MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > It's not just about one kid getting away...

It's not just about one kid getting away with murder

It's about the whole support system behind him. The former guy who created the atmosphere of hate, the manufacturer who put a weapon of war in his hands, the NRA and all their supporters that cleared the way for a 17 year old to use it, his mother who drove him there across state lines, his friend who bought the AR15 for him, the cops who cheered him on before, during, and after, and the judge whose thumb on the scale ensured injustice would prevail once again. And finally the jury who had no justice in their heart; only cowardice.
And it's about injustice for 3 heroes who put their lives on the line to try to stop an active shooter who killed 2: Hero Anthony and Hero Joseph, and wounded a 3rd, Hero Gaige.


Go fuck yourself. I'm in the middle when it comes to politics and i believe in strict gun control, but you're spewing is pure bile. Next time look up the facts before u start spouting off u dumb prick

reply're delusional.


It's not about anybody getting away with murder. There was no murder. There was only legitimate, legal, moral self-defense against three psychopathic criminals who were hell-bent on killing Kyle Rittenhouse. He did what he had to do to survive. He did the right thing. The world is a safer, cleaner place without the two shitbags he took out. The only unfortunately thing about it is that the third one survived.


Interesting you complain about "hate" yet never mentioned the media which incited riots and looting across the whole country based on a lying disproven narrative of racist cops that killed dozens of people and cost billions which are the reason Kyle had to defend himself in the first place. Someone should sue the media, seriously.


Self defense, watch the footage don't just read fake news articles


Have you considered joining your local Flat-Earth society? They could help you fornulate a more convincing argument.


FACT: It was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Kyle Rittenhouse killed two thugs and unfortunately only injured the third thug in self defense. Prove me wrong.


YOu people stop making threads with lies in the title?

WTF is wrong with you?
