

because Christianity is resident in more tolerant secular societies

the tolerance, though represented in certain strands of Christian values, mainly was
the product of social evolution in the direction of secular consensus values.

the diversity of the various Christian sects provides a distribution in levels of acceptance
of that evolution.


^This. There was a time church ruled supreme over people's lives, not unlike islamic mullahs or sheikhs or whatever. Only after this was toned down considerably, was progress made possible.

Besides, in Islam, drawings of the Prophet is considered forbidden and unacceptable (not just Mohammad, any prophet, as they claim Jesus and Moses were also regular humans and messengers of God). This was to prevent their depictions to become idols and worshipped. Times have changed, but this persistent idea is one of the reasons Muslims are instantly triggered by stuff like that.


"Only after this was toned down considerably, was progress made possible."

Not really. Progress was possible due to 17th century Enlightenment era thinkers and the new Age of Reason they spawned that came to value empiricism over faith. The church was still the prevailing force in people's lives, it was just less centralized and dominated by a Catholic pope due to the great Schism and Protestant Reformation.


Probably because Christianity is the dominant religion in the Western world and not Islam.


That makes no sense whatsoever


To ignorant assholes like you, of course not.


Well that was a good response ! Tell us more


Not way more tolerant, but rather, culturally different.


Because Muslims will suicide bomb you if you do


I know you are waiting in your little home waiting for some bomb to fall on you, right?


I’m glad to hear you agree with me.



Muslims cut your head off. French teacher. That's Muslims.



China or Islam, huh? That's some choice.



I'll go with liberalism. Because they support both Islam and China.


I am a student of history, I have not seen the correct answer here.

The difference is between JC and the Prophet Muhammad was that JC was killed by the Romans and never ruled, Muhammad DID rule.

To protect the Prophet Muhammad from a assassin's knife, no drawings or depictions of his likeness were allowed. After Muhammad died, it morphed into a ban on idols.


Muhammad was a merchant and later a warlord, Jesus was just a carpenter.


you forgot that he was also a pedofile which married a 6 year old girl named Aisha and consummated the marriage when the girl was 9 years old.......

Muhammad himself was 53 years old.....


Just one of his many wives and sex slaves, but the little girl was his favoured wife.


Of course....... he was also a huge Notorious B.I.G fan:

"Because you know I love it young, fresh and green
With no hair in between, know what I mean?

The Notorious B.I.G. - Dead Wrong



Q: Why is it safe to criticize and make fun of Jesus, but not Prophet Muhammad?
A: Most people are ignorant and/or cowards and afraid of the consequences.
