MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Supporting Greta is cool and trendy,but....

Supporting Greta is cool and trendy,but...

...when you ask people "Are you ready to do what Greta asks,to save the planet?" and you add that what they have to do is: never travel again with an airplane in their lives,never eat meat anymore,wash theirselves only once a week...suddendly,they realize "Mh those are all extremist acts,we dont need to do that" and suddendly,the support for Greta disappears!


its not all or nothing though
Every little helps.
eat less meat , fly to the sun every other year
ban asshat busnessmen from flying round the world for "meetings" day in day out, make them use skype.
stop buying food thats travelled the width of the planet burning diesel
get rid of plastic wrapping where possible

unfortunately a lot of people seem to think "Fuck her and her ideas , I dont like the inconvenient truth , so i'm gonna go totally the other way and drive the biggest hummer i can buy "


Greta and other people like her are actually saying "all or nothing,because we are already too late" thats the point. They want radical moves,they dont want moderate moves at all.
