MovieChat Forums > Kyle Rittenhouse Discussion > His life is pretty much over at this poi...

His life is pretty much over at this point.

Who will hire him? How can he live a normal life after this especially since he's only 18.


No, actually it's just beginning, and it's gonna be glorious compared to yours.


Weirdo behavior.


He’ll be set for life just because of devout conservatives who worship him.

I don’t think he’d join the military, as much as he’d love playing soldier. Boot camp would be hell for him. Drill instructor would annihilate his bootyhole during PT and exercise.

Cant imagine a hospital hiring him due to the controversy attached to his name. Plus, the irony of a guy who shot someone also being the guy saving your life does not bode well. Imagine being left-leaning finding out he’s your nurse. Hospitals are known to turn down potential hired who are far-leaning anywhere on the political spectrum in fear of patient political bias.

He could possibly be a conservative politician. The right would vote for him just for existing. A police force would probably take him on somewhere, though just as many would reject him because of his name. I think he could just sit around and sig heil at home while raking in donation worship money from the right.


You seem to underestimate how much support he had throughout the whole ordeal.

He didn’t break any laws, he has no criminal record, and his acquittal means criminals can longer abuse people under the guise of equality and get away with it. He’ll have no problem getting hired, his life has only just begun.



So sick of entitled thugs thinking they can attack people and get away with it by playing a sympathy card.


He should change his name, the way he looks, and leave the country, or at least bunker down and keep a low profile. In the next several years he will gradually fade from the public eye. I'm sure most people don't know or care who George Zimmerman is anymore


Wrong, his life is just beginning. He already has had perfect 10s bounce up and down on is dick and he hasn't even started to collect the millions from all of those media outlets that baselessly defamed him without any evidence backing up their claims.
