MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > The endorsement from Elon Musk made me s...

The endorsement from Elon Musk made me support Trump.

Elon Musk is a genius, everything he touches turns to gold. If he supports Trump there must be good reasons that we normal people can't understand.


If you listen to any thing Elon Musk says you are a dumbass. People with down syndrome have more intellect than you.


The dumbass is people who don't listen to the smart people. Bill Gates predicted COVID-19 five years beforehand in a TED talk, yet he said: no one listens to my warning. If you read the history of Elon Musk, yes he made some mistakes, but they are pretty minor mistakes, but his big gambles and predictions always come true.


Hmm, let's look at his 'accomplishments'. He ruined Twitter. He made expensive electric cars only rich people can afford. He's funded SpaceX which so far has not really done anything other than send rich Billionaires up to space in order to make money and not further space exploration at all. He's a climate denier. Hes a denier of anything he doesn't want to hear. He doesn't create any thing new or innovate. He's like Steve Jobs, in that, he never created anything new he just takes other people's ideas and takes credit for them.


Twitter isn't ruined, it's in a transition phase, and it will improve.

Tesla isn't expensive, and it changed the car industry for the better!

You dumbass, SpaceX builds Starlink! Starlink changes the world! And SpaceX made a profit from NASA, right now NASA relies on SpaceX for transportation.

He isn't a climate change denier! You should google before you talk.

Taking people's ideas and making them commercially possible is what engineers and businessmen do! Did the iPhone have anything new or innovative in it? No, everything already existed, but the iPhone changed the world, right now most people rely on their phones for business.


Yeah, the iPhone changed the world and mostly we're all more depressed now , less happy. So obviously it didn't change the world for the better, beyond that we can look up youtube videos now on our phones. It's changed the world for the worse.

ps. Dumbass.


You just prove you're an ignorant dumbass by saying the only benefit smartphones bring is to watch youtube. Uber has changed transportation, Google Maps has changed how people find their location without getting a paper map, and smartphones have made real-time translation possible, etc...


Are you joking? Uber has changed transportation? How? Taxis existed before. Cars existed before.

Google maps took away people's ability to even read or look at maps, so now no one can find their own way anywhere. So no one can navigate any more on the highways and roads of America without a smart phone otherwise they're immediately lost. You call that advancing? It's making it so no one has to think and lowering everyone's IQ. In the 30s you would have had to find your own way across the country without a magical computer voice directing you where to go. The only thing it's going to do is dumb everyone down. That's already what's happened.


You're really working hard against a variety of clearly great inventions innovations and business practices that have revolutionized the world we live in just to keep this argument going , out of spite or stubbornness presumably , arnt you?

Do you ever wish you'd started on the other side of the debate?

You cant dismiss an invention like , say, "The wheel" by saying "yeah , er , well , in the old days people got more exercise lugging all their shit on the ground, and sledgemakers had jobs
call that advancing?"


I can say whatever I want, it's an internet forum.

" great inventions innovations and business practices that have revolutionized the world"

like what? Television? Do you ever stop to think, phrases like 'revolutionized the world' are used way too often for , practically everything now? Just like the phrase "greatest of all time" or "most influential and greatest of all time"

There's probably 2000 + Basketball players who are considered "the greatest of all time" of some sort in their respective positions. There are probably 3000 + Television shows which are considered "The greatest shows of all time" . And most influential , too.

The point is we hyperbolize everything now. Everything is the greatest, everything's the best ever of all time. So , no I do not think that a ridesharing taxi smartphone app company has , in any way, 'revolutionized' the world. That exists because the younger generations can't afford cars and aren't even getting their licenses any more. That's why those ridesharing companies are popular. Because no one owns cars any more.


"I can say whatever I want, it's an internet forum."

very true , but all this objection and arguing against any technology mentioned is because you dont like Musk or Trump and got triggered in the OP , and now dont want to back down , so you just metioning random downsides of modern life.
(and im guessing this rather inflammatory reply wont help , please take it as light hearted banter , at least thats how i intend it)

Whatever you think of Musk he's made himself in the top 5 richest in the world and is the only human in history to have created his own fleet of honest to god spaceships.
You cant deny thats some kind of achievement


Yes they can - some of these anti-Musk types are as delusional and ignorant as flat Earthers. They have zero clue about the unprecedented success and innovation of companies like SpaceX, and they don't want to know. Someone as successful as Elon makes them feel so very, very small.


He's a megalomaniac textbook narccicist obsessed with amassing wealth, and fortunes, the kind of person whom no amount of money will ever be enough. Ever see Citizen Kane? You know, the most critically regarded and influential American film of all time? We're on, after all. Elon Musk is just... a textbook example of uncontrolled greed in a person. He is literally Charles Foster Kane in real life.

Elon Musk is no Bill Gates. He's not even Steve Jobs. He's William Randolph Hearst. A guy with a lot of money who wants to use it to further his crazy right-wing libertarian ideas and push them on the rest of society by buying out newspapers, or in Musk's case, buying out Twitter. He is a nothing person, an empty shell who just throws money at things to further whatever right wing causes he wants. He doesn't innovate. He can't innovate. He can't even think.

He is the absolute absense of humanity in a person. He posesses no empathy, because he is a psychopath, that's the only way you get to be a CEO. He buys out companies and supplants their CEO's because he doesn't innovate, doesn't create anthing. He just buys things. As I said before, he is a "nothing" person. He offers absolutely nothing to humanity.


I totally see where you're coming from
The people in white coats who actually make iPhones do amazing things should get more credit
I consider people like businessman / middlemen / admen / bankers / various other jobs "parasites" (although they would no doubt contest that)
I dont like Trump , or right wing ideals.

In spite of this I think Musk has "made a contribution".
He made electric cars mainstream for one


You are an absolute fucking dumbass. No addendums, no postscript.


You don't know how Uber changes the world proves you're a dumbass, taxi used to have to wander around the cities, and both sides had to depend on luck to find taxis/customers, it's a big waste of time (on both sides) and gasoline, not to mention some people live outside of the heart of the city, without smartphones the taxi can't or difficult to find the location of the customers.

Uber solved the biggest problem of taxis: How can the supply be adjusted to meet the demand? The supply of taxis used to be rather fixed, so you will have difficulty finding taxis during rush hour or when it rains. By comparison, Uber can adjust the supply more dramatically.

Your assertion on digital maps was dumb:

1. There is no evidence reading maps can improve IQ, I dare you to find a source to back up your claim in a science publication. If your claim is true, why not make every school start to teach every student to read maps to increase IQ?

2. Your logic is a contradiction: "So no one can navigate any more on the highways and roads of America without a smart phone otherwise they're immediately lost." The problem still happens with paper maps, a tourist who lost his paper maps still will be lost immediately.

3. Your claim about digital maps was a cliché: the invention of the radio caused people to fear it would make people lose the ability to read; after the invention of the calculator, people feared it would cause people to lose the ability to use math; the invention of the TV made parents panic; Socrates thinks the invention of writing will make people dumber. Like it or not, you should google Flynn Effect, the IQ of humans keeps increasing through time.


[–] chumbawampa (492) 17 hours ago
If you listen to any thing Elon Musk says you are a dumbass. People with down syndrome have more intellect than you."

Wow!! How about that?? We often say this of you?? 🙄


Elon can see the bigger picture and knows what other billionaires think.


Whatever you say BKB/KingBob.


Does Keelai have another sock account? 🤔


The Harris/Biden administration is clearly weaponizing the FAA to stall & fine SpaceX, interfering with the Starship program and putting the United States' progress in space at risk to the likes of China. If anyone is a fan of spaceflight, they should vote for Trump - period.

The other big factor is freedom of speech, and the fact that Harris/Biden officials and other leftist clowns like Hillary Clinton have openly stated they want to suppress it with the devious labels of "misinformation" and "hate speech". If you care about the fundamentals of the constitution, you should vote for Trump - period.

The illegal immigrant invasion and the economy at large... another can of worms that should point any rational person away from the democratic ticket.
