She has strong ideals and good morals. Nothing incredible, just good upbringing.
Anybody with a little brains and education would share her same beliefs, like the vast majority of people on the planet does.

Yet, out of more than 7 billions, she's the only one courageous enough to put this much effort behind it and try to make a difference.

I think she's just AWESOME!


It's a nice inspiring vision for young people, but after all she is a kid.


She is awesome indeed


Thank you for saying this. I don't follow everything on this subject (GT) closely, but when I get curious, I see some of the most outrageous and ugly remarks conceivable. How anyone can even THINK such things about a young lady with convictions who speaks up ... well, to say they should be ashamed is beyond the point and beyond any level of thoughtfulness toward any human being, especially a young lady. I would hate to think such a person was living in my neighborhood.


Thank you Snepts, that was exactly my feeling. Merry Christmas!


She has singlehandedly made Trump sink in the polls.


Yes, a little brains and a piss poor education and you would be stupid enough to fall for the global warming hoax. This simpleton doesn't even know how to really pretend to believe the horse shit she's shoveling, go pull up the video where they took a peak into the Tesla she's been using on her crusade to teach the world to be green... filled with plastic water bottles, plastic straws, all manner of what the true green weenies would be ghast at. So she doesn't practice what she preaches which isn't a sign of strong ideals or good morals, just your typical liberal hypocrisy. She is a puppet for the liberals and hasn't a thought of her own, hell she reads the scripts they give her nothing more than a talking head and an ugly one at that.


You are a genius, she uses water bottles and plastic straws... I guess we should arrest her right now, thank god you pointed that out. Also, she hasn't a thought of her own: so you're saying she's NOT really a scientist discovering this stuff about global warming and countries polluting the planet? Wow, thanks again for explaining that too!


She's a liar and a fame seeker.


Clearly you are one of the brainless. She is a hypocrite but your too stupid to even see that for what it is. I suppose you cheer when Leonardo DiCaprio flies around in his private jet telling everyone else to watch they carbon footprint.


I also cheer when someone like you takes the banana out of his mouth long enough to learn how to use a keyboard. I guess I have a penchant for paradoxes and oxy-morons;-)


Wow. I guess I couldn't expect much of a comeback from a dumb ass that's so stupid they want to follow a little retard girl as their leader. I guess if the world is luck the little Gullom girl will kill herself and her moronic followers like yourself will follow their leader and do the world a favor.


lol Dumb ass


War veterans and actual combatems are the real victims.
This is just her chance to say ORANGE MAN BAD, HE MAKES ME POOPY.

I feel ILL over everything that is happening!

She gets sick when she just thinks of having conflicts with him, and this just goes to show how far the left has fallen.


I've enjoyed her idiocy as much as the next guy but at times I feel sorry for her as she is absolutely being used by the international leftist freakshow.


Which idiocy? She seems pretty smart by any standards.


Still awesome.
