MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Greta Thunberg WON’T ANSWER Basic Questi...

Greta Thunberg WON’T ANSWER Basic Questions About Climate Change


so I clicked on the link ,
its the usual type of generic lonely outraged right wing guy channel with 1.x m subs.

Greta is in Davos , its snowing .

reporter asks "Hey its cold - When is this Global warming coming?"
Greta laughs and declines to answer such an idiotic question.

No doubt in the eyes of climate deniers this is proof that its all a hoax made up by a worldwide secret cabal to take away your V8s.


Europe did have very warm winter this year, it is good for Europe in short term, but in the long term it does seem to be worrying.

But these things are never really about truth, both sides have billionaires of real money at stake. Greta is also used in many ways.

The fight has been and will be retarded and ugly. Many posters here are no doubt paid trolls spreading propaganda, whatever that might be.


I am pro-environment but anti-Environmental Activist, or "Environmental Wacko" to use the term coined by our former leader Rush Limbaugh. I'm all for clean air and stable climates, but "the sky is falling" extremism only serves to alienate the other side. We cannot destroy Capitalism. The Earth is ever-changing and has always adapted, and endured billions of years of cyclical change. Most of Al Gore's Gloom-Doom predictions have failed to materialize. It sounds cruel to Mother Earth, but we have to balance out Earth vs. Commerce. Stop with the Gloom & Doom predictions. We are fine; Mother Earth is very forgiving.

With that all being said, any media personality who challenges a "Climate protector" with a weather question, is making a fool of themselves. Weather <> Climate, so just stop right there. Even year-over-year data is meaningless. Global Warming has already stabilized. That's why "they" renamed it to "Climate Change" !! You think Global Warming wasn't around when we escaped the Ice Age? Think about it!


Those who say weather is not climate fail to understand what weather is. Weather is the daily manifestation of climate. It is part of climate. The two are inseparable, and each is very relevant to the other.


Weather is day-to-day, Climate is over decades of long-term consistent patterns.

As much as I can't stand Greta, to challenge her "Global Warming" by saying that today's weather is freezing, is just plain ignorant.

Weather is not Climate. Weather can be very loosely related to climate, but there can be much greater variations in weather. It's not going to ever be 0-degrees F in Florida or 100-degrees in Buffalo, but weather can certainly vary dramatically from normal climate patterns.

The weather is today and next week. The climate is what we can expect on-average, based on the last 50 years of data.


And the OP is probably the generic lonely outraged right wing guy trying to drive traffic to his stupid video.
