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On bail, Rittenhouse drank with white supremacist friends in bar

"Kyle Rittenhouse, out on bail, flashed white power signs at a bar, prosecutors say.

In his 90-minute visit to the bar, Kyle Rittenhouse, 18, was seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to the motion.

Prosecutors are seeking to modify the bond agreement of Kyle Rittenhouse — the teen charged with killing two people during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, last summer — after they said he flashed white power signs and was “loudly serenaded” the Proud Boys’ anthem at a bar.

On Wednesday, the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office filed a motion to restrict Rittenhouse, who turned 18 earlier this month, from possessing or consuming alcohol at a bar or restaurant, displaying white power signs, and fraternizing with known members of white supremacy groups.

Rittenhouse, of Antioch, Illinois, was released from Kenosha County Jail on a $2 million bond in November, money mostly raised by conservatives through a legal defense fund.

At Pudgy’s Pub, Rittenhouse was seen wearing a T-shirt with the words, “Free as F***,” while flashing the "OK" sign — a gesture that has been co-opted by known white supremacist groups, the motion said. In his 90-minute visit to the bar, which was captured on security footage, the teen was seen consuming alcohol while being serenaded by a group of adult men who sang the Proud Boys’ anthem, according to the motion.

In the state of Illinois, where Rittenhouse lives, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to possess or consume alcohol in a public place, according to the motion. But in Wisconsin, people under the age of 21 can carry and drink alcohol if they are with a parent."


He killed white people.

Also, I think the leader of the Proud Boys is a Hispanic dude.


Not relevant. It doesn't negate my original post.

The FBI states the Proud Boys has ties with white nationalists.

The Canadian government announced it had designated the Proud Boys a terrorist entity on Feb. 3, 2021, noting the role played by the group in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

The Hispanic government informant is crying to be released from jail. There are people who target their own like Vital Hasson so it's no real surprise. Power at any cost?


It's not relevant a white guy shot white people and you're claiming racism, LOL?! Shut up, Keelai.


The FBI has more credibility than you do. They're also anti-Semitic.


it's really very bizarre to me that so many people have this need to smear this kid.

i'm not that invested in this, but it feels like there are lots and lots of things that are clearly true here.

- he shouldn't have been there.
- i don't hold him fully accountable for that, because he was a 17 year old boy, and 17 year old boys do all manner of stupid things that they think are actually awesome. i have a few things i did at that age i'd like do-overs on myself. i'm a-ok pointing the finger at his parents.
- he was clearly attacked and defending himself. i don't see how anyone can look at that footage and not see that he was under attack in a very real, serious way.
- he shouldn't have been there, but nobody should have been rioting and smashing property and threatening people either.
- and the law enforcement was far too lax in letting these riots percolate and rise in intensity.

so there's lots of moving parts, things to blame.

i don't know his politics, and i don't think it really trumps any of the stuff i laid out above in terms of importance. i don't think it's very good or useful to hand-wave away all those things and make this only about this kid and his stupidity or immaturity or even whatever bigotry he may have.


Shooting three people and killing two of them doesn't deserve a "do-over". It deserves justice for the shooting victims and their families especially when Rittenhouse has no remorse in which his night out drinking with white supremacists showed. Obviously, he has learned nothing. Even if acquitted, he's a thug who will be in trouble, again.

Poorly trained and racist police are clearly causing a large amount of social unrest in the country due to their lawlessness which prompted demonstrations for justice worldwide. Serious police reform is needed.

"things to blame"

- Horrible parenting.

- Police allowed him to break the law and run around with a rifle.

- Friends as stupid as he is.

- But, I blame mainly Rittenhouse for his own actions since I believe people need to take responsibility for their own behavior.

A would-be mass shooter with a rifle running in a crowd. I'm not sure why you're fine with that considering the numerous mass killings in the U.S..


if rittenhouse had actually essentially assassinated those men, then we'd be discussing another matter entirely. that's not what we're talking about here. we're looking at a situation where he was in each case pretty clearly defending himself, and that's something very different from the standard mass killings you're equating this to at the end of your post.

i made it pretty clear that i was absolutely not ok with him being at that riot with a gun. that was a grievous mistake, and if there are penalties for that, then i'm fine with him facing those, though his age must be considered surely.

but this is not a case of a man gunning down innocent victims. this is a guy who was attacked multiple times. that is something very different, and once you see that he was attached, then you have to accept that he was acting in his own defense. that seems very clear to me.

'he's a thug who will be in trouble, again."

i am skeptical of your kreskin-like powers. you don't know that, and there's no way you could know that.

"Poorly trained and racist police are clearly causing a large amount of social unrest in the country due to their lawlessness which prompted demonstrations for justice worldwide. Serious police reform is needed."

this is a broader point, one that i have some agreement with, though the facts are muddy in this area in some ways, but i don't want to broaden the scope of this to a point we drift away from the facts of this thread.

even if we believe the worst things about the police, that is not a license for people to smash other people's property and other people's livelihoods and threaten physical violence. i am absolutely fine with protest of course, but that's not what this was. if we're going to condemn rittenhouse for being there, and i do, then all the people smashing property and threatening others need to be condemned as well, and the authorities and government should be condemned for letting the situation spiral out of control to the extent it did.


Perception is everything. A young man running through a crowd of protestors with a rifle can easily be mistaken for a mass shooter. People trying to get the rifle away from him were the ones acting in self-defense and trying to save lives.

You have to place this in context. Right-wing extremists have repeatedly attacked demonstrators and carried out mass shootings.

The overwhelming majority of demonstrations were very peaceful. Too much Fox and other right-wing media will distort reality since their agenda is propaganda. I suggest you watch more normal news on ABC, CBS or NBC.

You value property over human life which is a bit twisted. Police violence needs to be addressed. Training is horrible and standards need to be raised. You can't talk about the rule of law for citizens when politicians and law enforcement don't follow it. BTW, the government was inciting violence or have you forgotten who the president was at the time?

"i am skeptical of your kreskin-like powers. you don't know that, and there's no way you could know that."

Not Kreskin. Basic common sense. Soon after he was out on bail, he broke the law and hanged out with troublemakers while he mocked the situation with a "Free as F***" TShirt. He has learned nothing and is arrogant. He'll be arrested for something and will end up back in jail even if he's acquitted for these murders. His mother is just as bad because she enables his behavior.

There's a video of him punching a woman in the head multiple times. Another saying he wanted to shoot shoplifters. He's prone to violence.


>Perception is everything. A young man running through a crowd of protestors with a rifle can easily be mistaken for a mass shooter. People trying to get the rifle away from him were the ones acting in self-defense and trying to save lives.

The fact that he only shot people who were attacking him goes completely over your dent-head, doesn't it.


The fact that the victims were trying to disarm a nut with a rifle in a crowd goes completely over your dent-head, doesn't it?


And what would you have done, had you seen Kyle in identical circumstances?


They had dealt with him earlier. They had issued a death threat to him earlier. The one guy ran along side of him, while he was NOT shooting people before he attacked him and was then shot.

Your words, do not match with reality.



Keelai: I see where you're getting at here. He should be charged as a terrorist as well.


The only way at this point, that Rittenhouse is found guilty, is if the jury is exclusively made up by lefty radicals.

The trial, is a joke. The prosecution, has made utter fools of themselves. Rittenhouse is clearly innocent.


Yes, senile old Judge Mush For Brains has turned the trial into a joke.


There is nothing wrong with being a White advocate. Almost nobody is a White supremacist. It's just a media slander term.


There is plenty wrong with KKK, neo-Nazis and their sympathizers. After all, they're domestic terrorists.

Some of them tried to overthrow the U.S. government on Jan. 6th and will attempt it, again.


I do not defend Neo Nazis and KKK, but I do and will defend White nationalists and White advocacy. The media calls White nationalism and even White advocacy White Supremacy. White Supremacy means Whites RULING OVER non Whites. Virtually nobody advocates that. White nationalists and White advocates just want Whites to be left alone. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be left alone.

And the definition of domestic terrorist is someone who commits terrorist acts and threats with terrorist acts. Not people with certain ideology. Antifa are domestic terrorists because they OPENLY ADVOCATE physical violence against people they disagree with.


Whites could have stayed in Europe and left Africans, Asians and Indigenous Americans alone.

You can move to Poland or Hungary.


Tell that to Mongols, Ottomans and Moors who have conquered Europe. Conquest ethic is part of human history. Interesting you never hear Europeans complaining.


Don't deflect. If you want to be left alone, go to Poland, Hungary or Spain if you'd prefer to appreciate the nice architecture left by the Moors.


It's not deflecting. Pointing out that conquest is universal in human history is a valid argument when someone is blaming colonialism entirely on Europeans.

And White people didn't build nice architecture? India should thank Britain for it's railroads. And why Poland, Hungary and Spain but not Britain, France, Sweden, Netherlands or Italy? Those places are indigenous White also. And that's granting you the premise that US doesn't belong to Whites who have built it.

Whites could have stayed in Europe and left Africans, Asians and Indigenous Americans alone.

You think there wouldn't be immigration into Europe if Europe never practiced colonialism?? Tell that to Sweden, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Finland....etc.


Don't deflect!

If you want to be left alone, move out of the U.S. which was never a white country. There are plenty of majority white countries in Europe where you'll be happier. You can join the Jan. 6th traitor in Belarus if you don't like Poland or Hungary.


More stupid arguments. First of all, I'm not American. Second of all US was conquered, founded built by Whites. Third of all, even European countries like England, Sweden and France are turning brown. People at January 6th were not traitors but trespassers. True traitors are the ones turning America into a third world brown shit hole.

There are 150 Black and Brown countries in the world, but Black and Brown people don't want to live in them, but would rather flock into White lands and live at the expense of Whites.


More deflection!

If you only want to live with whites, then move instead of whining about it on a movie site.

Since you're not American, you have no business telling Americans how we should live. Worry about the crappy country you're living in.


No deflection. I addressed all your arguments and they're pretty bad.

I already live in an only White country you moron. I'm just expressing dissatisfaction of what my fellow Whites have to endure in the West. If White Americans knew the truth about how they are being exploited and how much Blacks are costing them, all of them would become White nationalists.


Nope. Most American whites aren't hateful white nationalists.

You're clearly clueless about American values and ideals and are anti-American since you hate our way of life and our diversity.

Keep your hateful backside off American shores.


That's because they are kept in the dark about the costs of diversity, brainwashed with guilt and conditioned to be anti racists by every institutional in society. It's mind virus. American diversity is a house of cards which is already crumbling despite all the conditioning.

America has always been pro White, only in the last 60 out of 400 years has it embraced racial diversity and look at the problems that's causing. If you told the people in the 60s how American attitudes towards race would change in the next 50 years and showed them how it still has racial problems, they wouldn't have believed it. Modern society refuses to see the obvious truth that races are different.

Diversity leads to conflict and are bad for social trust. Sociological studies confirm that.


Your anti-American opinion is irrelevant.


The left appropriating the term "anti American". What have we come to?


A non-American defining who is "anti-American". What have we come to?


Ad hominem fallacy. Do you even logic, bro?


My comment isn't a personal insult. It's a fact unless you lied about your nationality.

It's not your place to determine who is anti-American, bro.


I never lied about my nationality. I never said it's my place to determine who is an American. However ideas should be judged on their merit, not on who is making them. And the fact you can't reply to my arguments and instead chose to call me names is very telling.


The leader of the Proud Boys(Enrique Tarrio) is Hispanic, dear. Everyone who follows this pointless crap we argue about daily knows this by now.

And I am curious, when is the OK sign a white supremacist signal vs just an OK sign? How do you people know this?


You're mistaken if you believe Hispanics can't be bigots.

Scroll up. Other posters answered that question.


Hispanics can't be white supremacists.

I must need glasses, because I am having trouble finding 1.


Are you looking among the white supremacist groups in which you belong?


What are you talking about? I'm talking about this comment:

"Scroll up. Other posters answered that question."

You are so insanely unstable.


And what qualifies anonymous posters to be experts?


You're the one who said "scroll up", asshole. You offered up "anonymous posters" as "experts" when yo told me to look at their posts to support YOUR argument. What is wrong with you?


Proud Boys are multiracial normie cuckservatives. Events in Kenosha weren't "protests" but RIOTS. Flashing an OK sign is not proof anyone hates Black people. Biden himself flashed that sing.
