MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict: Hollywood Reac...

Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict: Hollywood Reacts To Acquittal With Outrage But Not Surprise


Who cares. A bunch of rich fucks that wouldn't shed a tear if their armed security mowed someone down that came at them.

Good to see the morons go on record for the world to see their complete lack of critical thinking.


Our lord and saviour Donald Trump is a clearly superior rich fuck.

It's a good thing nobody cares what rich people think.
Now I'll turn on billionaire Murdoch's Fox News channel to tell me what to think.
And then I'll listen to today's episodes of Goldman Sachs banker Steve Bannon's WarRoom to answer all of my questions about life.


Why the other rich people liked Trump until 2015 then,then he suddendly became the devil to them? Ask yourself why


This "people liked Trump until 2015" shit always makes me chuckle. Were you born in 2014 or something? Trump was widely hated since he first came into the public eye in the 1980s, he was always a classless boor who was on the damn news every 6 months because once again he got dragged into court for fucking people over in NYC, but always got away with it because he always made sure he fucked over poor people who couldn't afford slick scumbag lawyers like his. The only people who liked him were people who either were assholes the same as he is, or morons who watch shitty reality TV shows. The truly rich set in NYC famously snubbed him and that burns his fat ass to this day.

Right wing conservatives never gave a shit about him until he started braying about Obama's birth certificate, i.e. the beginning of his political career.


This is next-level TDS...I didn't think that was possible at this point. Well done.


We all know. Saint Hilary, that's why.

They all saw her as some kind of messiah purely based on what would have been the first female president. How smug and advanced they all could have felt, regardless of her actual character.

I guarantee if Trump had beaten out any male in Hilary's position there wouldn't have been anywhere close to the level of animosity towards him.

Note to lunatics who want to categorise everyone: I don't like Trump.


I can sense your brain cells slowly dying with every post you make.


That's an oddly specific set of details there. Sounds like you have a certain caricature of a conservative that you project onto others. Don't do that, it signals very low intelligence.


All living in gated communities, I'm sure. Let's dump illegal aliens in Beverly Hills and Delaware, I'm sure the elites will welcome them with open arms.


No doubt.


Who cares about Rich people think. Says the people who made a rich guy there lord and savior. Anyone with critical thinking skill would at least admit what Kyle did was fucking stupid and he had no business being there. Instead acting like some world war 2 vet who storm the beaches of Normandy.


Last time I checked, an American is free to be anywhere in public in the United States. You may not have made the same decision as Kyle to be have been there that night, but he had every right to be. It's pathetic people like you keep trying to make this argument.


Most unjust verdict in history. Vile Rottenlouse stands alongside Dylan Rooff, Patrick Wood Crusius, and Nicholas Cruz in evil, but because the far right was on his side, including the judge (a former guy lover), he was acquitted. The jury cowered in the face of justice just like the ones who acquitted Philip Brailsford. Sick. Now as his T-shirt read when he partied with Proud Boys after bailed out by the Pillow Guy and Rick Schroeder (2 notorious Fascists) he's free as f---. So evil.


Does anyone have a dummy for this guy?


Adam60z either is one of those few pedo ventriloquists or one of the many NPC robots of meme fame.


I'm guessing you're a conservative using a fake account to pretend to be a liberal in order to make liberals look stupid.

Congrats, it's working.


I say parody account.


Clearly, you are ignorant of the laws of this country and Wisconsin. He was tried by a jury of his peers, which is the law of the land.

As an aside, it works both ways, buddy. I bet you thought OJ was innocent...right?



So you believe OJ was innocent because a jury of his peers said so? What a moron!

reply bet is that the poster agreed OJ was innocent when everyone (except the jury) knew he was guilty...just like this guy thought Rittenhouse was guilty when everyone (including the jury) knew he was innocent.


Fascism won today. A dark day for the judicial system.


How? We literally have video evidence and witness testimony proving it wasn't murder. Kyle Rittenhouse was attacked by 3 felons and he defended himself. You're only mad because your team lost, however, when it comes to trials, there is supposed to be no Political bias and the Jurors are supposed to look at nothing but the cold, hard facts, something you refuse to do.


So are you saying the judge was unbiased? What brand of crack are you smoking?!


The judge knew the law. To the ignorant, he was biased.



If the jury would have found Crybaby Rottenhouse guilty, senile old Judge Mush For Brains was just going to declare a mistrial. But no, the old fuck wasn't biased.


Absolutely. What exactly makes you think otherwise?

As soon as it became evident in the trial that the Prosecution has a weak case, people like you needed a scapegoat and the Judge was it!


Hes not innocent of being fucking stupid.


Lucky for you, being stupid isn't against the law.


If it was, you would serving consecutive life sentences.


You'd be dead.


Great view!


Hollywood is filled with idiots. Hard to believe anyone would see the video evidence and call it anything but self defense.

And they are only going to incite more divisions, more violence, more death.

Thanks again, liberals. Your are just too generous.


No true red-blooded American should care what Hollywood thinks. Hollywood represents everything unAmerican.


Well unless there Mel Gibson, Ricky Schroder, Dean Cain, Jon Voight, Kevin Surbo, Scott Baio, Donald Trump. Then its just fine. And god forbid have different world view. The whole problem with this country is one side think other side in unAmerican/Evil and vice versa. People get there shit news either from far right Fox News/Newsmax or far left CNN/MSNBC. And can see or think objectively anymore.


Ricky Schroder is based? I didn't know that. I wasn't keep track.

Thanks for letting me know, I'll go see what based things he has to say!


One thing to keep in mind is that while these celebrities aren't risking anything by spouting their viewpoints, any celebrity with a differing opinion knows they're risking their career if they let anyone know what they think.

Because liberals believe anyone who disagrees with them must be destroyed.

It's like the days of the Hollywood Blacklists on steroids.


The same people that haven't questioned why Alec Baldwin isn't being charged with involuntary manslaughter? Yeah, fuck Hollywood.


Let those champagne socialists cry like Niagara falls until their tear ducts rupture. What are they going to? Call Gal Gadot and make another video of themselves singing that nihilistic trash song Imagine?
