Punchable face.

It looks like he's asking for a knuckle sandwich.


He's still a hero


He’s a zero


STFU....he is no better than those he gunned down....


He is a hero, they are pieces of shit. Sorry about facts.


Pedos, wife and family beaters and burglars! What fine examples of antifa and BLM protesters!


Anyone out there that night are pos. You supporting any of them makes you an even bigger pos....a fat one also...lmao


And you obviously are a pedophile. He's still a hero.


The only pedos around here are the fat boys who keep bringing it up...go back and finish that shit sandwich now tubby...πŸ˜‚


Don't be mad because you're a pedo and and kyle is a hero.


You are a fat boy. Stop fantasizing about kyle you fat pig...I just know you have a potbelly staring up at you while you eat your beef jerking, drinking beer and hoping to meet your fat hero Kyle one day...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I'm actually fairly athletic. I still play hockey once or twice a week, and have an active job. While i undoubtedly don't look like I did when I wrestled in college, I don't think anyone would consider me fat, particularly given my age. You however, are certainly a pedophile, and Kyle is certainly a hero.


Dude if you got a hint of a pot belly you are fat. You are the one fantasizing about a teen hero. Look in the mirror you fat moronic pedo.πŸ˜‚


Dude, don't project because you like to fuck boys.


Dude you have been crushing on a teenage boy this whole thread.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Talk about projecting. You are.gulity of that here. You run your old fat belly over here defending a young boy as heroic. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚That is pretty telling. You are one of those fat loudmouths we seen on tv thinking Trump won the election.,....you damn moron..


Dude, just quit wanting to fuck kids, and then you won't have to accuse others of it to make yourself feel better.


Stop making shit up. It's a sick mind that types what you just did you fat sack of shit.πŸ˜‚


You should try it.


I don't want to join him in prison.


People don’t go to prison for self defense. No matter how much lemmings wish it.


how is it self defense when you go armed to another city? I live in a rural area come near a house with a gun and find out about self defense


This will be a good time for you to go educate yourself on the case. You’ll learn from it. And more importantly learn the process of how to inform yourself of reality rather than just believe what the Democrat media/education abortion spoon feeds you. In the end you’ll be a better more intelligent person for it.

I’m glad I could help.


Just like Bin Laden. Heroes Anthony, Joseph, and Gaige put their lives on the line to try to stop a terrorist just like the Flight 93 heroes did! And Vile Rittenlouse deserves the same fate as fellow terrorist Bin Laden! How do you like them apples MC troll bitches!


A person doesn't have to look like Stallone or Eastwood in real life to be a hero. It's what's inside that counts. Yeah, he looks like an annoying guy, perhaps, but he had the guts and courage to stand off a crazed mob and the good judgement and restraint to only shoot the ones who were immediately threatening to him.


Seemed targeted to me.


That's because you're not very bright


Care to explain?


Case in point


So you have nothing. Got it.


This is like that "journalist" who tried to storm the pilots cabin after the pilot said "Let's go Brandon" over the speakers and the "journalist" wanted to "get a comment" from him. WTF did she need a comment for? He said "Let's go Brandon" it's pretty self explanatory what his comment was.
And so we come back to you, who needs the phrase "That's because you're not very bright" explained to him. The message was self contained in the words I used to compose the sentence, if you cannot decipher it then is anything really in need of an explanation?


You responded to my comment of "seemed targeted to me", not the original comment. I don't see how saying "seemed targeted to me" means that I'm trying to get a comment" from someone here.


Kyle Rittenhouse is fat because he was born in privilege, because he's lazy, because he's a manbaby who was used to always having his way. He's hedonistic, masturbatory, typical White youth.
He's a sociopath, having no empathy or even basic understanding of other people's feelings and pain.
Kyle Rittenhouse was born in darkness, molded by it. His parents have obviously failed in raising him; being degenerate Gen-X-ers themselves.
Look at Kyle's various curly and spiky hairstyles; he has an absurdly overinflated opinion of himself while he just looks like a disgusting subhuman.
He played too much video games. But I hope they make sure he doesn't have that opportunity for a long time.
He went there to make a hero of himself even if it meant killing people. Because he doesn't care about people and he needs to learn his lesson in prison.


I definity agree with the last part. He might have wanted to stop violent protesters, but he was looking to kill.


You say he was looking to kill. Tell me, do you think his plan was to kill and potentially give up his future in some courtroom somewhere if it was deemed not self defence . Or kill and try and escape and get away with it and no one find out?


You're implying that he's too intelligent to commit a crime and expect to get away with it or not suffer any inconvenience at all?


Errr, no I'm not...I'm asking if samoanjoes thinks that's the case.


It's implied by you asking him that. Why else would you ask?


No, you're loading your implication and putting words in my mouth "too intelligent".

I was merely trying to differentiate between "looking to kill" knowing it would result in court, potential jail etc and "looking to kill" thinking he could drop a couple of people and slip into the night. Let's face it, there were countless shootings during this "summer of love", dozens of people murdered and shot in places like CHOP. How many shooters were found and prosecuted? These shooters weren't exactly rocket scientists were they?


You can say that about any school shooter. This guy was hoping to use "civic city" as his defence.


I'll be honest, your reply doesn't really make any sense.

Are you really saying you think a school shooter could try and use the self defense argument?

School shootings are premeditated acts of violence by someone that knows it will most likely result in their death. Either by their own hands or the police. A school shooting is done for infamy knowing how the media lap them up and glorify them. There is literately zero comparison here.

So you think he was happy to roll the dice on maybe not getting it ruled self defence just to take a life? Knowing the implications of it being ruled the other way. I just can't see it man.


School shootings are premeditated acts of violence by someone that knows it will most likely result in their death.

Correct. But what Kyle Rittenhouse did was a premeditated attack as well, but he thought that he could hide behind the excuse that he was doing his civic duty. Look at what he was wearing. He knew what he was getting into.


Why was he giving first aid to people if he's a premeditated killer?

And what is wrong with what he was wearing?


He's charged for "Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18". It doesn't matter that he tried to help them when he wasn't allowed to have the gun in the first place.

He was wearing similar clothes to other people who has guns there and was also wearing gloves. It's like they all discussed it beforehand.


"Possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18"

Punishable by 9 months behind bars lol. Super serious.

"He was wearing similar clothes to other people who has guns there and was also wearing gloves."

looooooooool. OK. I can't take you seriously now. He was wearing gloves as he was offering first aid to those that needed it. Hell, I'd be wearing three pairs of gloves if I was him. Who knows what diseases those nasty people had. Or are you saying the gloves were to stop him leaving fingerprints on the gun? The same gun that Kyle walked up to the police with and tried to surrender...You're on crack man.


He was wearing gloves as he was offering first aid to those that needed it. Hell, I'd be wearing three pairs of gloves if I was him. Who knows what diseases those nasty people had.

If he was wearing gloves because he cared about the sanitary conditions when providing first aid, he wouldn't be wearing those gloves while holding the gun.


But thanks for admitting that he broke the law by possessing a firearm while under the age of 18.


So are you saying the gun was dirty? Or you're expecting him to take his gloves off when he started getting attacked after offering first aid? You're coming out with some bizzare arguments. It's rather sad you're so desperate to paint him as the bad guy...

And I didn't admit he broke the law by possessing a firearm under the age of 18. I don't know what the laws are there. I merely stated that if he did, it doesn't seem like a big deal in the eyes of the law. The prosecutor didn't even mention it in his opening statement...


You said possessing a firearm under the age of 18 was punishable by 9 months.

Anyway, if you are aiding someone, you put gloves on. You don't use the gloves you were using to fire a gun.


Yeah. That's what the media are claiming Kyle is being charged with and 9 months is the possible jail time. We'll need to wait and see how that pans out.

I don't think you appreciate the timeline involved between offering first aid and getting chased and needing to open fire. Again, you're not addressing my question. What advantage is there from wearing nitrile gloves when using a gun?


Fingerprints. Gun residue. Grip.


Riiiiiiight. All things a criminal would be concerned about. Not someone that walked right up to police to try and hand himself in immediately...

Can you not see you pursuing this glove thing is utterly bonkers?


He called the police and ran off.

One witness even said after Rittenhouse shot the first person, "He pushed me out of the way and ran off. I tried to grab him,"


If someone in a mob tries to grab me after I shot someone in self defence, I'm sure as fuck pushing them out the way and running away from them too.

He's clearly on video running straight to the police after the last engagement...


He called and left the scene of the crime. And he was the one who shot. The guy threw a garbage bag at him. He was really threatened by a garbage bag?


If he hadn't left the vicinity of that scum's body, he quite simply would have been mobbed and most likely murdered. Feel free to disagree, but you're wrong. He tried to make his way to the police where he was attacked, yet again. When he got to them, they turned him away. We've known this since day one. It's on video. Keep up. I'm sure you're intentionally acting dumb now.

Watch the video and tell me the only threat was a thrown plastic bag.


How was he scum? It was confirmed that he wasn't a rioter or a protester. He threw a garbage bag at Rittenhouse, and somehow he thought that warranted shooting 3 people and killing 2 of them.


If you're saying a man that rapes 9 year old boys isn't scum, you need to have a long, hard look at yourself.

Anyway, you're clearly an imbecile as you're refusing to look at the evidence. There is as much use discussing this with you than there is asking a cow for the time.


Is there evidence he raped a 9-year-old? I didn't hear about that.


You could say that there is quite a bit of evidence, yeah... He was charged by a grand jury with 11 counts of child molestation and inappropriate sexual activity around children, including anal rape. The victims were five boys ranging in age from 9 to 11 years old.


Okay, he was scum. But did Rittenhouse know ihat when he shot him?


Of course not. I have never justified that shooting with the fact he was a child rapist. Everyone is free to accurately describe that sub Human piece of shit as scum due to his love for raping little boys. That's all.


I believe he was locked up for ten years for the pedophilia and the article below discusses the criminal charges against the rioters. He also beat up his girlfriend and there was a restraining order filed against him.



The worrying thing is, I can't tell if you're serious or not.


LOL...you guys who post nothing but vile hatred crack me up.

I wish you all had cameras so that everyone could see you all safe and hiding in your mommy's basement with empty Cheetos bags all over the place, posting juvenile insults and insulated from any real life ramifications of your anonymous bullcrap.

You'd *never* verbalize such hatred to the faces of anyone in public because you are all cowards.




posting juvenile insults

Also you:
I wish you all had cameras so that everyone could see you all safe and hiding in your mommy's basement with empty Cheetos bags all over the place


Prosecution pulled a Biden and shit themselves in court this week. Case over.

Lemmings focus on superficial because it’s all they can comprehend.


My comment is clearly separate of whether or not I think he's guilty.
