MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He associates with only the best ....

He associates with only the best ....

Woman who accused ex-Trump adviser of molesting her says he shouldn’t lead a church

Pastor Robert Morris, a Texas megachurch pastor who served as a spiritual adviser to former President Donald Trump, has confessed to a “moral failure” four decades ago after a woman accused him of repeatedly molesting her as a child.

The woman, Cindy Clemishire, told NBC News that Morris, now a senior pastor of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, was staying with her family on Christmas night in 1982. She was 12; he was 21. Clemishire, now 54, said he invited her to his room, where he instructed her to lie on her back. He then touched her breasts and felt under her panties, Clemishire said — the first of several similar encounters that would span the next 4½ years, she said.

“Never tell anyone about this,” Clemishire recalled him saying. “It will ruin everything.”

This rapist refers to rape as petting and the media goes along with it. Disgusting.
This monster went on to threaten his rape victim by telling her that she “could be criminally prosecuted" for seeking restitution for the crimes against her.

But Trump only surrounds himself with the best people.




So you would be okay with people laughing at you or your daughter for being a rape victim? You are sick.


dems laugh at ashley biden,. thats sick


Why do you appear to be laughing along side them then?


why do you support Joe and showers with daddy?


I don't. The difference between me and you, is that you are evasive and I am not.


evidence please.


You provided the evidence in your posts. I cannot open your eyes if you insist on keeping them shut.


yes I know that Trump is awesome which is why everyone talks about him everyday.


Have you ever heard of considering “others” being good/best until they prove otherwise? ... and when they prove to be bad, than that is solely on them.

Do you still believe that Trump should be omniscient or a mind reader or a telepath or a magical wizard?


Any person would find it to be a real asset to be a good judge of character. Trump has proven over the years to be a very poor judge of character, especially compared to other politicians.

How many Trump political associates have been put in prison compared to those associated with Biden and Obama?

Trump surrounds himself with people that are just like him. They are rapists and felons just like he is.

Why aren't you blaming the deep state for this incident?


98% of those politicians/associates that surrounded him were/are treasonous backstabbing snakes. Their actions are solely on them.

You dismissed everything I stated in my previous reply as usual.

You have no common sense and no discernment about anything.

Your acute TDS affliction has impaired your capacity to reason. Seek help.


To be fair, the vast majority of what you post is nonsense and so easily dismissed.

A criminal does not exist in a vacuum. The people Trump surrounds himself with did not just suddenly wake up one day and decide to violate the law. They were bad and acted that way when Trump gathered them in to him.


They were bad and acted that way when Trump gathered them in to him.

They had a choice of continuing to be bad or turning a leaf, repenting and becoming the best they can be.

You must be deluded if you think that Trump had many choices to choose from.

Once again, Trump is not a magical wizard.


Trump had many choices. He would have been better off choosing those who worked for Obama seeing as how they could continue to work for him instead of going to prison.


Those who worked for Obama are the same snakes as the others, lol. Thanks for confirming that Trump had "very few" choices.


You are not from the US so quit pretending to be a MAGA. Aren't there enough problems in your shithole country for you to be concerned about?


If you mean the USA, than yes, there are plenty of problems caused by anti-American traitors and groomers like you.


I can't believe that you spent your whole life misspelling "centre" and nobody ever corrected you in your whole life. It's not a typo because you've used "centre" numerous times. If you are an America then tell us where you were born. Name the city and county.


Of course you couldn't answer a simple question, foreigner. Okay, I'll go first. I was born in Hollywood which is in Los Angeles County. As always you are a huge dumbass!


If those who worked for Obama were the same snakes as those who worked for Trump, then why are they not in prison like some of the people who worked for Trump?

There are lots of old white lawyers and businessmen to choose from in the USA. Trump had a ton of choices.


Who is going to put those people in prison, themselves?

The DOJ/FBI and all the other three later agencies have been weaponized and/or part of the DS/Cabal/Swamp/Shadow Gov.

Most of those others you claim worked for Trump were not loyal to him, they are backstabbing DS/Swamp shills that pretended to be supporters of Trump.

Lawyers? Are you serious? ... They are the worst and on the same line as most corrupt politicians.

Provide me with a list of businessmen that you know for a fact are true MAGA/Patriots or true conservatives that are not compromised or corrupt in some way.


Trump said he would do it, but he changed his mind. Or are you going to say that was the DS talking?

Then why did Trump hire back stabbers? Because he was a very poor judge of character? Why are Trump's associates stabbing him in the back but other presidents were/are not having that problem? Probably because they are not hiring sociopaths.

As much as people like to badmouth lawyers, some of us need them from time to time and want the most cut-throat ones we can find. Unfortunately Trump seems to hire lawyers based on cup size and the based upon the possibility of banging them. Habba is an example.

I will not provide you with a list. The fact that Trump hires future criminals is all the evidence I need to show that Trump is a super poor judge of character.


Trump has proven to give others "multiple" chances (eg. McCarthy) to make the right choices.

Other presidents were not having that problem because they were chosen or selected by the DS/Swamp.

The fact that you can't provide me with a list proves that you are no better at character judgement or that I'm right.


Oh, it is the DS fault, not Trump? Your DS crap is lame lame lame.


The DS didn't choose Trump. He is their number one enemy.

The DS is real whether you believe it or not.

Most politicians, businessmen and lawyers from all sides of the political spectrum are either part of that DS or are compromised/corrupt in some capacity. Those are the Facts.


Please show us the evidence that you claim to have that the Deep State is real. I'm not waiting because you always run away like a pussy when you are when pressed for proof of your many claims and conspiracy theories. Plus you are a foreigner so nobody so cares what you think about American politics.


If you believe that they are conspiracy theories than why do you insist on asking?


Please show us the evidence that you claim to have that the Deep State is real. I'm not waiting because you always run away like a pussy when you are when pressed for proof of your many claims and conspiracy theories. Plus you are a foreigner so nobody so cares what you think about American politics.

Your stupidity and gullibility continues...


No serious person questions the deep state today.

Maybe you're playing some stupid definitions games, maybe you are just gaslighting, no matter.

You can't expect to be taken seriousy.


How did Trump get elected in 2016?


You're wasting your time with tvfan. He is not a US citizen and he claims to this day that he has proof that the 2020 election was rigged. I just don't know what he's waiting for.


He was Trumps "spiritual healer".
I'll bet they got along great!


You can just about bet that any megachurch pastor is prone to "moral failings."

The sickening part is that they send them to some sort of camp where they are "restored" and are allowed back in the pulpit. No, I'm sorry. Just as I think should be done with priests with "moral failings," they should be sent to prison, no solitary -- general population. Let them see what it's like.
