MovieChat Forums > Jesus Christ Discussion > why did god never condemn slavery? and e...

why did god never condemn slavery? and endorsed it by creating rules to support it

kinda speaks for itself. why could he make rules condemning the mundane like eating shellfish, but couldn't once say slavery was a bad thing?


More to the point, why are you a dumb cunt?

Anyone who asks hypothetical questions about non-existent subjects is a cretin with too much time on his hands. Get a job!


I have a job. its 4:41AM and im off to the gym. its Called discipline and time management you clown


So, your "job" is opening up the gym before the paying clients get there early in the morning?

No wonder you spend the rest of the day posting pointless speculations about the meaning of life on movie forums.. and talking shit generally.


my post wasnt clear. I go to the gym early. I also have a job.

my post wasnt about "the meaning of life". ive never noted anything about that. you are soo dumb


So, god making rules about slavery has nothing to do with the meaning of life?

That's a narrow outlook. The vapours coming off all the liniment that your clients use must be going to your head.

Better get along to that gym and open it up. First job is to clean and polish all the full-length mirrors so your clients can perve at themselves while they're exercising, (or perve at the fella next to him...)

You're a joke.


dumb fuck finally realized it! No i asked a moral question

"That's a narrow outlook."

the dumb fuck can think! yes I chose a narrow moral question! which was "why did god never condemn slavery? and endorsed it by creating rules to support it". its my post. I do what the fuck I want. Theres enough here to discuss. Ive watched plenty of atheist vs christian debates even about "the meaning of life". not a single one brought up slavery.

this has nothing to doppelgänger's with the meaning of life

" The vapours coming off all the liniment that your clients use must be going to your head."

Good one....... LOL cringe dumb fuck


Asking why an imaginary fantasy figure from literature doesn't have a moral sense that matches its reader's expectations is not a valid question, except on a Book Club forum.

And how the hell did "Doppelganger" get into it?? You think dropping in multisyllabic words makes you sound "educated"?

Get those mirrors polished, bud!


"Asking why an imaginary fantasy figure from literature doesn't have a moral sense that matches its reader's expectations is not a valid question, except on a Book Club forum."

yes and people dont base their entire life, moral system and even voting preferences off Lord of the rings and Harry Potter...

the fact I have to point out why the bible and their concept of god would different from other fantasy figures is astounding. he point was to get christians to engage and think critically about massive flaws

aww the sad bitch has nothing. you came to add nothing and bitch and whine LOL


What's sad is that you still haven't noticed that almost all of the responses you got were taking the piss. Nobody was moved to "engage and think critically" about the fantasy - because it's FANTASY.

Get it?

Now, those benches need wiping down.


"What's sad is that you still haven't noticed that almost all of the responses you got were taking the piss. Nobody was moved to "engage and think critically" about the fantasy - because it's FANTASY"

ya except for greengoblin and serepatix. and me and LanceDance. which made up like 90% of the comments on this post so far LOL

hahahah you have nothing little bitch. wipe what sorry? are you retarded?


Getting bored with this shit now.


in other words "he showed what I said was nonsense and I have no rebuttal"

you can leave now you clown. you utterly embarrass yourself and get rekt every comment


Let's talk about steroids. And their effect on gym junkies. That at least wouldn't be as boring as your usual subjects, and it would be very relevant to you personally as well.


good one...... wow you show what an uncreative little cretin you are every time you type something new.

have you ever actually added anything to any convo on here? or just pathetically nitpick over grammar and troll?

your life must be so sad that you come on here and beg for attention


I see, so steroids tend to make gym junkies knee-jerk aggressive and paranoid?

Interesting. Tell me more.


yes your life is pathetic. you beg for attention on here. are you lonely or just a troll?


I see. So steroids also make gym junkies abusive. I have heard that, actually. They become habitually insulting, and tend to insert taunts and derision into every conversation they have.

That seems to be a habit of yours, I've noticed.


yes so how sad is your life? are you an old person and all your family passed away? and your remaining family cant stand you?

or just an overall piece of garbage your close family chooses not to spend time with you?

how many meds are you on?


Obsessive-compulsive, too?

I notice a bit of pushiness there too. Not the typical aggression of a male taking steroids. More like the nit-picking approach of some women I know. Are you a female?

Never mind. I don't really want to know. You're a boring pos, whatever you are.


You "god making rules about slavery has nothing to do with the meaning of life?"

Me "no this about a moral question..."

"You "asking why an imaginary fantasy figure from literature doesn't have a moral sense that matches its reader's expectations is not a valid question, except on a Book Club forum."

Me "umm because religion affects peoples voting and lives more than say Harry Potter so this fictions important"

You " you still haven't noticed that almost all of the responses you got were taking the piss.

me " um like 90% of the comments here are discussions about the topic....."

You" You well you are on steroids!!"

you just run away like a little bitch and go on to the next topic every time I destroy you. I should be happy you stopped the grammatical nitpicking.But I guess after that public shellacking you gave yourself, mixing up an apostrophe and comma. No one ever recovers from that level of self destruction. you also ran away like a little bitch form that too. im seeing a trend....

"I notice a bit of pushiness there too. Not the typical aggression of a male taking steroids. More like the nit-picking approach of some women I know. Are you a female?"

good one.....

I literally cringe when I read the dumb shit you write. just when you think you cant hit a new intellectual low and uncreative level, you dont disappoint.

go back into the little shelter you came from rat.

you got obliterate here


"you got obliterate here"

The past tense of "obliterate" is "obliterated", with the "ed" on the end.

Seriously, bud, you've got problems.......those steroids, man. Not a good idea.


lol the retards back at it. remember man. those that mix up apostrophes and commas have no business lecturing others who type fast and make a mistake.

you are MCs joke buddy. then you tried to change it to hide your fail. but the other guy had already caught you. you are a slimey rat


"Obsessive-compulsive, too?

why os there a comma here? it seems you overuse commas and don't know their actual purpose. why would there be a pause after obsessive-compulsive?

"I have heard that, actually."

again why a comma. its 5 word sentence that doesnt require a pause.


For fuck's sake, give it a rest, man!

And take a break from the steroids. They're messing you up.


in other words "when I nitpick its great! when you do! wahhh wahhh!!!!! give it a rest im triggered"

awww sad bitch. yes they are messing me up because you dont know how commas works.

might as well make a new account. no one recovers from such an embarrassing public humiliation.


Best advice I can give you is to lose the drugs, bud.


best advice I can give you is when you are a grammar nazi, you best be on point. so 1. learn the difference between a comma and apostrophe. and 2. learn how to use a comma properly bud

good to see someones a small jealous bitch


God never said shit. Such an entity does not exist. Never did, never will.
