MovieChat Forums > Halle Bailey Discussion > Why do her eyes look so weird?

Why do her eyes look so weird?

Like they're really far apart, it's almost like bad CGI.

Heck, I thought the Little Mermaid main character WAS CGI when I first saw it.


I reckon her eyes are further apart than Anya Taylor-Joys!

It's a distinctive look, some people like it others don't.

She's a good looking lady though not really my type but yeah her eyes are very far apart.


I googled it and the term 'orbital hypertelorism' turned up, but I don't think that's the right term for her eyes because the people with that look very disabled from birth defects.


Talking about birth defects involving the eyes, the defect that inspired the Cyclops in Greek mythology is in fact a real thing:

The first picture is what a typical cyclopia baby looks like, and is always stillborn. Ignore the last two pictures, they're lame photoshops.


Yes, I was like 'these look like photoshops'. Imagine having that condition, you'd get stared at everywhere you go.


Yeah I noticed that too. Its like a fivehead instead of a forehead but with the eyes.


She is lovely. We don't all need to look the same.


Alcohol syndrome baby


Hahaha. I was gonna post the same thing. She looks scary.
