MovieChat Forums > Russell Brand Discussion > Who is the next rapist from the past?

Who is the next rapist from the past?

After Masterson and Brand, who will be the next rapist from the past to get on trial???

I put my money on some SNL member like Fallon. But certainly a "funny" guy (see above, or Cosby).

Who do you think?




If you are bored Kowalski, why do you spend so many hours in a day trolling this site?


Fake boredom from an addict.


I see white, non Jews be burned at the stake first:
Woody Harrelson for being anti vax
Matthew McConaughey for not letting his kids be vaxed.

After that we might see them go after the negro:
YE for his Jew Speak and anti vax rhetoric
LaKeith Stanfield: In a since-deleted Instagram post , Stanfield seemed to suggest he was of the “personal choice” camp, writing, “No one should be forcing anyone to put anything in their body.”
Imho he needs to be cancelled for this.

Last we have Anwar Hadid, son of Mohamed Hadid, and he compares Zionist Jews to Hitler. Anwar Hadid is no stranger when it comes to anti-Zionism and Hadid announced in an Instagram story that he would “absolutely not” get a vaccine.


seems likely

Still, it's interesting how many CNN anchors got burned as well for other reasons
Seems like news anchors (or podcasters) are particularly prone to getting cancelled on the right and on the left


Once Jack Nicholson dies, some VERY ugly stories are going to come out.

Warren Beatty too, but not as bad.


Both excellent picks.
But 70s guys and chicks seem to be less prone to rape. Maybe they were more down with anything, I dont know.


Certainly they were less prone to reporting rape to the authorities!

Look, I was old enough to read the news during the 1970s, and that's when feminists started to work on changing the way the police treated victims of sexual assault. The SOP was to slut-shame the women and girls who came forward, suggests that if they'd been wearing anything even slightly revealing it was their own fault, and worse. The treatment of sexual assault victims has changed greatly with the times and advances in forensic technology, but during the 1970s and earlier the treatment of people who'd been assaulted was brutal.




Warren Beatty's rape accuser, Kristina Charlotte Hirsch, claims she was “a 14-year-old virgin” when she met the movie star. Hirsch claimed she was “unaware of” what was happening at the time, alleging the two “carried on a relationship” from the spring of 1973 until January 1974 that she believed was “special.”


They might try but it will be like when that woman tried to smear William Hurt after his death. No one cared. Besides Nicholson never had that nice guy image, you can imagine him womanzing his way through the 60's and 70's. Same as Beatty.


Jack Nicholson was worse as Warren Beatty? Beatty was an open secret for me, but Nicholson I never heard anything bad. He is already jelly, so why still hold back?


I've heard some very disturbing rumors about Nicholson, whispers about underage girls, big-time drugs, and being abusive in relationships.

Nothing confirmed, obviously, but I'm interested in what will be revealed when he's gone and nobody can sue.


But do they? OK, maybe some big reveal book by a now 60yo underaged girl, who needs to get a raise for the pension. But I doubt they will disclose much. Even Kirk Douglas isn't yet a persona non grata, but of course, Michael might protect that well. I have my doubts, that Old Hollywood gets full disclosure. It's anyway long past, and better to concentrate on the definitely still active scumbags.


I doubt any such former girls could get an offer from a publisher, not unless they had a long relationship with the old goat. Because it's not like fucking JackNicholson is a rare accomplishment!

But there might be some who'd be willing to cooperate with future biographers, to either just get the truth out, or to smear his reputation when he can't fight back. Because revenge is a dish best served as cold as the grave.


Stephen Colbert! Just kidding. When early days of Me Too was happening and famous public figures were dropping like flies, my friend half joked if Stephen Colbert was next she would be done, there's no hope for anyone.


If he ever steps out of line by aligning with any inconvenient truths, he will get hit with some vague accusation from some intern he encountered briefly at the workplace that made her feel "uncomfortable" and that he used his "position of power" to "groom her" into doing something she feels "violated" her sense of safety, and that it amounted to "emotional rape".

Being the cuck-tier personality that Colbert is, he will deny that he engaged in any impropriety, but will apologise anyway for making the woman feel "unsafe" and that it was never his intention to "cause her harm". This apology will be soundly rejected by the Left, and some "Conservative" pundits on the Right will joke about how no one is safe from the #MeToo banhammer. Colbert will have to dishonourably resign from his show and be labeled in the same broad brushes as people like Matt Lauer.


Feel better?


Joe Biden?


You need to look for anyone that is either a scientologist or conservative... those are the people they seem to be targeting. I understand Tom Selleck leans to the right, then again so does Mel Gibson... so I'm saying they may have nutty liberal schils popping up to point fingers at them next.

Fallon is a liberal like Kimmel so any past things they have done are ignored at the moment. I mean remember Kimmel was the Man Show which would have given liberals tons of material to cancel him but it is all ignored so long as he keeps spouting the liberal schlock.




Gibson is untouchable at this point, he's gone thru so many career-canceling events before canceling became a thing and he's still a hollywood legend


You would think so, but I never put it past the liberal loons to try and smack him again. My god just look at how many different DA have got a hard on for going after Trump. Smart money would have just let the voters across the country deal with him in the election... but clearly they don't think they can convince the voters not to vote for him so they are hell bent on finding the 12 idiots too stupid to get out of jury duty to try and convince in place of the whole country.



Expect some massive wave of cancelling to happen again at the expense of Mad Mel once a release date is set for the Resurrection of the Christ. That movie is going to rustle so many Leftard jimmies that there will be a great rumbling and shaking at the core of the Earth.


"those are the people they seem to be targeting"

ah the old republican victim mentality coming through again

"They're out to get us!"
"they fixed the election"
"The media make stuff up about us"
"The libs have weaponised the CIA against us"
"The dems own all the judges"
"hollywood is against us"


Funny but those are all facts of the liberal hell America has become. Only it isn't victim mentality when it is true. I suppose you are one of those communist cocksuckers that likes to blame women for being raped too.


thats a bit of a leap.

Blaming women for being raped is very much a conservative policy.
i.e "Shouldnt be dressed like that , should be in church like a good conservative"

"liberal hell America has become"
face it , people dont want a crimninal egomainaic with a single digit IQ in office anymore .
he lost the vote . the people of america decided democratically to have a democrat party president.


You are right people don't want a criminal egomainaic with a single digit IQ in office anymore but we are still stuck with him until he is impeached or dies.... Oh, and he did lose the vote from legitimate voters... but unfortunately dead voters and fake voters were rampant from liberal states that wants the braindead Biden.


Kirk Douglas and been accused of raping a 16 y/o Natalie Wood.


Wow, but who can still do anything about that?


do you have a ouija board handy?


Accused by her lunatic sister. Douglas never raped anybody.


How the hell do you know? Are you at 100 years old, and did you keep Kirk Douglas in view every waking moment of the man's life? Because that's the only way you could actually be certain whether Douglas ever raped anyone.

Gawd, the blatant illogical of some people here!


Barney the dinosaur.


Some Smoochie action going on there....


Just over 20 years ago, so....
