MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > Will his life be in danger if he is foun...

Will his life be in danger if he is found not-guilty?

Will deranged leftists be out for blood?


His life won't be in danger, the jury members though will be in grave danger.


They'll be in a lot more danger if they find him guilty.


The inbred red necks are gathering with their ARs as we type.


That is a stupid thing to say unless you are the one who plans on killing them. It is extremely rare that any juror is assaulted after a verdict.


It's only recently that the left has come up with the plan of doxxing jurors as intimidation. The left has no compunction of rioting, looting, and burning down their *own* neighborhoods if their feelings get hurt. What will they do with the name and addresses of jurors who don't vote the way they want?


Words like "the left" is a rather broad term. Is that like saying "the right" will invade the Capitol assault police officers, loot and threaten to kill the Vice President if the election might not go their way? Surely you have names?

So far the the only names I've read regarding those threatening the jurors is those guys named Otter and strntz posting on


Of course you haven't heard about this - head buried in the sand and all:


So their names are?


I don't have their names, their SSI numbers, their height or weight, but they're right there on video intimidating the jury - unless you think they're CGI..


Like I said, the only names I have are yours and Otter's. What I saw was a bunch of angry people yelling at each other. I don't see a single threat against anyone associated with the trial.

What do you want to see happen?


No, they weren't yelling at each other. They were threatening the jury.

It's right on video

It's right on video

It's right on video

You can start with asking Cortez Rice if you insist upon names;


He says their taking pics and video, does not names any jurors that they want to target.


No they won't be. 99% of these threats are nohing but hot air from the same type of people that write in their pronouns into their social media profiles accompanying bs like "I'm bashing the fash", but they never lift a finger to actually do something.

After the trial is done, harming any juror would be completely pointless, the sentence was spoken, it will not have any further influence.


I hope you're right, but if someone from that 1% decides to become an anarchist..


Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse will live on his Go Fund Me account for a while, but when the money runs out, he will be on food stamps & welfare & will die an early death due to alcohol & meth abuse.


White privilege will ensure that his parents will take care of him until he's 60 and set him up with a fat millionaire trust fund for the rest of his life.
You'll see him a lot on Fox News and other Boomer programs soon. They'll set him up for a nice University, rig the entrance as usual, to pay him off for protecting Corporate America's interests and business owners interests by killing protesters on the streets. He set a great example and must be rewarded to encourage other copycat Corporate berserkers.
This is Corporate fascism at play. The judge was an obvious skinhead street enforcer fascist, the jury were clearly White supremacists. It's game over for America.

Who would've thought? The Muslims should've won in 732.


I would think the relatives of his MURDERED victims will do something about that, sue him to oblivion for one thing.


In a couple of years Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse will be back in the gutter.


Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse will live on his Go Fund Me account for a while, but when the money runs out, he will be on food stamps & welfare & will die an early death due to alcohol & meth abuse.

Rittenhouse will soon be joining Nick Sandmann in the teen millionaire club.


You got that right.


Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse will be broke & living on welfare & food stamps in a red state trailer park with the rest of you losers.


"Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse will be broke & living on welfare & food stamps in a red state trailer park with the rest of you losers."

Other predictions from you about Rittenhouse:

"That punk, Rittenhouse, will make someone a nice girl friend some day soon."
"Crybaby Kyle will make someone a great girlfriend pretty soon."
"The right-wing retards from MC Forums will be lining up to provide Crybaby Kyle Rottenhouse with conjugal visits."

LOL! You're a real Nostradamus.


I'm not retracting those predictions. How do you think Crybaby Rottenhouse will be making money after his Go Fund Me runs dry?


How do you think Crybaby Rottenhouse will be making money after his Go Fund Me runs dry?

You really can't figure that out? Here's a clue:

Nick Sandmann, former Covington Catholic High School student who famously settled a defamation suit against CNN, has given advice to Kyle Rittenhouse.

Noting that the parallels between him and Rittenhouse are “impossible not to draw,” Sandmann encouraged the 18 year-old to “hold the media accountable.”


Nick Sandmann’s net worth is currently unknown, though his lawsuits with various media outlets have given some people a general idea of how much it may be.

On January 7th 2020, CNN settled a lawsuit with Sandmann for an undisclosed amount. It sought $275 million in damages. The other lawsuit was against The Washington Post and sought $250 million. In July 2020 WaPo settled that lawsuit as well. Both lawsuits were settled for undisclosed amounts.


Not applicable in this case.


"Not applicable in this case."

I guess Rittenhouse won't be suing now that you've made your judgment on the issue.



The cases are not even apples and oranges.


I'll let Rittenhouse know not to waste his time because some internet troll said it would be futile.

You're funny, dude.


You have provided me with some good laughs also. Thank you for that.


I'm sure I have.

I'm guessing you cackle psychotically like Kamala.


I cannot answer that as I have never heard her laugh.


How do you define or describe psychotic cackling/laughter?


That's what I imagine you sounding like when I read your hilarious posts.


That's interesting.


This is "Leader of the Incels" level cope.


LOL! You will be at the head of the line to turn over your hard earned welfare dollars to Crybaby Kyle's Go Fund Me Page.


More likely the crooked judge (and he IS a crooked judge) will be in danger.


Oh, the salty liberal tears are so delicious.🤣


Yeah, you're going to have to prove that one with your words.

Please ELI5 all of us how he is 'crooked'?

Also, why are you defending pedos?


Hell no! He took out 3 bitch ass liberals in the middle of a riot. He's experienced at protecting his ass, and a proven killer if forced to be.


Lol, this.

They might think twice before trying anything ...


Liberals are generally giant pussies individually. I think he'll be fine.


As we saw with the liberal media and the Russian Collusion hoax, it's possible to whip liberals into a frenzy so they go out and shoot up a Republican softball practice.

So yeah, Kyle should be careful.


If they fuck around, Kyle will make sure they find out.
