MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Coldest weather in over 30 years possibl...

Coldest weather in over 30 years possible for Central Texas

In fact, the coldest weather is still ahead of us. Another potent shot of extremely cold air could bring the coldest weather in over 30 years for the Austin area by Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.

Meanwhile, Top Scientists say Earth is getting warmer.


Greta thinks this is all related to climate change. You ignore Greta at your peril.


i will! lol its effing cold here, its 10 degrees.


it is called climate change for a reason. it is not just about the earth getting warmer.

Trust Greta.


darn that billions of years of climate change, we should find a way to have perfect weather all the time.


No, just stop wasting the air with pollutants. There's hardly any insects left. And they are needed for growing plants!


i have plenty of insects at my house, you can come and get them ...bugs are stupid...


Your life depends on nature, dude. No insects = no plants. No plants = no air. This is serious!


no air? we have plenty of air, billions of years of climate change needs to be stopped, dementia Joe is doing nothing, all he does is play golf


There is a lot of air but it needs to be maintained by plants. Didn't you pay attention during biology.


It's called climate change because when the called it "global warming" and all their prediction failed to materialize they had to rebrand the same bullshit. But that is all they did call it something different but the solution they propose is the same for the climate change as it was for global warming... The only thing that changed is the name they gave the bullshit. They should have just been honest and called it was it was " redistribution of wealth by fucking everyone in the developed world to shift power to the goddamned Chinese"... That is what it really is but that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker like "climate change"


OR you could look into the science for yourself instead of believing that it’s all a conspiracy because people you like told you so.

I know it’s difficult.


I did look into the "science"... when it was still called global warming I priced weather derivatives for a trading companying. So I had access to raw weather data going back 50 years and one of the managers thought global warming existed. I had to run numbers for every major city we covered to prove to the idiot that it didn't exist. Well guess what, it didn't exist then it doesn't exist now. It is and always has been bullshit.


Raw weather data for the past 50 years? Suddenly you know more than the vast majority of scientists because you looked up 50 years of weather? Where did you get your data? If you actually did this you would KNOW that the global temperature has gotten 2 degrees warmer since the 1940’s, that’s a fact, not debatable.


The company paid for the data from NOAA, the difference between what we used and what the hoaxers used is that we didn't "adjust" any of the temps. If you bothered to look at how the hoaxer massage the data you would find that they go through it and adjust it for what they consider anomalous readings... now that is a valid thing to do if you do it properly and when you do it properly you will find some reading are moved up and some down. In the end you should have about half of the change up and half down, but when you look at what the hoaxers did they only moved temps up and never moved any down. That tells anyone with half a brain that they were modifying the data to purposefully move it up. If what we did was wrong the company would have lost millions by selling derivatives that were out of sync with reality. We didn't lose millions and we didn't use any models that assumed global warming. Global warming was and is a hoax. The only idiots dumb enough to believe in it are the liberal fools that get their news from CNN and believe the bullshit from politicians trying to redistribute wealth.


Quick question, do you think NASA is made up of liberal fools who don’t know how to read climate science?


I the leaders of NASA are political pawns that do whatever they think is going to keep them employed. Remember the head of NASA is whoever the sitting President wants, to think that the head would suddenly act without regard to knowing what his boss wanted is ridiculous and that same mentality goes down through the ranks. If you worked at a company where the boss thought that nothing they made should ever be purple because he hated the color, how many new products do you think designers would create that were purple? Employees aren't stupid, if they know doing certain things will kill their career or get them fired they tend to avoid those things. At NASA daring to admit that Global Warming was a hoax would be a stupid thing to admit from a career perspective.


Wow, there seems to be a whole lot of effort from all over the world going into this ‘climate change scam’ and your belief is that everyone is doing this to give power to China? Is that right? Why would the entire planets scientists want to give China power? Could you connect the dots for me so I understand where you’re coming from?


If you go back to the original UK scientist that start pushing global warming you'll find he was fudging numbers. I doubt he did it with any specific desire to help China when he started the hoax. Most likely he simply wanted to push a new theory and if your years of work don't come up with something new then you have nothing to publish. If you come up with something like global warming then wow you've suddenly got something new to throw out there. Now once that happened you had other scientists that were too lazy to really just go through all his data and call bullshit on it but you did have politicians that saw the opportunity to use that bullshit as wonderful new scare tactic to use in pushing more taxes and regulations that could give the government's more money and power, which is precisely what started to happen. If you look back the beginning that was what happened. Then once the governments started running with global warming the spineless scientists started jumping on the bandwagon and doing more fake science to get their grants to support the hoax... the governments ended up pushing their multi-national global warming treating to cut back CO2. The reason it started to favor places like China was that China wouldn't go along with it and were given special status along with other shit hole countries like India that were not going to be required to cut emissions like the developed world. That started the redistribution of wealth from developed countries to shit holes like China. If a country isn't required to cut back on CO2 emissions then they suddenly have a big advantage in their cost of energy and with energy driving everything within a country those countries will certainly benefit at the expense of the countries that are suddenly trying to use cleaner energy. At the beginning I don't think it was intended to help China or India, it was just a way for those in control to gain more control but when they knew China would benefit they kept it up.


yea I think degrees being out of whack, viruses all over the place, and environmental chaos is all a product of a polluted destructed environment.


You don't get the mechanism.
There are several regions on this planet getting warmer than usual. And because these regions are a little more important for the world's climate than f*** Texas, there is really a need to change our carbon footprint. Or you will have these cold temperatures in Texas all year. Got it?


I get the mechanism. global warming was solved and now we are fighting climate change. the Earths climate has been changing for billions of years, humans are just a blip in that timeline and bitch we it rains too much or when it doesn't rain. we bitch when its cold and then when its too hot. there was climate change before humans ever existed so that argument is void. climate change is just a money making scheme, Bezos already pledged 10 billion to various groups. What are they going to do with the money? Is there any accountability or transparency on how the money will be spent? years ago there was this event called we are the world, it raised billions for starving people in Africa, that was in 1985, its now 2021 and people are still starving there. in fact, people are still sending money to charities to help those starving people.

my point is, throwing money at something is not going to magically solve the problem and its not going to solve billions of years of evolution and climate change. good luck and make sure you send your money to Greta, she will fix everything.


I will neither send money to Greta nor to starving people in Africa... Because you are right, you cannot solve the problem with money. Just with rethinking. And rethinking of our energy waste is not the biggest challenge ever. Just my 2 cents..
Have a nice day.


I'm sure you know they're talking about our influence on the climate...i.e man-made climate change, not the natural cycle.
We partly do this by burning fuel that isn't currently part of the natural cycle, we dig it up and put it into circulation,
raising various levels like co2 which affects the composition of our atmosphere which in turn affects the climate.
Are you questioning if humans can affect the climate, or if we are?


thats the deal, how to you separate the two? is it natural or humans? its possible we are in a natural warming cycle. The Earth starting warming about 15,000 years ago, there is really no conclusion as to why. in 2006 it was global warming, now its climate change, but we all know climate change is a natural part of the Earths history. So are we trying to stop this? and if we are, how do we do it? there is 7.5 billion people and climbing. I doubt no one wants to stop living their cushy life and go back to a primitive style. If people really want to affect change then we are going to have to go all nuclear, wind and solar. but no one wants a nuclear power plant in their backyard.


Global temperature is closely linked to co2 and methane in out atmosphere. We can track the amount of these back in history through various methods like ice core samples and the levels are much higher than historically is natural and these things doesn't just appear naturally out of nowhere and the rate is faster.
Volcanoes, wildfires etc surely pull their weight but the bulk is us burning gas and oil, raising billions of livestock etc.
Global warming might have been re-branded to climate change because it wasn't an accurate term...some asshole with no understanding always has to go "But there's snow outside! At this time of year! LOL".
That is weather, not climate.
You are right, no one wants to give up on their lifestyle so it is indeed mostly about transitioning to renewable energy...nuclear is perfectly safe..I'd rather want that in my backyard than a coal plant.


Ice cores show that increases of CO2 follow increases in temperature, not the other way around. They also show that at times in the past the CO2 level has been much higher than it is now. The entire Global Warming/Climate Change movement is a religion and a scam.


That’s interesting, do you have a link for that?


He doesn't, because it's wrong. Every greenhouse owner knows that CO2 increases temperature. Only an antivaxxing trumper that believes the earth is flat will refuse to acknowledge that.


I know, I would just reeaaally love to see what bootleg website link I might get.


"That's interesting, do you have a link for that?"

You have obviously been misled by oversimplified, or misinterpreted, or intentionally misleading articles in secondary sources like mainstream newspapers, CNN, NPR, etc. You haven't read any primary sources on this topic. If I ever happen to write a term paper or dissertation on it I'll be sure to provide citations. Since this is an informal forum, I'll let you do your own research (generously assuming you know how).


In other words you got it off a sketchy far right blog.




Wah wah wah wah. Wah wah wah wah wahhhhhhh. Because “science” took a vote and said no more debate.

The suppression of uncomfortable ideas may be common in religion or in politics, but it is not the path to knowledge. And there’s no place for it in the endeavor of science. - Carl Sagan


Leon is getting LARGER.

Guess that reference.



The temp is -1 right now, my heater can barely keep up, eff global warming! lol


Plus a power grid failure! Nuclear doesn't freeze.

We get 1-2 day power outages every few years. January was from the big wind storm. Always have a propane lamp and stove, rechargeable lights, sleeping bag, lots of water.

Texas electric grid operator says frozen wind turbines are hampering state's power output: report


You don't see too many climate activists all worried about an Ice Age.


"Puppy Bo Obama likes the snow."


This is what will defeat Texas and turn that state blue. You just watch.


Not this election. That lesbo Hildago in Houston won't be able to run till 2024.


That's climate change alright, messing up weather patterns all over the world!
