MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > He really hates immigrants

He really hates immigrants

Off on his anti-immigrant rant again. Guess he's scared of the white replacement theory. I find it hilarious how he thinks the oceans will keep them at bay. Guess he forgot about the southern border where they come from all over via smuggling. Ocean doesn't work no more, not after Pearl Harbor and ICBM's came into existence.


You ever notice the same pod people who say, "White replacement theory is a conspiracy theory!" are the same people who claim white people are afraid because "their numbers are dwindling"? I don't want to cause any trouble, but are these pod people aware of how much they contradict themselves?


Well immigrants are destroying the country so he is right in hating them.


The only people ignoring the Southern border are the liberals and their never Trumper Rino friends.


Immigration is destroying America. He's completely correct.


Well, he claims to not know what replacement theory is anymore. Perhaps he likes illegal aliens now too?
