MovieChat Forums > Prince Harry Discussion > The question we all want answered.

The question we all want answered.

Do gingers have souls? Discuss.


Soul or not he's still a gorgeous man.


Thanks, Meghan. Go away now. :)


Lmao!! Oh come on! He's so handsome and has that accent as well *swoon* I would say that I would not mind being Meghan but my hubby is my dream man and no man can top him :) :)


Good woman! :)

But I'll just have to take your word for Harry's "handsomeness", SPP. The only physical feature of his that I've noticed is his nose, because it's almost a clone of Markle's.


Thank you! :)

That's awesome! I've not noticed that. I do think they make a striking couple though. My husband watched Suits and I remember the first time I saw her I thought how gorgeous she was. I'm not a celebrity watcher really and don't pay attention to tabloids and celebrity magazines but I do admit to checking up on Prince William and Prince Harry just because of what happened to their beautiful mother :( Prince Harry reminds me of the Neville Longbottom character from the Harry Potter movies in that he had this incredibly awkward look as a kid but blossomed into a very handsome young man :)


Hey! I assume this is an open forum. If she wants to hang out and chat about movies its ok. I hope she doesn't cheat by giving all of her listings on a 10/10.


I think gingers are pretty damn sweet. 😊😊😊😊


Ginger women, yes. Guys? They just look like nature's joke.


You sound like nature's joke, you offensive oaf !


Hey I'm Scottish as well! This is a tongue-in-cheek thread for laughs. I'm not being serious.


laughing at natural colour in any form is not funny, there was a time people laughed at skin colour, I just don't get it, anyway, I forgive ya


I'm fair skinned if it makes you feel better. I can't tan for shit. Making fun of myself in a way.


You tell 'im 😂😂😂😂



Indeed they are! A special treat.


My partner is a ginger. I can tell you for sure that he does not have soul. No soul, no rhythm, and two left feet on the dance floor.


I can't dance for shit. I am a decent athlete buy I look like an idiot dancing. Forrest Gump dancing with Jenny to "sweet home Alabama" is similar.


What kind of business you in?


Well, this case, we already know the answer to "Do gingers have brains?".


That wasn't the question posed. Stop derailing the thread.
