it wouldn't work. Promise.


How could Biden have stopped it before it started?


Joe Biden
Vladimir Putin doesn’t want me to be President. He doesn’t want me to be our nominee. If you’re wondering why — it’s because I’m the only person in this field who’s ever gone toe-to-toe with him.


BIDEN: "Folks, you hear the news? Once again, Putin and the Russians are trying to engage in our elections and decide who the president's going to be. And this time around I'm the object of their attention. Because Putin knows that I am president of the United States his days of tyranny and trying to intimidate the United States and those in Eastern Europe are over. I'm going to stand up to him. He's a bully, just like the president. And I know he doesn't want me to be president, but to tell you what, when I'm president things are going to change. Mr. Putin, the American people decide their elections, not you."


What on Earth? How does this answer anything?


Putin is so scared of Biden, thats why he didn't invade Ukraine yet. I think Putin is going to wait for Trump to be President to start his invasion.


He’ll do it in 24 hours just like he drained the swamp…oh wait…


How would Trump stop the war?


Trump and Harry Stamper will save us all.


Yes.. Trump is the Man who if elected a 2nd Term will end this ridiculous war that the current President enjoys sending Billions over to
