MovieChat Forums > Greta Thunberg Discussion > She needs to run for office asap

She needs to run for office asap

She should get a politic degree and run for office.
We need policy makers that want to make a difference in the right direction.
She is popular enough to get elected.
I know I would vote for her.


So would I ,

But the miliions who are somehow able to not accept reality 'cos they dont like it, wouldnt.


Still, the other millions that understand that something SERIOUS needs to be done, would vote for her.
Can't have 100% approval


Yeah , but the more I watch social media , and see "the man in the street" 's opinions on carbon footprint , electric cars , wind turbines etc , The more I feel the human race is f*&cked

I dont think those "other millions" are enough of a majority to ever get anything done.




Indeed , you're preaching to the converted dude : )

a 1970s oil crisis might spur some people into action.
Although OPEC wouldnt artificially create one these days for that reason i guess.

A listened to a Ted Talk yesterday from Al Gore no less , about how the Oil companies are playing along , pretending to be interested in change and less carbon and not ruining the planet etc , but are actualy working actively to sabotage these efforts .

It did have a couple of "good news" segments in it though , showing that we have started somewhere and are on the path ....


"miliions who are somehow able to not accept reality 'cos they dont like it"...
...You just perfectly described liberalism.


how so , which facts of reality are not accepted by liberalism?

I'll give you a some reality publicans reject , see if you can come up with as many.
Global warming.
safe Covid Vaccines
No cheating in 2020 election

its 3 nil , what've you come up with?


They call men women, and vice versa. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Lol, you also know the vaccines have been deemed less affective than originally proclaimed, and certainly have dangerous side affects to many. It's also a fact that climate change has been widely overstated. Remember we had only "8 years" to fix it, 5 years ago? Odd considering how many democrats still own ocean front property. As far as the election goes, it was never actually investigated, so who knows, because blanket dismissal of concerns isn't an investigation. There definitely were significant anomalies that were never explored. That isn't to say the election wasn't exactly the way it was, but it should have been looked at closer, particularly since the sitting president claimed that digital voting machines posed a huge threat to our democratic process because they weren't traceable. Of course, that was said BEFORE he was president...odd.


Someone call Heisenberg a cab. He/she/they is/are obviously not sober.
