MovieChat Forums > Meghan Markle Discussion > Was told to stay away

Was told to stay away

The RF really didn't want her and Harry together near the coronation for fear she might cause trouble. The entire family is angry with Harry for betraying them through his book, the documentary, and the Oprah interview, and William is so mad he's ready to punch Harry in the face. They particularly don't like Meghan because she was the one who started this mess and continues to embarrass them to this day.

They deliberately engineered it so that the coronation fell on Archie's supposed birthday, forcing Meghan to choose between being a grifter for Netflix overseas, or being the mom she pretends to be. She and Harry had a lot of ridiculous demands, like wanting to be on the balcony, be in the front row, participate directly in the ceremony, etc. The RF refused all of the demands and made their own, knowing Meghan's ego would not have room for such rules. Word on the street is, she was finally bribed into staying in CA by being allowed to tell everyone her fake kids are a "prince" and "princess," and was probably given money to keep quiet on coronation day.

Charles still wants to reconcile with Harry, and basically, the RF won the battle against the narc beast by getting Harry to the coronation without his master. They know he wants out of the marriage, but feels trapped, so they're working carefully and quietly with lawyers to wrest him away from her. A lot of the private war with Meghan has been put on hold because of the coronation planning, though now that that's over with, I suspect the war will heat up again.


Harry will be as unpopular and demonised as much as Camilla and William, if he chooses to ditch Meghan.

Ditching the *ONE* POC in the RF, is *NOT* a good look, and, rightly or wrongly, that's the way modern society looks at things. Identity and representation means *EVERYTHING*. That's not my opinion. That's simply an honest and ACCURATE observation.

Sorry, but Harry made his bed. He must NOW lie in it. Stupid, silly boy that he is.


He won’t have to dump her; MM will dump him as soon as she finds someone with more money, or more hair, but preferably both.


Black women aren't shallow like that. Bimbos and golddiggers tend to be blonde white women.

And NO that ISN'T *misogynist* DESPITE what some rich white women may argue (i.e. bad faith actors trying to appropriate feminism to make themselves seem like the 'victims' 🙄🤦‍♂️). I'm standing up for WOC, and spoiled, overprivileged WHITE women hate that. They're complain about 'misogyny' when it's quite clear that left-wing men, like me, are on the same side as Black women, working-class women, and trans women, so we *CAN'T* be 'misogynist'. We're just not a fan of the Barbie Doll bimbos.


Women of all backgrounds can be like that. To think otherwise is a denial of how human beings can be.


True, there are sleazy , greedy women in every ethnic and racial spectrum, but some are worse than others.


Sadly some are, but you are right, most are white.


Wow, that's some racist shit you wrote there.

Could a Mod please remove this post???


"Black women aren't shallow like that. Bimbos and golddiggers tend to be blonde white women." Wow. Racist much?

"Misogynist" never entered my mind. Well, it does when you say you're for transwomen who are trying to replace gay men and women of all races. When transwomen wind up being Woman of the Year in anything, or winning awards in sports against women, society is basically saying, "Men make better women than women do."

And in the meantime "liberals" and "feminists" zip their lips and sit on their hands instead of standing up for women.

But it's not misogyny to think Meghan isn't a golddigging Barbie Doll bimbo. It's just being willfully blind. Golddigging Barbie Doll bimbos come in all races, creeds and colors.


People hate Markle, he will regain part of the popularity he lost if he ditches her.


If they divorce, it would be 50/50. What would really be interesting if Edward or Sophie, or Will or Kate split up. They really are putting both on a pedestal right now. I would not state people hate Meghan, unless they are racist, but most are disillusioned and disrespectful.


"I would not state people hate Meghan, unless they are racist"

Don't be silly. How often don't people say they hate certain celebrities? You don't have to be racist for that. Meghan has no actual fans, people are either indifferent or they dislike her, 50/50 is wishful thinking.


I think they would demonize Kate as well if she was caught cheating. Look how they treated Fergie!


It was certainly no coincidence about the date!
