

Only the ones that are part of his little cult fanbase that typically hang out on social media. I'm sure there are people willing to vote for him even though they don't like him. Same deal with Biden.


When did politicians ever tell the truth?

Jesus H. Christ people are pretending Trump is the only politician who ever lied.

Hey Bill, you have sex with that woman?
Hey George, you gonna raise taxes?


there's a difference between omitting the truth and a bold faced lie.


So Bill and George omitted the truth by lying?

Your logic is Terrance Howard level.


You really that naive?


Lol, they all lie. What it comes down to is which lies matter and which lies don't. Very sad but true.


There hasn't been 1 Politician that hasn't lied at one point or another including Joe Biden and including Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton and even Bush Jr. Please stop acting like a Naive Gen Z'er
