MovieChat Forums > SuperMangua

SuperMangua (74)



Our lord and saviour Donald Trump is a clearly superior rich fuck. It's a good thing nobody cares what rich people think. Now I'll turn on billionaire Murdoch's Fox News channel to tell me what to think. And then I'll listen to today's episodes of Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon's WarRoom to answer all of my questions about life. The victims were White? That makes it alright then. Everyone go home. And that's exactly what happened. Have you never watched TV?? White people can never be victims. (Unless they're gay or trans, meaning they won't reproduce themselves, which is fantastic) White privilege will ensure that his parents will take care of him until he's 60 and set him up with a fat millionaire trust fund for the rest of his life. You'll see him a lot on Fox News and other Boomer programs soon. They'll set him up for a nice University, rig the entrance as usual, to pay him off for protecting Corporate America's interests and business owners interests by killing protesters on the streets. He set a great example and must be rewarded to encourage other copycat Corporate berserkers. This is Corporate fascism at play. The judge was an obvious skinhead street enforcer fascist, the jury were clearly White supremacists. It's game over for America. Who would've thought? The Muslims should've won in 732. That's been the case ever since they took over control of the Media in the early 20th Century and took over the Ivy League later on. The inter-dimensional child molesting Reptillians who own a child slave colony on Mars. Aided and abetted by the Nazi Communist Chinese and the Arabs who own Hollywood. We have to stop them by going to Mars and freeing all of their child slaves! They will not stop human agency! #BuyTesla Dude was rushing at individuals with a sword. Chased protestors with machete before getting beat up. The man later blamed himself for his own 'stupidity'. OMG, I almost forgot! November 21st is going to be Andre Cedeno's 51st birthday (Yes, he's a legit grandpa now who still plays with action figures); Let's wish Andre a great one and send the gift of lots of love in his comments! What do you reckon he'll get as presents? Maybe another Taylor Swift cardboard cutout to pretend his girlfriend! lol #Novembermybirthdaymonth No Chance in Hell (Mr. McMahon) You mean pedoes like Donald Trump, Steve Bannon, and their close friend Jeffrey Epstein who filmed them having sex with children at his orgies. View all replies >