MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Blind Item about her (Does she eats meat...

Blind Item about her (Does she eats meat?)

I thought this very young climate activist was not a meat eater. Unless they have created some type of steak that looks like a steak cooked at a steakhouse, then I guess she has now a meat eater. Greta Thunberg (Greta Thunberg warns we must switch to a vegan diet or "we are f***ed")


That site looks like it's straight out of 1994.


It amazes me that people still update sites like that.


Seeing that flashing "2021" makes me feel like I'm looking at something that exists out of a time. Or some sort of anachronistic art project.


I wouldnt be surprised if its true


There aren't any pictures of it on the site. Do you have an actual picture? (Also, it'd be nice to have confirmation that it's a recent picture and that it's actually meat, not just something that looks like meat).


Have you seen the state of her now her diet etc has really taken its toll

If she has started to eat meat it is the best thing to restore her health it could be fake meat maybe I expect she owns some shares in this like most of the fake people pushing this life style

Veganism is a cult/ideology not a proper diet.


The irony of the fake meat is it requires more energy, costs more and generates more CO2 than real meat per pound.


But good intentions are more important than everything. Even facts.


Citation please?


What difference does it make? You guys try so hard to find something you can criticize her for. Don't agree with her, that's fine. You're wrong, and one day you will realize it, but until them stop to the dirty tricks and gotchas .... what she eats is her own business. I eat meat, but I eat much less than I used to, and I believe we should all eat many more fruits, nuts, seeds, fungi, and veggies than we do today. So what?


I couldn't care less what the little freak eats. I do not agree with her, and I'm right, and I already realize it. Everything she pushes is pure science-denying lunacy. Fortunately, her fifteen minutes seem to have ended.


This is a women that is putting herself out there claiming people are destroying the planet and meat is main cause etc.

She has no clue about science/history.

Correct she can choose to eat what she likes but again she has gone on a crusade about climate change I believe she also is about animal welfare yet her Vegan diet causes more harm then a pure meat eater could ever do this is a fact.

You eating less meat is your problem later in life you will regret this and you believing about eating those other foods is wrong humans have no need to confuse any of that rubbish at all it is contraindicated.

We have the data which shows our species consumed animals these other foods we didn't have access to plus if we did was seasonal only. Look up the N15 isotope testing it is very clear to see also see how when we started to consume these tpyes of foods how our health declined


> She has no clue about science/history.

No she just disagrees with you and that provokes you and your Right-wing nuts to insult and violence.

That's merely a hand-waving claim on your part, because you don't know what she knows you just disagree with global warming, so as a symbol or something you react like Pavlov's Dogs with your reflexive Republicanism, and attack her personally and all the little Republican things that Republicans attack people over.

The fact is that factory farming is injuring the planet, and causing climate change in ways farming historically did not do.

> yet her Vegan diet causes more harm then a pure meat eater could ever do this is a fact.

No, not a fact, a made up BS claim with not backing or support.

Depending on what you eat and your underlying genetics and your exposure to toxins and radiation, etc, as well as exercise and mental attitude there are a lot of factors that go into diet and lifespan.

But, in general if you are the SAD, Standard American Diet, you are likely to eat poorly such that it will lead to disease and malnutrition. That is not just cancelled by eating meat.

If you are going to talk about isotope dating, then make your argument, don't just tell people to look it up. Your comparison over millennia of time equating all vegans today is bad enough, but then equating them to people in the past who had no idea what to eat is just noise.


She disagrees with facts and insults/violence right wing you have shown to be just like her deflect from the real subject because you don't have the knowledge for a proper discussion.

None of it is claims again its facts go back to school get an education you have no clue climate change is natural you can't provide one bit of valid science which shows otherwise.

I don't agree with factory farming but again the impact you claim provide the science you cant.

Can you see the pattern yet nothing you claim has any data to back it up.

My family have been farmers for multi generations they believe in regenerative agriculture which is used on there farm explain how they are harming the planet.

Again you are trying to speak about DNA/Diet/Lifestyle another subject you have no clue about again go and get some education the data is very easy to find on our species we have isotope testing which shows we consumed animals only with later on only over last few thousand years the likes of grains etc also look at how rapid our health has declined with diseases.

Trying to disprove the isotope testing because you don't understand it or doesn't fit into your ideology.

People in the past had a choice did they they could refuse to eat animals and then eat what? nothing dirt you dont even understand how crops grow and that they can only grow in set climates wow.

I can tell already you are one of those idiots that believes heart disease is caused by cholesterol.

Veganism is an ideology again fact

Please keep eating the awful diet hopefully you wont be on the planet much longer or dont breed.


Thanks for your puffed up opinion, but you have no backing and are just making wild claims.


In your mind.

In the real world people who have an education and are open mind willing to read history etc it can all clearly be found.

I expect you are another one of those who has some mickey mouse certificate from high school or even a college drop out believing they know everything because it was posted on the internet.


EE CS minor.


The hypocrisy is strong with this ugly little troll. I remember the photo someone took of the inside of the car she had been using to get around in... lots of plastic and other non-eco garbage.


You're wrong, and one day you will realize it.

Right back at you.
