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Laverne Cox 'in shock' after recent transphobic attack: 'It is not safe if you're a trans person'

Perhaps the JK Rowlings of this world need to be reminded of incidents like this and stats such as

“in just seven months of 2020, at least 28 trans people were murdered, surpassing the total for all of 2019”

while they are clutching their pearls over the imagined threat of a trans woman using a female toilet.


What about the 28,000 non-Trannies that were murdered?


Unless you're a mentally ill homosexual, move along..


How many of those were murdered because of their gender identity?

Not that comparing murder stats was my point anyway. I was speaking more in terms of how the threat of physical violence against trans people is real and documented, whereas the threat of violence against women from a transgender person sharing a space with them seems completely imagined. Unless you know of some cases I'm not aware of.

Anyway, Laverne seems like a really cool person, it sucks that she is targeted because of who she is. Just the way of the world, I guess.


I keep hearing that "it is not safe for trans person", like...where? In the US? Europe? Seems like only in very backwards countries this is the case.


Number of transgender and gender-diverse people who were murdered in the U.S. from 2008 to 2020

Nobody know what " transgender and gender-diverse people" means. Anyone can call themselves half-binary. A tomboy actress can call herself male. This sort of nonsense is exploding, so naturally the deaths increase too.

The number of deaths is meaningless. You need the death rate per 100K people which is 5 in the US. Even higher for sex workers, blacks and the poor.

Basically the LGBT community are climbing the "victim" pyramid beating women and blacks.


Funny, a quick visit to most of the threads here would suggest that straight white males are the group that feel most victimised in this day and age. Apparently they are under attack from whatever “woke” is, at least that’s what the relentless moaning I see here every single hour of every single day leads me to believe.

I myself am part of a group that has been the kicking bag for society for centuries but you won’t hear me moaning about it. Adversity breeds toughness which makes me wonder if that’s why a group that has been at the top of the pecking order for so long seems to include so many pussies.

I’m constantly shaking my head thinking to myself if you want to be treated like real men then maybe you should start acting like it. That’s not a swipe at you, I might add, just my reaction to the constant bitching I observe here.
