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Jeffrey Epstein: ABC stopped report 'amid Palace threats'

Robach was the one who interviewed Virginia Giuffre in 2015. I don't know if ABC is saying she's not credible or what.

How have ABC responded?

In a statement after the footage leaked, ABC stood by its decision not to air the interview, saying the reporting did not meet its standards.

"But we have never stopped investigating the story," the statement continues, adding that "substantial resources" had been dedicated to investigating Epstein.

In a separate statement, Robach said she "was caught in a private moment of frustration" last summer as the Epstein story unfolded.

She said she was "upset that an important interview I had conducted with Virginia Roberts didn't air because we could not obtain sufficient corroborating evidence" to meet ABC's editorial standards.

"My comments about Prince Andrew and her allegation that she had seen Bill Clinton on Epstein's private island were in reference to what Virginia Roberts said in that interview in 2015.

"I was referencing her allegation - not what ABC News had verified through our reporting."

She added that "in the years since no one ever told me or the team to stop reporting" on Epstein.


Katie Pavlich Ties ABC’s Epstein Cover-up To Clintons, Stephanopoulos

Pavlich, who appeared Wednesday on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” suggested that ABC’s reluctance to cover a story that tied former President Bill Clinton and others to the late convicted pedophile could be summed up in just one name: veteran ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos.

“There’s no question, executives at ABC protected Jeffrey Epstein,” host Tucker Carlson began. “Why do you think they did that?”

“Because their star anchor’s name is George Stephanopoulos and of course George Stephanopoulos worked as Bill Clinton’s communications director at the White House,” Pavlich explained. “And when was this information given to Robach at ABC? When did she bring all this to her executives to say we should put this to air? Right before the 2016 election when Hillary Clinton was running on the Democratic ticket.”

Pavlich went on to add that Stephanopoulos had his own direct connection to Epstein as well, noting that the ABC journalist had attended a dinner party at Epstein’s home after Epstein served 13 months for soliciting underage girls.


Tucker Carlson said it? On Fox News!

Well then it HAS to be true!

Fox/Cnn/Msnbc/ all just spin to the base.


Learn to read, moron! Pavlich said it, Tucker just agreed.


Satan you really should not watch these channels.

The main concern of FOX/CNN/MSNBC is ratings which = cash...nothing more.

The way they get ratings is to divide America into two camps, rile people up about the other side, people then stay tuned and ratings soar.

The journalistic integrity has long left these channels. They sold out big time.




Should not be taken seriously.

Any channel that does not give adaquate time for rebuttles/counter arguments is just catering to their viewers.

The quest for ratings is so strong that some just might make up or amplify dodgy stories to rile up the base. This quest erodes journalistic standards. Once gone, it is almost impossible to get back.

People should look at all the angles, it is a journalistic responsibility to give it to them. FOX /CNN/ MSNBC just do not do this all the time.

It is like being a juror and having to leave the room whenever the defender cross examines.


second etc, opinions?


ABC has a quest for ratings also. Their argument for why it did not air is that nobody knew who he was in 2016 and that, the #metoo movement was not around yet is a plausible explaination for why it did not air.

FOX's.claim that there is some sort of jucied left wing cabal that killed the story would certainly ring all the right ratings bells at that channel. Because the story caters to it viewers base in almost every way, it should be looked at with a crooked eye.


not MSM?


The OP was talking about Tucker Carlson on FOX. That network seems to be hyping the story the most.
