MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > Trying to keep herself in the news / rel...

Trying to keep herself in the news / relevent whilst people are being massacred...

Aren't Greta's latest antics somewhat tone deaf given we currently have an attempt to bomb people out of existence happening at the same time?

Isn't taking yourself off on overseas trips to protest against climate change a nice to have at the best of times but simply insulting to those being bombed / starved at the moment?


you mean in yemen like the american goverment does? ho right. its okay when you do it....


Funny. In a way this is quite similar to a pretty sociopathic mindset I've encountered on here when talking about the Israeli current actions...

Now I'm not American for starters but even if I was, what kind of a response is that?

It actually requires you to believe that, deep down, all people have a nationalistic slant and are happy and believe it morally just for "their" own nation to be slaughtering people (clearly mirroring your own beliefs and applying them to everyone - In a sense a failure to isolate your own ego from your environment).

Therefore you think you can call out and shame people who condemn senseless violence from wherever because they'd be all for it from their own countries / governments. That's a pretty f-cked up mindset to have...
