MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > This young lady is a really great speake...

This young lady is a really great speaker ...

2.7 Degrees Warming is Madness - Greta Thunberg

This climate thing is not something we should be bickering about.
Already the average heat of all parts of the Earth is increasing,
and if you have ever taken a physics class you know about the
the latent heat of fusion, meaning that ice has to such in a certain
amount of heat before it changes state to water.

Think of all that ice like ice cubes in a glass, a glass that is
sitting in the sun or a glass that has a hair dryer turned on and
aimed at it. Nothing happens at first -- the liquid in the glass
seems to stay at the same cool temperature for a long time as
the ice absorbs heat and absorbs more heat, but at a certain
point it starts to melt.

Think about what this means. It means that we have created a
situation where heat is coming into the planet, like that glass,
and has been warming up the ice, instead of warming up the
planet, even though we are warming up the planet slowly.

When there is less ice there is less capacity to warm our drink,
and the liquid starts to heat up. That is us, that is our atmosphere
that has to accept the heat that all that ice use to absorb.

That is why when you have an ice cube in your glass after it melts
the drink gets so warm so quickly. When we get rid of half the ice
the other half that is left has to absorb twice the heat it used to,
and then when half of that ice is gone the rest of the ice has to
absorb 4 times the heat ... and when all of the ice is gone the
air, the land and the sea have to take that heat and conduct it
around the planet, and we will have planetary destruction on the
scale we have not even seen yet in movies.

This is a really simple concept and experiment, and there is really
no arguing with it. We are heating up the planet, but more than
that it is like we are approaching a red danger zone that we do
not really know what it will do but we do know that heat has to
go somewhere, and that our entire planet is sensitive at the local
levels to just 1 or 2 degrees fahrenheit.

Anyone who denies this or tries to make excuses or delays it so
they can line up their capital and profit from it at the expense of
everyone else is a truly evil defective person and they need to be
gotten out of the way ... intellectually by learning, politically by
being removed from power, and finally physically when they refuse
to commit with the rest of the world to fix this problem.




If you don't you're a loser and a fool, and a crap citizen.
OP and Greta are dead on right.


Don't think you had time to read what I wrote. Maybe if did you might start to care about your own skin, your family, ... I'd say your friends but that's doubtful. What do you think you are going to do in the future? Become part of those roving gangs of bandit thugs we see in the apocalypse movies? I can you see doing that.


The iced drink is a good analogy.


You seem to think someone who SHOUTS permanently here, basically the internet equivalent of a lunatic standing on a street corner yelling complaints at the clouds, is worth responding to as if anything you say will sink in.


Well, you're assuming what I am thinking. What I am here for is to keep my typing in practice, and to comment on movies and TV - but there is damn little of anything worth commenting on or commenting to. I guess we agree on Kowalski.


You really are humorless and dense, aren't you?


You really do not know me, and it's a major defect in your character that you feel it's OK to talk to me or anyone else that way.

I am of the generation who takes responsibility, at least some of us do. Like, if someone doesn't get my joke, or references, I either ignore it or explain it, the failure of communication must be the responsibility of the sender to do all they can do.


The 2.7 degrees comes from
Lots of hyperbola but little science. Climate models projections are above observations because of high climate sensitivy.


Scientific models are made the predict ... and anyone with a brain already knows the planetary weather system is too complex to predict and we do not have enough data to do so anyway, but the truth is clear, and trying to deny or cloud the issue ... no pun intended ... is not productive.

It's like who knows what day the the Moon will come crashing down into the Earth, or the Sun will go go nova, doesn't mean the physics is wrong, but this is a lot more urgent.


"It's like who knows what day the the Moon will come crashing down into the Earth, or the Sun will go go nova, doesn't mean the physics is wrong,"

I don't know about you but I'm NOT waking every night to check the size of the moon ...


By Brux:

This young lady is a really great speaker

@ She reads well but without a script she makes a poor show. She can’t even put two sentences together.


Clearly some people really like her way of speaking, I'm among them. It's sad you cannot give credit where credit is due because your mind to sealed shut.


By Brux:

It's sad you cannot give credit where credit is due because your mind to sealed shut.

@. I did give credit where credit is due.

I said she read well.

It’s a shame you can’t see Greta was not capable of putting two sentences together ..

.. all the journalist asked her to do was summarise and repeat the crucial points of her speech.

Instead she didn’t have a clue what to say.

Nada 😳


Almost everyone when they speak to massive numbers of people cannot speak extemporaneously, that is why there are cue cards and teleprompters. For those in power they have the right to force the media to cut out those bad parts you like so you can make a big deal over nothing. Great had more than a clue to say to a larger number of people than you will ever reach with your pathetic 50-cent trolling. So, I can see you are jealous.


@ to Brux:

I’m not trolling

it ‘s just my opinion on Greta

you of course are free to disagree.


That's not an opinion, that is an attempt to denigrate her based on nothing. Go look up any of your daddy Trump's speeches where he can't get anything right. It just makes you look like an ass. I disagree with your existence on the internet since you have nothing to say but right-wing drive by BS.


@ to brex:

I’m not American and I’m not interested in Trump nor Biden nor the political situation/ circus in the U.S.A.


Sure, and I'm posting from Neptune myself.


Believe what you want. 🙄
