MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why is he meeting with RDS?

Why is he meeting with RDS?

They say it's for campaign strategy, but Trump called RDS a loser. He wants campaign strategy advice from a "loser"?

Others are saying that Trump's asking RDS to be the VP choice. They're both alpha males. That doesn't sound like a good mix.

What do you think?


Ralph Delano Salazar?


I never knew why pretending to be stupid was considered a good debate strategy here or on IMDb.

I can't remember which state it was -- not Florida -- where a poll had Trump at only 70% of the GOP vote. It could well be worse in Florida, and I think Trump didn't want the humiliation. He took time out recently to slam RFK, Jr. (love to see how you pretend to misconstrue that) for syphoning off some of his votes. Trump won't admit that a lot of people want a reckoning for how Covid was handled, and that's RFK's appeal. He's syphoning votes from BOTH candidates, because we have two of the most unpopular geriatrics running than have ever been pitted against each other.


honestly, who is RDS? is it so hard just to say their name?

what about KLM or KAC? or SBS


No, it's not hard to say his name. It's just easier to use the shorthand term that millions who follow politics recognize, but apparently not the DJT followers on this site. 😂

Speaking of, when people write DJT, I don't suddenly go all brain-dead and pretend I don't know who's being referred to. But pretending to be stupid is a debate ploy with some people.


President Donald John Trump


Robert Downey Senior


Who is RDS?


Ron DeSantis



DeSantis is a great governor. Good to have on the team.

The country on the brink of collapse. It’s going to take a team of affective leadership to take out the Democrat party/establishment Republicans for good. It’s no longer about politics.

Everything needs to be on the table. The current government has proven it no longer answers to the American people. The adults are going to have to take over and clean house.

It’s Gino Felino time.


How is the country 'on the brink of collapse'?


why didnt you say that 2 days ago?

its actually RDD


Why didn't I say that two days ago? Because you were saying, "Who's RDS?" as if you'd never had a serious thought in your head or a real political discussion in your life.
If you want to pretend you're stupid, I'll treat you that way. I mean, it's your call. 🙄


what about KLM or KAC? or SBS


Right now, the only people on my radar are JRB, Jr., RFK, Jr., DJT, and RDS. You can worry about the rest of the alphabet.


what are your thoughts on KLM, KAC or SBS being VP? could Jr or Jr 2 be a VP? that would be interesting though.

I think IM"I"T should be the VP.


Whoever Trump gets for VP, it's going to be a diversity hire. Just watch.




Now it's being reported that Trump's narrowed things down to Governor Doug Burgum (R-ND), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), and Senator Tim Scott (R-SC). Funny how none of that lines up with your alphabet soup. Oh, and I'd like a link to where that alphabet soup is used in at least two different articles on politics. RDS, on the other hand, is used pretty commonly, even though you wanted to pretend you didn't know it. 🙄

I'm not really familiar with Doug Burgum's record which means he's obscure enough not to outshine Trump, which for Trump is important. Vance brings all of his RINO glory to the table, but he's just a white guy. He did have a movie made about him, though, and Trump is star-struck. Rubio isn't such a big Hispanic draw outside of Florida, but Trump may not know that. He is a bigger name than any of the others, but that's partly because of the Gang of Eight. Trump may try to polish that turd by saying it proves that Rubio can work across the aisle. But what did he work ON? That's something Trump doesn't want associated with his brand. Besides, Trump doesn't want a big name, or a relatively handsome face. Trump is insecure that way.

Which leaves Tim Scott. Scott is good-looking, but he's a mid-wit, so he won't outshine Trump. He's a RINO, too, but a lot of people don't know that. And he does bring the DEI hire to the table.

We have a winner! Scott is a name that comes up frequently, and whenever he does, I tell people he'll be the pick because deep down Trump is a Democrat, and we know how Dems love their DEI hires! Scott is Trump's Kamala.

I was rooting for Winsome Sears, Lt. Gov. of Virginia. She's savvy, a real conservative and ticks not one, but two boxes. She's a fighter, an all-American success story, and did I mention she's a real conservative? I can't mention that enough. She would balance the ticket.


that will be neat...


Turds of a feather...


poops of a democrat


Trump welcomed Cruz's support even after he insulted Cruz and his wife.

Neither of those guys are alpha males.


As it turns out, apparently he was going to the man he called such a "loser" to give him help fundraising. Trump never does anything on his own dime, even though he started campaigning for President when he came down that elevator so long ago saying he was going to use his own money. Then you go to his website that first day, and he had not one, but TWO buttons for "DONATIONS." As everyone knows, because of his legal problems, Trump's more than a little strapped for cash.

From what I hear, Trump got a lot of help with fundraising from RDS four years ago. If DeSantis agreed this time, he didn't jump right on it. But I imagine he will. If the situations were reversed, Trump wouldn't. He'd be going on about how RDS was begging him for help, but how he was so disloyal, etc.

Trump can be horrible, but he's better than Biden. He's only better than Biden because the bar is so incredibly low.


You're still not getting it?!

There was never a real competition or threat from Ron. It was all for show and optics.
Besides, Trump will test others with multiple chances as he did with McCarthy.

I suspect that his VP will be a female; otherwise, someone that stands in the background like Pence did.


YOU'RE not getting it. RDS seriously wanted to be President. In your conspiracy theory universe, what were the optics FOR? They don't just run a psy-op for kicks and giggles.

If there wasn't a real threat from RDS, the media wouldn't have shadow banned him. Fox's The Five wouldn't even mention that Trump met with RDS, that's how shadow banned RDS is. They tell us whenever Trump hands out burgers, that's how closely they follow Trump. Nothing on this? They didn't want us to know that DeSantis was strong enough that Trump needed him.

Trump wants DeSantis to do some fundraising because he desperately needs funds. Even the RNC's fundraising is down. Why? Because Lara Trump was stupid enough to say the quiet part out loud -- the funds were going to go to help Trump. That's when the word went out to everyone to give directly to your candidate of choice as opposed to the RNC, because they're not doing right by the Republicans down-ballot.

I would have agreed with you that it likely would have been a female. But Haley is such a RINO it's embarrassing. Again, Winsome Sears would be great, but she's a real conservative. He would want someone with the REPUTATION of being a conservative rather than being an actual conservative -- sort of like Pence. A strong, conservative woman like Winsome Sears would make Trump look weak and liberal. He doesn't want that. The other woman's name that was bandied about was Kristi Noem, and we all know how that turned out.

These names could just be floated to see what people think of them. They do that sort of thing a lot. Or the list could seriously be down to these four.


Trump VP short list:

- Marco Rubio
- Tim Scott
- JD Vance
- Elise Stefanik
- Byron Donalds
- Doug Burgum
- Kristi Noem
- Ben Carson
- Tulsi Gabbard
- Kari Lake

My personal pick list:

- Tucker Carlson
- Rand Paul


I'd love Rand Paul, but considering he's wanting to hold Fauci's feet to the fire on the clotshot issue -- and Trump thinks he should get an award for the clotshot -- that isn't going to happen. Tucker is sort of coming unglued on Twitter, so I think you'd want someone more tightly wrapped. He started going sideways when he became so enamored with UFOs.

There aren't very many good candidates. Again, I'd love Rand Paul, but Trump wouldn't. And if Rand Paul would take it, it would mean he doesn't have the courage of his convictions.


my pick is Tulsi Gabbard.


Can't get enough of those former Democrat, former WEF types.

Elon Musk was asked to join the WEF. He had enough sense not to. Why is it he could see what they were and Tulsi couldn't? I'd like someone with enough common sense to turn down that creepy organization that vants us to eat ze bugs, believes in Climate Change and has totalitarian solutions to it, and wants the 15 minute cities. Why couldn't she see what was wrong with them???


how do you know she is a WEF type? did tiktok tell you that?

she was a sane moderate democrat, which doesnt exist anymore. she has formally left the democrat party.

I guess you dont like strong women who think for themselves and will stand up for themselves? guess you forgot when Hillary attacked her for no reason?

I like her even more now after watching these videos. - at least watch this one.


She wants to claim that the WEF put her on their "Young Global Leaders" list without her knowledge. Unfortunately, the Internet is forever, and she made a tweet thanking them for selecting her as one of the Young Global Leaders in 2015:

I don't care much for lying liars that lie. But, my oh my, can she talk a good game! She's now taking the author's suggestion of how to not sound so evasive in her answers about her connection to the WEF. But if she has to be told how to answer in a way that doesn't sound sneaky, that's sort of telling.

If you don't know about her background, you could be impressed. Obviously, you ARE impressed. But she isn't adequately explaining her connection to the WEF. She's just lying about it. That makes her dead to me. Perhaps not to Trump who accepted the WEF's invitation to speak at their Davos, Switzerland meeting in 2018 and again in 2020. Trump didn't seem too down with their "doom and gloom" predictions, however, and said so right after Greta Thunberg had given her usual doom and gloom predictions at the 2020 meeting. I don't think they'll be asking him back for a third time.

What Hillary does or doesn't do means little. Who can forget that picture of Trump and his bride yukking it up with Bill and Hill at Trump's nuptials? And no, I don't have anything to do with TikTok.


You are aware that anyone can be lied to and be deceived right?!

While I’m well aware of her past and the possibility that she may still be another DeepState plant and control opposition, Tulsi appears to have done a 180 on the Dems/Leftists.

That’s something I personally credit far more than any fake RINO and CINO.

Don’t forget that Reagan and Trump were former Dems.

Don’t conflate “formalities” with true and real intentions.
Time will reveal her intentions … “You will know them by their fruits”


Why people always seem to think that Reagan was anything like Trump is beyond me. Listen to Reagan's keynote speech at the Goldwater convention and try to imagine Trump saying anything that conservative.

Trump governed like a 90's Democrat, essentially. The last year of his term was where you got to see the pressure on, and that's when the true Trump came out. Biden did everything Trump did on Covid, except he mandated the clotshot. Trump just developed and touted it.

Waiting for time to reveal the "true intentions" of someone who's been caught in lies about her past, is how you get lied to and deceived. Discernment really isn't a magical gift. It's the ability to notice things then applying simple common sense.


It's not about conservatism, we already have too many fake conservative politicians.
The more conservatism the bigger the divisiveness.

Tulsi didn't lie, the MSM is lying about her and you lacked the discernment to see that since she turned her back on the establishment narrative.

That common sense works both ways.


So you'd thank someone you stood against for putting you on their website, implying you were part of their program, without your consent? That's weird, since, most folks, if they're against an organization and the globalism they stand for -- even if they only found out about it after the fact -- would be pretty ticked off about something like that as soon as they figured it out. She not only thanks them, but "explains" it by saying, "‘hey here’s an opportunity for me to represent my community’." With a group that she claims she doesn't know much about.

"I don't know about the Brownshirts," said the Class A idiot politician, "but I said to myself, 'Hey! Here's an opportunity for me to represent my community!' So I gave them a warm thank you and acted like I knew about them and that we were on the same page. Naw, I didn't know anything about the Brownshirts, but it's not like they could be subversives, right? It's not like they're the 'World' something or other. That sounds pretty 'globalist', and I'm anti-globalist. But 'Brownshirts'? I mean, what could go wrong?"

So the next day it hits the media that she's aligned with the Neo-Nazi group, the Brownshirts, and she tries to backpedal as hard as she can when a little political savvy would have kept her from stepping in it.

You don't thank someone for an acceptance into their organization when you don't know what that organization is or stands for. That's just not bright. And someone that stupid is not someone one wants a heartbeat away from the Presidency. She also seems unable to understand the basic meaning of the word "World" meaning "GLOBAL." That's really, really not bright. 🤦🏼‍♀️

This is what I mean about applying simple common sense. And yes, it works both ways. She should use it, and those who back her should use it, too.


She didn't initially know what their intentions were. Now she does.

Most people still believe that the WEF/WHO/UN/GAVI are about helping the world, ending world hunger, world peace, etc.

As I said, anyone can be lied to and be deceived.

She appears to have turned her back on globalism.

I don't expect others to have the same level of discernment nor to be as quick at connecting the dots. Either way, she came around.

Don't forget that one of history’s greatest apostles was once a murderer of Christians.


"Most people"? Not in my corner of the world.

And the rest is wish casting. You want to believe those are her views because you want to believe those are her views. She's been caught in lies, but what she says now is the truth because that's what you want to believe. That's NOT how discernment works.

And now you're comparing her to Paul? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Most people don't live in 'your corner of the world'.

So you prefer to believe the lies and propaganda by the MSM.
That's not discernment. It's confirmation bias.

It's not what I want to believe, it's using common sense and deductive reasoning to connect the apparent dots.

Yes, she's not a murderer like Paul was, but the point is that anyone can be mislead.
No one is perfect.


I didn't say most people live in my corner of the world. You're the one who seems to think he can speak for "most people," which, of course, you can't.

The only MSM I listen to is Fox, and they have a love affair going with Tulsi.

There's nothing misleading about the globalist connotations of the Young *Global* Leader program of the *World* Economic Forum. Not even Kamala Harris is that stupid.

Personally, I don't think Tulsi's that stupid, either. I think she knew precisely what "global" and "world" mean. The smarter people out there do. So this won't fly too long: "I didn't know the Young Global Leaders were of a globalist nature. Nor did I know the World Economic Forum was globalist. How was I to know 'Global' and 'World' added up to 'globalist'? The dots weren't obvious enough for me!" 🙄


The WEF = Agenda-21/Agenda-2030/The Great Reset/The NWO/BBB, etc.

Agenda-21/Agenda-2030 was signed by 178+ Governments/Nations/Countries.

That’s speaking for most people.

And yes, Kamala and most other people support the WEF regardless if their name is on a list of membership. She is a globalist like 98% of the other politicians.

It’s not about been stupid.
Most people genuinely believe that it is a global plan of action to be taken that impacts the environment by the human population. How are they to know that it is part of a sinister and diabolical plan? ... Most people would label that as a conspiracy theory.


The Great Reset, for those paying attention to politics — and a former Congresswoman would be excused for knowing something about politics — is a globalist agenda. She’s named to the Young Global Leaders and then claims she doesn’t know they’re globalist. It doesn’t wash, unless she’s so stupid she has to use Velcro instead of tying her shoe laces.

No, she’s not that stupid. She knows that some people, for whatever reason — the same reason that every excuse is made for Trump no matter what he does or what reversal he makes — will make excuses for the people they’ve decided to like no matter what. Like you’re doing here for Tulsi. All she needs is a few of you who will excuse her every failing…like tweeting that she’s honored to be named to the Young Global Leaders, then claiming she didn’t know “Global” meant “global,” you know, like globalist.🤦🏼‍♀️


- Do you know the definition of globalism?

- Do you know the definition of a globalist?

- Do you know the concept of globalism?

- Do you know examples of globalism?

- Do you know how globalism is explained?

- Is globalism considered good or bad to the general public and society?

Research all those as a "normie" and tell me which one admits that their plans are sinister, diabolical or malicious.


I think we are wasting our time. destininta is using the skavua technique by pretending not to understand anything and rejecting all evidence.


Even if you redefine "globalist" or work it around so that you believe she didn't think the actually globalist WEF wasn't saying she was one of them by naming her to their YGL program, you still can't get around the fact that her silly "defense" is that she was giving fulsome thanks for being included in a group that she now says she didn't even know what they were about. She's not apologizing for doing something that stupid, so apparently she doesn't think it's stupid. Neither do you or Jo. Jo's actually resorting to projection at this point.

If you want to redefine "globalist," or pretend not to know what simple words mean, fine. Still, you're both evading the question of why any moderately intelligent politician with national ambitions would thank any group on the world stage for being included in their ranks when s/he didn't know what they stood for. It's mind-boggling. But not to you two. And not to Gabbard, who continues to use stupidity on a jaw-dropping scale as her "defense." 🤦🏼‍♀️

Be for her. Mazel tov. But she's going to be a drag on the ticket for all the reasons I've explained, and you two have rejected, if she is chosen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


doesnt matter, Trump will be your President soon...


Trump seemed to be signaling to Burgum that he’d be the pick, anyway.


it would be funny if Trump picked Tulsi.

then you would have


It would be hilarious. All the arguments I've made here would come raining down on Trump and Tulsi. Fox would want to run defense for her, but rather than make things worse for Trump, they'd likely just not say a word after some feeble, "We've been associated with Tulsi for a number of years, and..." sort of thing. That would leave all the other networks to rip her apart.

Trump's become quite the politician over the years, as much as his followers like to think he's still an outsider. Even if he decided to go DEI, Tulsi is one DEI hire that comes with too much baggage. But Trump has done some outrageously stupid things, so you still have hope for your favorite DEI hire!


Learning politics is different than been a member ‘of their swamp’.
If he was, they would not be persecuting him.


That isn't what being an outsider means. His followers wanted to tell us DeSantis folk that Trump was the true outsider. He was the guy siding with the establishment, though. There was a near MSM blackout on anything about DeSantis. It was clear Trump was the candidate they wanted to run, especially Fox.


And yet, the establishment is not persecuting DeSantis.


No, because they knocked him out of the race. They let Trump make it about stupid things like pudding fingers and cowboy boots rather than something substantial, like Trump's Covid policy. And why did they do that? Because all the networks get big money from Big Pharma. Even on Fox, the most ads are about medicine.

Isn't it a wild coincidence that both of the candidates from the two parties are the ones that toed the Big Pharma line on Covid? My, my! Amazing how that worked out, isn't it?

Well, at least now we're back to normal where it's just Trump and Biden duking it out. Well, there is that RFK guy, but they're giving him the DeSantis treatment. Too bad that he actually deserves it. He only has the one valid point to make. Pity it's on Covid. They'll never let him make it. Hide and watch -- he won't be in the debates.

If there even ARE debates. Trump opened that door when he was afraid to debate DeSantis. Now debates are optional -- probably for all time -- and whoever's most afraid gets to decide.


There is no 'redefining' anything.
You didn’t answer my question. You completely deflected from it.

How would you have convinced Tulsi that globalism/globalist is a bad thing?


Later, she was saying that she was against globalism and only thanked the WEF for putting her in their YGL program because she didn't know what it was. So apparently, I don't have to explain to Tulsi what's wrong with globalism.


My question was for "prior" to when she learned what they were.


We're talking past each other. You think Tulsi was so stupid she didn't know what they were. I think pretending to be that stupid is a bad answer. Worked for you, though.


No, she didn't know what they were and neither does most of the earth's population.

Prove me wrong by providing me with the answer to my six points as a normie.


It's pretty clear you don't pay attention to the news that's available. We expect politicians to, though. The WEF meets yearly in Davos to what? You think no one knows. Anyone who follows news on Twitter/X knows, especially if they follow @OzraeliAvi, otherwise known as Rebel News' Avi Yemini. Look him up on YouTube if you don't get him on Twitter. The WEF has been spending a lot of time on Covid and Climate Change, 15 minute cities, "Diversity is our Strength", etc., and how to approach it from a global perspective.

"Normies" use YouTube and Twitter, too. Even staffers and assistants to members of Congress. She was placed on the YGL of the WEF while she was in Congress. If she's not up on major players like the WEF -- Trump addressed them twice -- then she and her staffers are lazy.

Then again, she's no longer in Congress, so maybe it was too much for her.

I don't think Tulsi's going to be the choice. I'll be happy to eat crow if she's picked, but I don't think she brings much to the table other than being anti-foreign war [Trump is committed to funding Ukraine's war, which we can't afford, btw], and she's a DEI hire. That may be enough for Trump.

Here's a novel idea: Let's wait and see.


When I asked Gabbard if she would like an opportunity to explain her connection to the WEF she stated, “I’ve talked about this in different podcasts, Dr Drew’s podcast, Cameron Haynes. There’s not much more to say other than the fact that they put me on their website”.

When pressed as to why the WEF put her on their website, Gabbard said it would be a much longer conversation and she “can guess why they probably did”.

As Gabbard noted in her answer, she did indeed address this question in interviews with Dr. Drew and podcaster Cameron Haynes. When given an opportunity to explain her relationship with the WEF, Gabbard told Dr. Drew:

“So basically what what happened was early, I don’t know maybe in the first or second year that I served in Congress, I found out that my picture and name had been placed on the WEF website under this category they have listed as young global leaders, and it I looked at it and I was like okay well they have different people of different political parties and from around the world that are on this website. I was never asked to join and I was never informed by them that they had put my my name and picture on their website and I honestly didn’t know that much about it but people have said oh well what did you learn by graduating from Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders Academy or all this stuff and it’s just it’s it’s unfortunate that there’s a lot of I don’t know false assumptions being made. I’ve never gone to any of their events, I didn’t graduate from anything, so I’ve literally not had anything to do with the WEF. I’m glad to just make clear that there is no connection between me and the world economic Forum”

Gabbard also stated that her record shows that she has “been talking about, warning against the very things that these people are pushing”.


When speaking with Cameron Haynes Gabbard provided a similar answer, stating that the excitement around her election to office led to a number of groups and organizations attempting to recruit her.

“I go back to 2012 when I was first elected to congress there was a lot of buzz around my election and none of it was created by me but I was brought in and there were headlines and news stories saying oh you know Tulsa Gabbard’s rising star in the Democratic party.”

“My name popped up on the the WEF website as someone they had designated as a YGL. I didn’t know anything about it and I thought okay well maybe this is a platform where I can go and deliver my message and bring to the table the things that that I care about right and so all these different things came my way and I took advantage of opportunities.”

Gabbard told Haynes that she has spoken out against the “kind of globalist policies that the WEF pushes”. She also stated that she was not invited to speak at any of the WEF events and didn’t attend any of their sessions. However, she believed, “It’s important for me in that position to be able to take advantage of those platforms and opportunities to be that voice in the room, maybe the only voice in the room, right saying ‘no, we the people are not here to serve your globalist corporate agenda'”.

if you dont know anything about her than how can you judge her?


"While Gabbard states that she did not know anything about the WEF and had no idea how she ended up on their website, her tweets indicate she was not only aware but proud to be a YGL. If Gabbard is being honest, she was nominated to the Young Global Leaders without her knowledge and still chose to tweet about it and thank them. Perhaps later, with time to research she became aware of the true nature of the WEF and distanced herself.

"If this is the case, my next question is why did Gabbard only come forward with a deeper answer after I presented her tweet? Why not simply acknowledge you did get nominated, you were grateful, and later changed your mind? I hope to ask these questions in the future.

"Another possibility is that Gabbard was nominated as a YGL willingly and only later — once the public began to scrutinize the WEF — did she choose to distance herself from the organization and her membership scrubbed. This could mean she is still associated with them in some capacity not known to the public. While no evidence currently exists of this possibility it is important to remain skeptical.

"Unfortunately, the WEF is not the only suspicious connection Gabbard has made over the last decade." Then the author posts an article about Gabbard's association with the Council on Foreign Relations.

If you have to selectively quote the article to make Gabbard look good, how can you support her?


based on the link you posted this is what Tulsi said:

When I asked Gabbard if she would like an opportunity to explain her connection to the WEF she stated, “I’ve talked about this in different podcasts, Dr Drew’s podcast, Cameron Haynes. There’s not much more to say other than the fact that they put me on their website”.

When pressed as to why the WEF put her on their website, Gabbard said it would be a much longer conversation and she “can guess why they probably did”.

As Gabbard noted in her answer, she did indeed address this question in interviews with Dr. Drew and podcaster Cameron Haynes. When given an opportunity to explain her relationship with the WEF, Gabbard told Dr. Drew:

“So basically what what happened was early, I don’t know maybe in the first or second year that I served in Congress, I found out that my picture and name had been placed on the WEF website under this category they have listed as young global leaders, and it I looked at it and I was like okay well they have different people of different political parties and from around the world that are on this website. I was never asked to join and I was never informed by them that they had put my my name and picture on their website and I honestly didn’t know that much about it but people have said oh well what did you learn by graduating from Klaus Schwab’s young global leaders Academy or all this stuff and it’s just it’s it’s unfortunate that there’s a lot of I don’t know false assumptions being made. I’ve never gone to any of their events, I didn’t graduate from anything, so I’ve literally not had anything to do with the WEF. I’m glad to just make clear that there is no connection between me and the world economic Forum”

Gabbard also stated that her record shows that she has “been talking about, warning against the very things that these people are pushing”.


When speaking with Cameron Haynes Gabbard provided a similar answer, stating that the excitement around her election to office led to a number of groups and organizations attempting to recruit her.

“I go back to 2012 when I was first elected to congress there was a lot of buzz around my election and none of it was created by me but I was brought in and there were headlines and news stories saying oh you know Tulsa Gabbard’s rising star in the Democratic party.”

“My name popped up on the the WEF website as someone they had designated as a YGL. I didn’t know anything about it and I thought okay well maybe this is a platform where I can go and deliver my message and bring to the table the things that that I care about right and so all these different things came my way and I took advantage of opportunities.”

Gabbard told Haynes that she has spoken out against the “kind of globalist policies that the WEF pushes”. She also stated that she was not invited to speak at any of the WEF events and didn’t attend any of their sessions. However, she believed, “It’s important for me in that position to be able to take advantage of those platforms and opportunities to be that voice in the room, maybe the only voice in the room, right saying ‘no, we the people are not here to serve your globalist corporate agenda'”.

she is saying she is not part of the WEF and never was. why do you keep shilling for the democrats? did you watch the videos I posted?


I get it. You like Tulsi despite the information that is coming out about her because you like Tulsi. She talks a good game, denies like crazy when pressed, and you bought it, despite her denials being pretty thin. She made those tweets without knowing the true nature of the Young GLOBAL Leaders being globalist in outlook, and the WORLD Economic Forum being globalist as well. She'll start out saying she doesn't know anything, then backs away from that, gives it a makeover, and you buy the new, revised edition of the truth, claiming it's not new or revised. She just had to "clarify" that she couldn't understand plain language and thanked them for being named to a group that she didn't understand, despite the language being obvious, and even neophyte politicians know better than to thank a group whose goals they don't understand for including them in their program.

Her excuse is that she's too stupid to be anywhere near the presidency, let alone a heartbeat away from it.

While you think stupidity is a great debate gambit, I think it's pathetic. In Tulsi's case, I think it's a flat-out lie. And when I catch someone in a lie, I don't automatically believe whatever the liar says next. You do. When you find out that lying liars lie, you'll be all shocked, claim you had no warning, and will be off them like a dirty shirt...until the next charming liar comes along.

Back Tulsi to the hilt. Just don't say you weren't warned.

PS: World + Global = Globalist, and anyone of average or above intelligence knows it. But now she says everything you want to hear, so she must have been so stupid she was confused.

Maybe they should check her brain for that 🪱 RFK, Jr. has. It would explain a lot.


you dont like Tulsi because she is an intelligent and strong woman of color.


You apparently can’t see she’s a liar because of her sex and color. BTW, no truly intelligent woman of any color thanks a group for including her in their number without knowing what they’re about.


You apparently can’t see she’s a liar because of her sex and color.

that literally makes no sense. lol


Certain people can't see Kamala's a joke of a VP because of her sex and color. It's because they're prejudiced for Kamala. And their line for why people dislike her is exactly the same as yours -- "You don't like Kamala because she's an intelligent and strong woman of color." In fact, it's the line that's always used of any woman of color by people who really don't have anything but race to use as an argument.

As I've said, I'd like to see Winsome Sears as the VP. And when it comes to intelligent and strong, she leaves Tulsi in the shade.

Again, an intelligent politician doesn't thank a group for including them in their number when they don't know what they stand for. That was Tulsi's excuse for those tweets.

But, again, Trump's made it sound as if he's going with Burgum, so it looks like he'll be sidestepping all the baggage you can't see Tulsi as having. My guess is HE can see it, even if you can't.


everyone knows Krapmala is a joke. it doesnt matter what she looks like.


Not everyone. There are Democrats that think she's great and think anyone who doesn't like her does so because they can't stand intelligent and strong women of color. In fact, it's such a Democrat trope that it was more than a little disgusting to see you using it.

BTW, I'd heard that they were graduating people who didn't know that you capitalize the word at the beginning of a sentence, but I didn't think I'd ever meet one.


thats my schtick. KOWALSKI TYPES IN ALL CAPS and I dont capitalize words.


It looks ignorant since you do capitalize some words. It looks like you flunked first grade English. But it goes well with your arguments, so there's that.


I was held back in kindergarten. so theres that. everything I do is done on purpose. most people are not smart enough to catch on.


I didn't even go to kindergarten. My mother couldn't see the point. I could already read, so she figured it would just be a waste of everyone's time.

Most people can't understand why you would want to look ignorant.

Apparently, you're not typing on an Apple device. An iMac will allow you to not capitalize after a period, but the others I've worked with won't unless you disengage the shift key at the beginning of sentences. I can't remember what Androids do. If you're working on an iPhone or an iPad, for example, you have a real commitment to not capitalizing. Well, except for that "I" at the beginning of your last post. You could have gone all e.e.cummings on us, but you're not quite that committed to it.

See, it's not that people aren't smart enough to figure out you're doing it on purpose. You're not doing it consistently, so it looks like stupidity or laziness. It makes you happy, though. Like your arguments -- they convince you, and you seem to be the only one you're trying to convince.


None of that answers my question or six points.

Of course many normies use twitter, YT and other platforms, but that doesn’t mean they believe that globalism/globalists are bad.

Almost everything you stated is from a non-normie POV.

Twitter has become less censorious since Elon took over, but the normies there still believe that the WEF/Globalists are OK and there’s nothing malicious or sinister about it/them, they dismiss any claims as a conspiracy theory.

Just because you’re awake to globalism doesn’t mean that the normies and general population is.

Tulsi was a normie. At least now she is half-awake.


You have your own language. You should have to post your definitions at the end of every post. I would ask you what a "normie" is by your definition, but I honestly don't care. Sometimes your posts don't make any form of sense, so I don't bother addressing any part of them.

If I'm a non-normie, whatever that means, then how can I answer your gibberish from a "normie" point of view?

You just proved you don't spend enough time on Twitter to know what people think.

So you are for someone as VP who, by your admission, is only half-awake. Okay. 🙄

PS: Your grammar is like having a root canal done without novocaine.


More deflections and complaining about semantics.

Half-awake is still better than comatose.

The many normie comments on twitter is proof enough of what they think and how they think.

They are the same leftoids or TDS sufferers as the ones from this forum. Same normies, different platforms.

You're the only one complaining about my grammar. Must be an age thing.

Oh, and having a non-normie perspective about a couple of things doesn't make you one.


I'm not trying to deflect. If I can't understand your gobbledegook, I can't respond to it.

I'm not going to try to understand your slippery definitions of "normie/non-normie/half-awake/comatose" gibberish. It means something to you [Destinata says, patting tvfan on the head]. That must make you happy. So long as one of us is.

If you had a job where you had to use English, your boss would be complaining about your grammar. It's a competency thing. It's like JoWilli going through life pretending she can use any kind of punctuation or grammar she pleases. Sooner or later you're going to have to work for someone who knows that sentences begin with capitals, whatever your schtick is.

So, back to the actual topic, Tulsi's qualification is that she's "better than comatose." Wow. I can see why you and JoWilli argue for her. 🙄

I'm done. I keep expecting the Monty Python "Too silly! Too silly!" guy to show up and call a halt to this.


She’s not perfect but she has come around by turning her back on the Democrats and she has been persecuted ever since.

You dismissed her on the basis of something too trivial.


I dont really give a hooty patooty what people think.


Capital at the beginning of the sentence and period at the end, just like they taught me in first grade. Congrats!


lol thanks


my pick is Tulsi Gabbard.


^^^ he’s right



she is free thinker which is why Hillary attacked her.


Tulsi Gabbard the WEF Young Global Leader? She's only free to follow the guidelines of Klaus Schwab. Same guidelines Macron and Trudeau are following to destroy their countries.


how does Klaus Schwab control what Tulsi says? can you elaborate?


She is an alumnus of his "Young Global Leaders" program. These people enter governments and implement WEF strategies. Notables include Justin Trudeau of Canada and Emmanuel Macron of France.

Hear Klaus Schwab discuss this himself:


I dont see on the webpage. maybe you should check first before spread lies.



she is not on there. I searched Tulsi and nothing came up. maybe you are confusing her with Nikki. which is kinda racist. how embarrassing.

USA Nikki R. Haley Governor of South Carolina

Tulsi is not Indian.

Gabbard has both European and Samoan ancestry, and was raised in a multicultural household. Her mother was born in Indiana and grew up in Michigan. Her father was born in American Samoa and lived in Hawaii and Florida as a child; he is of Samoan and European ancestry.


Nikki and Tulsi are indistinguishable. 2 Asian women pretending to be white Republicans.


Nikki is a warmongering NeoCon, Tulsi is not ... Big difference.


because all brown women look alike?


Not all. Definitely those two, though. Both are middle-aged women of Asian descent pretending they are WASPs. Plus, their careers and political stances are extremely similar.


my original point still stands, Tulsi is not a part of the WEF.


I would revise that to read "Tulsi denies she is part of the WEF".


she was, and now she isnt. she has said that numerous times...


I would revise that to read "Tulsi denies she is part of the WEF".

Yes. This is an accurate statement. When pressed, she claimed she didn't know what the WEF or YGL were, which, as a Congresswoman, is a pretty outrageous statement. The WEF is not an obscure organization. A Congresswoman should have known who they are/were and what they stood/stand for.


She was never the WEF's puppet.

The truth straight from Tulsi:

Here are three comments about her:

She was on Tucker's and HE pointed out that she's the only one that didn't get rich after serving 8 years. DC was Tucker's town and he should know what's going on there.

That's why I looked into her record and her statements, which are essentially the opposite of what WEF promotes, and those were positions that Tulsi took on issues that are political cyanide.

I think they thought she would be the puppet they wanted. Instead, she proved to be worth way more to real people and not the WEF or otherwise. I support Tulsi, she is the only rational person that I've seen in politics and one of the few anti-war people. She'll never be anyone's puppet. She's an independent thinker.

A Congresswoman should have known who they are/were and what they stood/stand for.

But neither do you.
You refuse to provide answers as to what they are/were and what they stand for; from the same perspective as most of the population.

You expect her to know something that you can't explain what it means to ordinary and uninformed people.


"From the same perspective as most of the population." You will not understand that Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard was not part of "most of the population," and was privy to information we did not have.

I think somewhere I pointed out that the WEF met at Davos to discuss the important questions facing the globe and how to deal with those problems in a coordinated, global fashion. It's not as though it was a secret. She said she didn't know what they were about. She should have known far better than we what they were about, and yet her excuse for praising them in tweets was ignorance.

It boggles the mind.


The mere fact of her denial tells me enough.


haha too late, I went to the wayback machine to pwn you!


[–] whynotwriteme (7147) a few seconds ago
Maybe you should check before you try to obscure the truth.

The page you linked does not go back as far as 2011 when she was listed under her real name. Apparently they are scrubbing her name, but it's on the Wayback machine. Just scroll down to "North America".

and here:

Nikki R. Haley, Governor of South Carolina

Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley is the Governor of South Carolina. She is a member of the Republican Party.

She is one of the two Indian Americans to be included in the Young Global Leaders' list by the WEF.

Haley is the first Indian and the first woman to serve as Governor of South Carolina, and the second Indian-American governor in the country, after Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. At the age of 39, she also displaced Jindal as the youngest current governor in the United States.


dang you got pwned! lol


Robert Downey Sr?


Again, I've never understood why pretending to be stupid is considered such a great debate ploy on this site.
And if I'd meant a non-politician like Robert Downey, Sr, I'd have abbreviated it as RD, Sr.


The distinguished offspring of Morton Downey Jr? Good choice.


Trump/De Santis would make a Dream Team. 4 years of Trump, 8 years of De Santis equal 12 years of prosperity and power for the USA. Hopefully by the end of it, Progressive Liberalism will be seen in the same light as Marxists and Nazis.
