MovieChat Forums > George Floyd Discussion > I admire MovieChat

I admire MovieChat

This is not a sarcastic post.

I really admire this site for allowing discussions to go on no matter how absurd, racist or bigoted they are. On all boards, not just George Floyd's. The fact is, people have different opinions. Other sites that censor these types of discussions are a big problem IMO.


There's nothing to admire about lack of moderation. You like seeing this board being turned into 4chan? Stormfront?
It's what killed the original imdb boards.


Quit crying, soy boi.


The IMDb boards were "killed" because the site no longer wished to bother moderating it. Chat could have gone on with a big disclaimer of "No moderation at all, IMDb does not endorse nor is responsible for any messages on the site".

There were large build-ups of trolls and troll post, but they seemed to be congested on movies that were trending, but absent from older films and even great films that are simply old. For example Terminator: Genisys was so congested with troll presence that you couldnt have any thoughtful discussion or debate without getting slammed every which way. But then on the movie The Thing (1982) there werent any trolls I could think of and you could genuinely discuss the movie.

Some moderation might be nice, but not so much that it kills common sense discussion. As long as we have a block/ignore user feature then all should go well.

We can choose to ignore and stay away from people we dont like in the real world.


I've seen racist posts deleted by mods.


I've also seen a LOT of argumentative, immature, and nasty posts go untouched. I'm with OP: I think this site errs on the side of letting the users say what we want.


Yes, because some stranger typing something mean at you can require years therapy.


You definitely seem to get offended pretty easily


Really? How about an example? Calling out fringe kook, leftist scum like you does not equal "offended". I've never once been offended on MC.


Just re-read your response, very slowly…


What the hell are you even talking about? I stand by what I said. I actually don't ever get "offended", ever. "Offended" is a complete waste of time and a parasitical emotion.


1. Everyone gets offended. It is a basic human reaction. You are either not in touch with your emotions, or you are lying.

2. For someone who doesnt get offended, you are very worked up right now. “What the hell are you talking about” etc. Just screams “I’m offended!”

3. What is up with these modern Trumptards thinking they aren’t allowed to get offended by anything? Why is that a thing? Especially when they get even more offended than the average libtard. Does it make you insecure crybabies feel more masculine to go “I never get offended!”


HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You think I'm worked up? I'm actually laughing right now. I don't buy it that everyone gets offended. Most of the "offense" you see is phony anyway. It makes weak people feel validated. I'm in control of my emotions, not the other way around. Offense is a sign of low self esteem and insecurity. It's an insecure reaction to thinking someone is better than they are.


Uh, sure. Whatever floats your insecure wittle boat there, pal…


See? Prime example. I don't care even a little what you, an insignificant digital cigarette butt thinks about me or what I say. I'll be happy to bruise your fragile little ego anytime though. No offense....

P.S. You should take a little time to consider what I said though. You might benefit from it.


If you really didn’t care, you’d ignore me instead of throwing this hilarious hissy fit.


Naw. I'm passing time at work and there's nothing like toying with the kooky leftists.


Looks like you’re wasting your time, lol


I'm doing other things as well as amusing myself with you.

Anyway, what about hummus? Favorite food? Are you a vegan?


Hummus is pretty delicious.


It is. I make my own with dried garbanzos. Completely from scratch.




So are you a vegan?


I didn't say anything close to that. I enjoy freer speech. Either you've read something into my comment that isn't there or you're talking about a completely different thing.


People whine about this stuff all the time and use the "ignore" feature which is SOOO silly, as if it has some "dramatic" impact in their lives. I mean ca'mon, it's people who don't matter in their lives, on the internet and it's completely irrelevant. If people don't like it, they're free to not participate but no, they want to whine about people typing mean things.


This really feels like you're talking at me moreso than "with" me.


Not saying there aren't any. Just saying I have seen them delete it.


I'm sure you're right. Still, on the whole, the discourse here appears to be largely unfettered. I do appreciate that there would be a line that could be crossed on a site like this (doxxing, for instance), and I also appreciate that Moviechat seems to err on the side of more speech.


It has nothing to do with racism. People don't dislike George Floyd because he was black, but because he has been turned into a hero, when in reality he was a worthless piece-of-crap thug.



The left on the other hand build statues to him solely BECAUSE of his race. If he was White guy, they would have ignored him. Who's treating people on the content of their character and who on the colour of their skin?


Right! And there was a white guy and they did ignore him. Look up Tony Timpa.


I said the n word hard r and it got deleted by mods


From what I've observed, as long as you don't use blatant racial slurs or overtly advocate for violent ethnic cleansing, the mods here are otherwise rather tolerant of bigoted, white supremacist rhetoric. All you need to do is cover it with paper thin plausible deniability and dog whistles, then you can pretty much go nuts like many of the posts on this particular board.


"White supremacist rhetoric" is a White person making a valid point.


I swear like a sailor, but why would you say the n word?


i was just being a gamer


So basically immature?


I agree - I think people should learn how to ignore bullshit either through the existing ignore function or via cognitive process called thinking. Censoring stuff outright strips people of learning that basic skill.


The left censors because they don't have arguments.


To a certain degree I'm fine with the fact that Moviechat allows white supremacists lowlifes to show their asses on these boards because it allows the rest of us to easier identify them & the pattern of their degenerate white supremacist talking points for what they are. This "leeway" however does often lead to a lot disruptive trolling from the more obnoxious of these white supremacist types but the IGNORE button does help to nullify some of it.


They censor because they can't defeat us with marketplace of ideas.
