MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Just when you thought it was safe....

Just when you thought it was safe....

This downs-faced 'mong' is back on the scene (given her 'handlers' full realisation that she was already a poor third behind both Covid and BLM in media column inches) and have now trotted her back out to tell us that the ice-age (i.e, 'Winter') is upon us (hence the cold and snow) and that a heatwave (i.e, 'Summer') will follow (roughly around July/August time)

How on earth does she do it?

They're called 'Season's (nothing more, nothing less) a complete joke (like the entire 'Climate Change' bullshittery) that successive governments think throwing around (other people's) money will solve.

If these 'activists' are that bothered about emissions and other people's life in general....then perhaps they should kill themselves....which (cremation aside) would completely cut down their carbon footprint to zero....instantly?


And you’re right here to report it and push her back to the top of the trending panel, ensuring her message is heard once again.

Is she paying you?


Nope, sorry.

I like that she's trending again....let's face it, posts about her are anything but congratulatory.

Plus, who doesn't enjoy picking on children (especially when they pick on you first?)


Certain types of people enjoy picking on children. I think they are generally known as abusers.

Not that Greta’s a child anymore.

But have at it. Gotta get your jollies somehow I suppose.


(quote) "Not that Greta’s a child anymore"

Great, I get to pick on her...then FUCK her


Wow. Charming.


I was just willing to pick on her...until *YOU* reminded me that she's passed the age of consent.
So technically, it's *YOUR* fault and given the topsy-turvey, wrong-is-right, clownworld we live in nowadays (primarily due to you, and others like you) chances are I could sue you (for making me do it) in any court of law?

Now, are we done here....or do we have to put up with more of the pious simpery (otherwise known as 'Your Entire Posting History') I don't mind either way, amigo?


No I think we’re done.

And you’re 100% right, it’s totally my fault you are a deplorable lowlife creep. Glad you acknowledged my irresistible influence over you, whoever you might be.

Now back to your hot Thunberg fantasies. Hope you have tissues to go with your issues.


No issues, I make her bring the tissues (recycled of course) to clean up *my* mess (whilst I sleep it off)
Then (after she's made me a sandwich) she can then get ready for round 2.


Sounds like a sticky situation 💦 🧴🧻


Do you think being disingenuous accomplishes anything?


Climate change is real and I've seen the effects with my own eyes. I'm posting this on October 1 and today's high temperatures are what we would expect for the first part of September here. Yes, the seasons change but they are becoming messed up. This past summer had twice the number of days in which the temperature surpassed 32 °C (90 °F) than we've had in the past. At one time the winters here were legendary for their cold; now they are shorter and milder. This trend seems to have started sometime after the mid-1990s.

The warmer climate from the southern latitudes is slowly creeping northward. Not a good thing.


Bull-fucking-shit (and I say that with all due respect)
So-fucking-what, if the weather feels like last months weather.....I'd sooner blame the inventor of the calendar, than climate change (it's that bastards fault i'm the age I am.....grrrrrr!)
Instead of offering mild 'conjecture', tell me (with the same severity you're fearmongering) what will happen if we don't adhere to the green doctrine (and when such catastrophe will engulf us?) If you can't, you're sort of pissing in the wind?

In your own time, amigo?


Yes, you can have cool days in the summer and warm days in the fall. There have always been these aberrations but they seem to be happening more frequently.

As far as the consequences of all this, scientists are predicting many things like more severe weather (there's already been an increase in the number of hurricanes this season), droughts, more invasive species, crop failure, etc. and many other things. I'm not going to spend my time explaining it because a simple Internet search will lead you to the results of these studies. The information is out there and comes from reputable sources such as NASA and the National Geographic Society.


You lost me, at the word "predicting" (although I read the rest, out of sheer courtesy)


I don't care what you think, climate change is real.

What drives it? I don't know but probably a part of it it's human made. Will it lead to the appoccalypse? NO idea, will see. But soon it will not be very pretty.


"The warmer climate from the southern latitudes is slowly creeping northward. Not a good thing."

Tell that to Minnesota and Canada! Winter is still miserable.


I live in the northern part of the U.S. and prefer the traditional cold winters and change of seasons. If I wanted to live in miserable heat I would have moved to Arizona or Florida.

The southern climate can stay in the South where it belongs.


Just another worthless bag of shit exploited by global communists, the Democrat media/party, and their dumbass lemmings.

Notice they never have actual evidence and scientists push their political agendas. No it’s children. And comedians. Fake doctors. Politicians.
