He should be free

that is all.


All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. Instead Chauvin murdered Floyd in the street so that's why he is going to be in prison for the most of the rest of his life.


No, they should have just let him drive off into the neighborhood while fcked up on drugs.


Nice made up/fictional “what could have happened”. Fyi, there is a big difference between arresting someone and murdering them by kneeling on their neck for 9.5 minutes…several minutes after they became unresponsive. The fact that you can’t comprehend the difference….isn’t really that big of a surprise.


They did arrest him and placed him in a cop car, he went berserk because of all the drugs he was on and tore the car apart. The best course of action was letting him drive off, and no I don't care who he ran over in that particular neighborhood because there is a 99% chance they'd be just as big of a piece of shit as floyd.


There is a good chance that Chauvin save future lives!


by getting fucked in prison?


Floyd saved future lives by taking too many drugs and dying. He definitely would have killed someone in the future one way or another had he not overdosed.


Floyd had already taken a lethal dose of fentanyl when he first crossed paths with Chauvin. This is on video, Chauvin asked Floyd the most critical question, something like "have you taken any drugs?" Floyd made many mistakes that night, but the one that sealed his fate is when he said "no" to that question.

If there were true justice in America, Derek Chauvin would still be out there patrolling the streets.

this story is already years old, so I am not going to search for sources, but what I do know, is at the end of the day, Chauvin got jobbed.


All that is just nonsense. All Chauvin had to do was get off of Floyd who was handcuffed and subdued then call for medical assistance. Then Floyd might be alive but Chauvin would not be in prison. That's the facts and there's nothing you can up with will change that. The only person who is responsible for Floyd's death is Chauvin. That's what the courts have decided.


You are missing the point. Floyd was dead already. It didn't matter what Chauvin did, or didn't do . Sure, he is unfairly rotting in jail now, but so are countless others.


If Floyd was already dead then why did Chauvin keep kneeling on him? The reason you don't want to "debate" is because you know you're wrong. Good day!


I've had a cop kneel on me, have you? It hurts a bit, but you can breathe, and if you stop resisting, they might even let you sit up. The cuffs are non-negotiable though. Once they go on, they aren't coming off until intake.


but can you breathe with a cops knee on your neck if you're already having trouble breathing?
Chauvin had a duty to ASSIST breathing not hamper it.

also floyd stopped resisting but still had the knee on the neck.


Like the autopsy report said, he was dead already. Cops asked him point blank "have you taken any drugs?". He said "no", thus sealing his fate. But it really didn't matter how he responded. He was already dead. Sorry you fell for the propaganda at the time.


so i guess the big question is how "lethal" was this dose - cos i'm willing to bet you're exaggerating , but the way i see it theres 3 levels:

1) Lethal - would have died no matter what
2) Overdose - would have needed medical attention to survive
3) Dosed - Would have survived without medical intervention if didnt have asshole cop kneeling on your neck

As Floyd was in custody and therefore care of Chauvin , he should have been treated for #2 regardless of not admitting drugs even if that treatment only extended as far as not choking him with a knee on the neck.


You said that you were not going to "debate" me anymore? Why did you change your mind?

You are wrong. There was no reason for Chauvin to murder Floyd. Why do you support Chauvin? Do you know him personally?

Floyd was a pile of shit but it wasn't up to Chauvin to execute him in the street. That's why Chauvin is in prison. Deal with it.


Why did you edit your post about not "debating" me?


Because i am an awful typist? My main point in this specific discussion was, the guy is unfairly doing life, but so are a lot of other guys. Life can be cruel, unfair, and snatch everything from you in an instant. As a visitor of this site, you should know that.


Goodnight, Cupcake. I'm through with you. Your stupidity cannot be fixed.


If your gentle ears don't like what I have to say, just block me already. I find male Karens to be nauseating.


Floyd had a high level of fentanyl in his system, but for a chronic user, it was not absolutely lethal. Why are you claiming that it was a lethal level?




Had the 3 Police Officers standing off to the side talking actually stepped in to assist Chauvin with getting Floyd under control, this might not have happened
