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Whedon's ex-wife speaks

Here's an article written by Kai Cole, director/writer Joss Whedon's now ex-wife, about how he was basically a lying,cheating SOB throughout their marriage:



Not a fan of Whedon, but I saw a freakout about this on social media. What does cheating on your wife have to do with being a feminist? He doesn't respect his wife, but that doesn't mean he doesn't respect women generally. No one would say that a woman who cheated on her husband was disrespectful to all men or that it meant she couldn't be a feminist. And what happened to all the complaining about how supposedly only women are judged for their personal/sex lives? I think it was a poor life choice and immoral, but it's between he and his wife, doesn't effect his relationship to anyone else, and is no one else's business.

People talking this as a personal affront is just childish. Classic actresses I'm a big fan of like Audrey/Katherine Hepburn and Judy Garland cheated on their husbands. Doesn't make me enjoy their movies any less, because again, it's none of my business, nor does it make me assume they didn't respect men as a whole.


He's disrespectful of women for other reasons than his wife. The man has gone on record insulting Trump's daughter and I think his wife in the most disgusting ways for no other reason than their connection to him. He believes in female empowerment as long as their on the right side of the liberal echo chamber. Otherwise he compares them to dogs. Real creep this guy is. Hard to believe I grew up idolizing him.


It's a weird strange phenomenon with the human condition where people project one thing like Whedon on about feminism and his work having strong women when he's done some infidelity behind closed doors, there's probably a lot of male feminists who are misogynists or cheaters themselves.

It's like someone who is very homophobic when they're actually a closet homosexual like with many politicians and religious leaders.


Because ex spouses are always the best source for facts, right? Even if it's true look at her. How could you be rich and famous and not cheat on that? At least you're just being a misandrist today instead of your usual bigoted tirade. Perhaps you can be educated some day.


Even if it's true look at her. How could you be rich and famous and not cheat on that?

That's unnecessary. Just stick with what I said.


I'm just stating the obvious. Whedon is an in demand writer producer director that works in Hollywood. There are probably more gorgeous women that will do anything to get what they want there than anywhere else on Earth. His ex is a very unattractive woman. He had stunning beauties throwing themselves at him. It's to be expected he would stray.


Plenty of people who have the chance to chat don't. It's just hypocritical that feminists always go on and on about respecting female celebrities privacy, but then react like this, and that plenty of women who get held up as "feminist icons" have cheated on their husbands without them getting disowned.


I agree totally. Hypocrisy is not an attractive trait in any gender.


Wow, you guys are shallow judging on a woman’s looks. Men cheat on their beautiful wives/girlfriends due to stupid reasons.


He's another Gene Roddenberry: he throws the word "feminism" around to get liberal women to have sex with him.


reply 1 Yesterday at 1:24 PM


I don't care about him not being a true feminist stuff. But recent revelation actually open up a different topic of discussion for me. If he lied and cheated for so long he could've done same thing with his writing. There were rumors that he ripped off many of his plots from anime. Now I'm starting to believe it's true.


creep, as well as the nasty actresses



What a shock. Another pussy beta male white knight cuck who turns out to have some serious skeletons in the closet. Seriously, when has one of these social justice warriors not been exposed for the two-faced hypocrites they always are deep down?


Who do you think he slept with? I think he slept with Eliza Dushku,Amy Acker,Summer Glau and Felicia Day


It's anybody's guess. But, yeah, everybody seems to be guessing Dushku, even if they don't put the others on "the list".


Dushku is almost certain,and Summer and Felicia Day too because he basically discovered them. I dont know about Amy Acker though. He surely tried to,but maybe remained only platonic love. I also think he slept with the Buffy season 6 showrunner Marti Noxon


Where are people getting this stuff from? Is it pure speculation based on who was "most likely", or have their been hints in interviews? I recall reading the letter from his ex, but I don't remember specifics, or even a time frame put on his infidelity?


Mercedes McNab, charisma carpenter


Nicholas Brendon
