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Americans are hypocrites: send Trump to prison for petty crimes but ignore Bush was a war criminal

Bush tortured prisoners and lied to the people to start an illegal war. The Iraq War was illegal, even the UN, Putin, and Bush(!) said the war was illegal.

Oh, and not to mention Bush ordered to bug UN offices. Ever heard of Watergate? Nixon had to resign for bugging, but nothing happened to Bush.


Bush is a Deep State swamp member.

“We the People” have no say in who should be in prison while the Cabal is in control.
The same Cabal persecuting and trying to imprison Trump on bogus and elevated charges.


Was he impeached?




Immortan Joe should go to jail for ruining america.


Who is going to put him in prison? Trump said he could deal with people like him, but he folded like a lawn chair as soon as he was elected and was in a position to "do whatever he wanted per article 2 of the Constitution".


The amount of taxpayers' money spent on prosecuting Trump is insane. Could have spent it on improving social services for example, but the demokrauts must have their way.


How much more was spent prosecuting Trump compared to prosecuting other criminals? Should Trump have been allowed to get away with his crimes because it was expensive to prosecute him? You want to let all of the other criminals off the hook too? Or just Trump?


Interesting that you mention nobody in power right now who have done far worse than Bush or Trump.


Yes, we are hypocrites. Trump said he could bring criminals like Bush to justice, but he decided not to.

Trump is not likely to go to prison for his 34 felony convictions. Privilege of the wealthy and all.

Nixon did not have to resign. Nixon was a little bitch who refused to defend himself from those accusations at trial and selected Ford, who was confirmed by Congress and then later pardoned Nixon for his crimes.


Tu quoque fallacy


When you give Iraq WMDs in the 1980s.

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors." Bill Clinton - 1998,what%20we%20aim%20to%20accomplish.

Please explain where the lie was? Hint, it’s the people who’ve been lying about Iraq not having WMDs for the last 20 years.


Having WMD in 1998 doesn't equal having WMD in 2003.


it doesent? its only only five years later

You think he uses WMDs so often that 5 years later he's bound to have run out?


But Bush didn't break the law!! There's a difference.

Also, Bush got ridiculed for lying about weapons of mass destruction. Nobody really celebrates Bush as a great president. He was the very first American president to be ridiculed for being a dumbass! Remember?
