MovieChat Forums > Tiger Woods Discussion > Woods receives Presidential Medal of Fre...

Woods receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

Wrong on so many levels


Nothing wrong, Obama gave one to a unknown because "race".

Woods is the fourth golfer to receive the Medal of Freedom. Then-President George W. Bush presented the honor to Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus in 2004 and 2005, respectively. Then-President Barack Obama gave the Medal of Freedom to Charlie Sifford, the first African-American to join the PGA Tour, in 2014. In his remarks Monday, Woods mentioned that he had named his 10-year-old son Charlie after Sifford, whom he referred to as "like the grandpa I never had."


President George W. Bush presented the Medal of Freedom to Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer. Obama presented it to Charlie Sifford, sometimes referred to as the "Jackie Robinson of golf." Woods noted that he named his son after Sifford. "He was like the grandpa I never had," Woods recalled. So many on the left complaining why Tiger shouldn't have it not knowing the fact that it's under the Presidents discretion on who to give it to and no the pleb public. Severe case of TDS is not healthy to ones hippy lifestyle.

Also, the exotic women Tiger went out with are HOT.
