Rude/mean person

So this past summer in June to be exact I live in New York and just happened to be in soho by where Vanessa hudgens lives and she was walking out of her apartment by Dunkin donuts on west 3rd street and ON GOD this is the truth I walk up to her and ask her" Vanessa can I get a picture" and she just looked at me with her little sister Stella and kept on walking so *beep* rude and embarrassing I just stood there in shock after honestly I lost all respect for her after that what a complete turd human I used to crush on her but now I don't even care for her anymore


Hey idiot when you become a celebrity you know you're gonna have fans. All they did was ask for an autograph or a pic.

Egos all around


Well, to give my opinion, I understand why you consider her actions to be rude. But the truth is that her actions doesn`t make her a mean person. Perhaps rude, but not necessarily mean. Imagine how it must be to be Vanessa Hudgens (or any celebrity): Being constantly approached by fans almost every single moment who never leaves you alone. Of course most celebrities would be annoyed for being constanly approached by fans during times when they don`t have any obligation to respond them.
If you were asking for a picture during an event or a fan meeting, then it would`ve been justifiable to perceive her as rude. But in a private moment with her little sister, she has every right to have and crave her privacy. I`m sorry to say this, but it`s the truth.


I like rude people.


why?? :o


You are a huge douchebag for assuming that makes her rude. You have absolutely no idea what she was dealing with at that moment. Go fuck yourself, celebrities don't owe you shit just because you like them.


jeez, a little 2 harsh, aren`t we? :P




Well that's no fun.




I leave celebrities alone. They have enough people bugging them. I feel I will only intrude.


I leave celebrities alone. They have enough people bugging them. I feel I will only intrude.

Agreed. So do I, due to how exhausting it is to them to be bugged.


Unless you're at a meet and greet or convention, just let them be. The most I say to celebrities I meet in the street is "hi" or I'll just smile. I know they have somewhere to go and don't need to stop and sign autographs and take selfies every 5 minutes for ever fanboy who thinks they owe them something or that they(the celebrity) should be a nice guy 24/7.

I've seen a lot of dickwads with no class who walk around thinking that anyone who is a celebrity, dresses nicer than them, is a fair shade, has better sneakers, a bigger dick, as all people who owe them something.


You had a crush on her? How old are you, 12?


You had a crush on her? How old are you, 12?

so u have 2 be 12 2 have a crush on a gorgeous gurl lyke vanessa?
