MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Has anyone seen Oubliette-Midas from IMD...

Has anyone seen Oubliette-Midas from IMDb? OdumC?

I miss you! Your posts were so eloquent and funny. Did you become a poet?

OdumC (OdumCarlock), FuriousStyles, General Ackbar, where are you guys? It's been so long. Let's talk about Batman and Andre Cedeno.
Andre thinks that he's Robin and that Batman is his adoptive father. That's because his real father left his family for unknown reasons when Andre was only a child. That's why he loves Batman & Robin so much! And Batgirl is his sister Michelle. That's his cope!
Now Andre hates Pattinson Batman because he's too young to be his father! That's hilarious! Hahaha!
And he hates Catwoman because she reminds him of his father leaving his family for another woman! And Robin being dead is just adding insult to injury. For Andre, that's like himself being dead.


OMG, I almost forgot! November 21st is going to be Andre Cedeno's 51st birthday (Yes, he's a legit grandpa now who still plays with action figures);
Let's wish Andre a great one and send the gift of lots of love in his comments!
What do you reckon he'll get as presents? Maybe another Taylor Swift cardboard cutout to pretend his girlfriend! lol



Im here, the fat turd is still posting regular rants on youtube, most are 2 hours long haha the fat loser
