MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > He didn't say that.

He didn't say that.

And if he did, he didn't mean that,
and if he did, you didnt understand it,
and if you did, its not a big deal,
and if it is, others have said it worse.
and communism.

"I don't know if it's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that" - DJT
using Fox News as a news source is like using Pacific Rim for gardening advice.
Political commentary/observation.




I just feel bad for all the people that have TDS.


Me too. Still. how does it go? "Trump 2024".


Sure, dont forget MAGA 2024.


There’s plenty of derangement to go around.


You forgot “ if he did then you’ve got TDS” 😂


TDS - the derangement experienced by Trump supporters, from listening to and believing what trump says. A description understood by most people within 5 seconds (maybe 3), and only not understood by people who have TDS. check. The cure (other than a band) Donnie himself - given a couple of years, or couple of months).


TDS = Trump's Delusional Supporters.


Oui (going all German, there). (or deluded). I was going to add this, but didn't want to put too much in at once. I don't understand why people who experience TDS don't understand this. Well, I do, but I don't. I both do and don't at the same time. It's like schrodingers.....Trump.


Schrödinger's cat was smarter than Trump. 🐈


nod. The box was more....oh, nothing.



I am unsure of the purpose of this image. Does it mean that Trump is weird, or wants to lick his daughter?


No, the chick represents you crying like liberals do over Trump of all people and him getting the last laugh by drinking your liberal tears.. Sounds pretty cut & dry


Ah. Ok. cheers for that. Most people would think it was Trump being weird.


He never says or does anything.

His supporters applaud him for saying something (that "owns the libs") one week. And then the following week when the implications of what he said and how it contradicts something else he said or is in the process of doing, suddenly his supporters deny him ever having said what they applauded him for saying. Plus he was right for saying it. Which he didn't.


I posted on a different site....I'm fairly sure you could repeat to a trumper everything that they (the trumper) have said in the past 24 hours, and they'd call you moron.


I've done that in the past. Repeated what a trumpist has said, verbatim, and they have attacked it as "lib/dem" something or other.
