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Chickenshit refuses to debate Harris for a second debate

Trump is delusional if thinks he won that first debate. This is the reason he is giving for refusing to have a re-match with Harris. What a laughing stock this man is!!!


Harris wants a second debate on FOX. Trump is a chickenshit.


She already disagreed to debating on Fox (actual chickenshit moment). I'm not seeing where she has changed her tune?


Exactly! Harris was eager for another debate for the same reason that Trump was eager for another debate (with Biden) - She knows it would be another slam dunk!


Trumps balls are now in side Harris' purse!


Winners don't require a rematch.

"ABC whistleblower allegedly will release an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were “essentially the same questions that were given during the debate,” as well as assurances that Trump would be “fact-checked” and she would not."


Losers are the ones that claim they've been cheated.


They cheated and Trump still won against all three.


After Trump won the first debate against Biden. The first thing he did was challenge Biden to another debate, which Biden said he was up for.

Now that he lost this debate, he claims that those that want the rematch are the real losers and is hiding his failed ass.

Also. On Wednesday Trump's supporters complained that he lost due to unfair treatment. But they forgot that Trump never loses anything and soon changed it to him not losing except in the sense that everyone who saw his performance called him the obvious loser, and the result has been based on that instead of their vague undefined criteria that supposedly determines the winner of the debate. So now on Friday we've got the third version, everyone says he won despite everyone also saying Kamala beat him. Fair's fair I suppose.

It's the equivalent of demanding a participation medal and being given equal status as the person who actually performed well. Fucking loser.
