Lack of scandals

It's good Obama hasn't been connected with any major scandals (that I know of), but doesn't that mean he's kind of a boring person?


but also deported the most immigrants and had the largest drone strike program ever...


Are you serious? The media covered them all up so you dont hear any scandals. He literally should be behind bars for the illegal crimes he committed. He was so terrified of Trump bringing attention to them, he had his buddies do everything possible to try to stop him from becoming president and then manufacture phony scandals for Trump to avoid the heat, when he did get into office. It was hilarious seeing the frantic desperation but sad that it worked and he got away with it all, scot free thanks to the stupid american public of mutts.



Humor doesn't translate well on the Internet...


Really? The IRS targeted conservative groups. Now, I am convinced Obama did not know about this when it broke but he found out about it but when the investigation wasn't even completed he concluded there was no corruption. Not a smidgen!

Fast and Furious? He allowed thousands of guns sold to Mexican drug cartels, one of which was used to kill a border agent. Obama claimed he did not know about that, either, and yet inexplicably stepped in to invoke Executive Privilege. Can you imagine if Trump pulled that kind of crap? Impeachment III!

Benghazi. It is the most incomprehensible scandal I have ever seen. Obama, the president of the most powerful military in the world, sits with his thumb up his ass, as Americans are attacked. And did not do a THING to help them. Literally. He did nothing to help those people. It was Khadaffi loyalists who saved our people. The very people Obama bombed out of power in eastern Libya that led to the rise of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, which led to the escalating attacks, which led to the attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi and later the CIA annex. Obama set this all in motion and then did nothing to help those under attack. What a piece of filth!

What about Solyndra? Obama gave over half a billion dollars of taxpayer funds to 'create' jobs in the alternative energy production. It was all over the place, praising Obama. Within a short time, those jobs were gone and the assets bought up by China for pennies on the dollar. Again, if Trump had been so utterly incompetent, he would have been impeached again.

Obama was a terrible president and it should have been expected since he never ran a thing his entire life.


And I'm sure the OP was being serious! 🙄


There are tons of scandals connected to Obama the Great.

Just because CNN pretends it didn't happen doesn't mean, in fact, that it did not happen.


The OP is being sarcastic


He's not boring at all


According to Fox News, he had plenty!

He had the tan suit thing
The Dijon Mustard thing
The terrorist fist bump

The list goes on!
