MovieChat Forums > Alan Ritchson Discussion > If one is honest, he is right about Trum...

If one is honest, he is right about Trump and religion....

Well, guess this is one show MAGA will be turning off, but he is right when it comes to his comments about morality, religion, and the propping up of Donald Trump by the hard right when it comes to hoisting Trump up as a genuine and authentic Christian.

From his BEHAVIOR, it is obviously clear - Trump is NOT genuinely spiritual or religious, and I seriously doubt he has ever opened up the Bible a single time in his life and if anyone states this is not true, then that person is both blind and ignorant (with ignorant being the polite way of saying stupid).


But did he ever shower with her daughter when she was 11 years old?


Why can't you Trump-loving cultists ever stay on message and deal with the topic at hand instead of playing the ten-year-old child's game of "whataboutism" and ps, dipshit....that story has been debunked so away you ignorant troll.

But in the meantime, why don't you try and tell just ONE thing morally uplifting regarding Trump - you know what? You can't and you can't debate the validity of Ritchson's comments because he is correct. Which leads me to my next question - where are all the sincere, genuine, and authentic Christians when it comes to Trump's behavior?


Can I talk about Biden's support of genocide?

Or do you want to talk about how Trump farted or spilled a glass of water?


Start your own thread you vapid troll. It is that easy . Now, FO because you are going on ignore.


That's how these real bots roll.

Mention something they don't like and oh no, you're deflecting blah blah blah.

He supports a guy who supports children being murdered - full stop.



I still cant get any Joe voters to talk about Joe. its always about Trump


It's weird because there's so many interesting topics involving Biden....

Dementia, corruption, showering with your children, supporting a genocide.

That guy has it going on.


That's because most liberal Democrat Socialists and leftists are effectively brain-dead, emotion-driven, ignorant, hypocritical, arrogant, fact-lacking, idiots who have no critical or logical thinking skills.


You live up to the nuke in your name ( :




Oh, please---do you really believe the stupid-a**, tired-a**, "I hate liberals" bull**** you right-wing nutcases always spout? Uh, no---that pretty much describes the majority of you brain-dead, dumb-a** fcked-up magahead idiots who believe anything a lying-a** grifter and con man who's never been really successful at anything except just flat-out lying to people and conning them out of their money for decades says. Most of these magaheads only like trump because they probably had abusive fathers who acted just like him, and so they think his fcked-up toxic masculinity is what being a "real man" is supposed to be---which it is not. trump's not only a damn liar, but a failed businessman who's failed at every business he's had, and only managed to squeak by because his daddy was always around to bail him out every time he went bankrupt or broke or both. trump ain't s***, and neither are dumba**** like you who buy into his bull****.

He's currently broke as hell---funny how it never occurs to you crazy magaheads how someone who claims to be a billionaire can't even afford to fund his own campaign, and is always coming up with these bull**** schemes for it---like those cheap-a** looking $400.00 sneakers and those dumba**-looking statues he's made of himself---yuck!


Meanwhile, your guy is a pedo who loved showering with Ashley.


Biden has made it clear he's not supporting any damn genocide. He's already cut off a certain amount of arms to Israel because they couldn't justify why they were bombing certain areas in where civilians were in Gaza, with no proof that they were bombing any spots with Hamas. There is no proof he's demented in any damn way---you magahead blowhards have been saying that bull**** since he's been in office, with no proof, of course. His SOTU speech proved that there isn't a damn thing wrong with him. None of those claims of corruption the repubs kept trying to stick on him ever stuck, because they never had any actual evidence to prove any of their bull*** claims about that. The "showering with your children" thing has not been proven to have any basis in fact at all.

You damn screwed-up brain-dead magaheads just can't stand the fact that Biden is nowhere near as fckd-up as your crazy psycho cult leader trump the dump Meanwhile, trump kept rambling on and on the other day at a rally about Hannibal Lecter as if he were a real person, then at another rally this week he was rambling on and on, when he suddenly stopped, and stared for for five full minutes, before he finally seemed to remember where the hell he was, and started rambling on and on again. You can find that on youtube. Funny how when the orange dumba** has a senior moment, and he's had a number of them, either his cult followers, like you, or fox news always tried to spin it as something else----anything but what it really is---trump's getting old and starting to lose his faculties, which have been going downhill for years now, but of course the repubs and crazy magaheads won't admit that, because they're too damn deep into the crazy-a** trump cult to even admit it.


"Biden has made it clear he's not supporting any damn genocide."

Facts don't match your words pal.


He mumbled something about cutting aid to Israel because an election is coming and his, haha, supporters are a fickle bunch.


So weird how Leftists automatically assume everyone who supports Trump is a Bible-Thumper and therefore a hypocrite. Most support Trump because he is the only politician willing to stand up to the insanity of the Far Left that is toppling the nation. I could not care less about his personal life or beliefs as long as he removes the Left from power. Whatever he does is far less harmful to America than Far Leftism.


Like the other troll - try staying on topic and bye bye, another ignore.


Your echo chamber is getting smaller.


A stupid move. If you finally only reach those in your bubble...what are you going to change?


You sound like a damn idiot. The left are not the ones forcing abortion bans on women without giving a damn whether that harms them or not, or banning damn near every book that deals with issues of race, LBGTQs, or anything that challenges the white hegemonic viewpoint on American history, or supporting a low-life lying-a** narcissistic con man and damn pathological liar like trump. The left are not the ones who seem to want to turn back time to the '50s, were white men ran everything thinking they were so fckg superior to everybody, and act like the civil rights movement, the women's movement, and the gay rights movement never happened. That is everything these crazy-a** right-wingers and republicans are doing now---all because they want to stay on their con man cult leader trump's good side, even though they know he's a certified, deranged, fckg nutcase.

The fact is, all these southern evangelicals have been the ones to support trump, even though they know damn well he's not a religious man at all, and has never probably never peeked inside a bible in his entire life. They know he's a liar who cheated on all of his wives, has literally no morals, ethics, or values that anyone can see, and only gives a damn about himself and nobody else. But they give him a damn pass on all his bull****, only because he's a white guy like them who will give them what they want, or think they want. Only brain-dead magahead idiots like yourself also give him a pass because you buy so much into his bull**** too---because you're just as fckd-up and brain-dead as he is. The fact that none of his family, even his wife, has shown up to his current trial, shows that even they are damn just sick and tired of the drama and the bull**** he brings everywhere with him. Only Don Jr.'s crazy loudmouth a** has been to his current trial once. I've heard somewhere that they don't even talk, or really have much of a relationship. No big surprise there.


Before Trump, how would you describe your view of white middle class american men?


Just look at your irrational rant and take a deep breath and calm down.


Of all the people we could have had as President, we get the guy who showered with his daughter.


Honestly, it's crazy how, no matter how fckd-up your scummy-a** con man cult leader trump the fckg dump is, some of you twisted af fckg magaheads love to fixate on that one sentence leaked from Biden's daughter's diary, which was stolen from her by her devious roommates, and which they tried to sell to some right-wing scam artists for money. That particular sentence has never been confirmed by anyone, not even his daughter, and might have been taken completely out of context, but you magaheads can't shut the fck up about it. The fact that you still fixate on it shows how fckg screwed-up you are. You're just pissed off that you can't find anything messed up about Biden, so you spew that one little sentence around. How fckg pathetic. Yet you have no problem kissing the a** of someone like the orange creep, who actually said that if Ivanka wasn't his daughter, he'd date her. If that isn't fckd-up, I don't know what is. Bottom line----stop obsessing over s*** you can't prove when it comes to that one sentence. Nobo0dy has ever confirmed whether that actually happened or not, so get the hell off of it. Your cult leader trump has done way more scummy-a** bull****.


Biden's own daughter confirmed the contents of the diary. She testified in April IIRC. That was a nice little temper tantrum though.


I couldn't care less if Trump has ever even heard of the Bible. When he was president, his policies made my everyday life more affordable and safer. I want things to be like that again. They will not be like that again with Biden as president.


What "policies"? The only "policies" trump passed was a big tax cut for rich people, that stupid racist Muslim ban that screwed up everything at the border, because no one had been taught how to actually implement it. He didn't do s*** for the middle class or regular working people when he was in office, and he damn sure won't do anything for them now---let's be real about that. The economy was already good when he came into office due to Obama's hard work and efforts over the previous decade. trump has never understood how the economy works, and still dosen't. So whatever benefits you had from the economy were due to Obama, not a single damn thing trump's dumb a** ever did. trump's complete and total ignorance about the economy is what jacked up the national deflicit again. The current inflation we have stems from the world being forced to shut down during Covid---no president has any control over inflation---that's determined by the companies and corporations. Biden is not the cause of this current inflation, so stop blaming him for that.


Nothing he said is incorrect, there is a huge religious group who treats Trump as if he's the Christian equivalent of Mohammed. Christians shouldn't be devoted to any politician regardless of affiliation.


Christianity is a woke religion in the eyes of today's conservatives. They reject Christ's teachings, even when quoted directly from the bible.

Moore has found himself at odds with other evangelical leaders due to his frequent criticism of former President Donald Trump. He resigned his position with the SBC in 2021 following friction over his views on Trump and a sex abuse crisis among Southern Baptist clergy.

In his NPR interview, Moore suggested that Trump had transformed the political landscape in the U.S. to the point where some Christian conservatives are openly denouncing a central doctrine of their religion as being too "weak" and "liberal" for their liking.

"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching—'turn the other cheek'—[and] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore said.

"When the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ' ... The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak," he added. "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."

Fake Christians, rejecting the message of Christ. How weird is that?


I keep forgetting when it comes to anything related to the Trump cult, any sort of interaction at all is worthless and toxic. These people simply are not based in reality anymore. Trumpers never can be expected to discuss anything logically, factually or reasonably because they are too far gone. My mistake. Won't happen again because Trump Cultists are worthless to engage in any way whatsoever.

I mean, when it comes to those who are genuine in their spirituality, Ritchson, who wears his faith on his sleeve, is 100 percent correct and this is factual whether left or right and it's clear, Ritchson is NOT a liberal.

To these disconnected people, Liz Cheney is now a "liberal" to them. So it is even pointless to even acknowledge these sorts and that is what I will do from now on at MC.


Funny, we say the same thing about you dummies. You can't be reasoned with. You don't use logic and reason. Just your dumb puerile feelings.

Liz Cheney is a piece of shit RINO. Typical establishment politician.


Oh, wow---let's be real now. You magaheads just automatically hate anybody who dosen't bow down and kiss trump's a**, or even merely criticizes anything about him. That's how damn deranged you magaheads are---you only hate Cheney because she warned her fellow republicans not to support trump's crazy deranged psycho a**. Apparently, that's a fckg crime to you damn deranged trumpers---to insult your con man cult leader with the fake-a** orange face. That's some fckg insane cult behavior s*** right there.


Now MAGA is probably gonna try to boycott 'Reacher'.


I didn't think there was anything crazy about what he said. He's just not drinking the Trump koolaid. He didn't come out as some deranged Lefty or anything.

I don't think Trump is actually religious but he's definitely not anti-Christian so that's a big step up on the competition.


vote for pedo joe 😹


Right....a rapist trump supporter casting stones from his idiotic glass house. Probably one himself.


"Pedo joe"----you magahead nutcases just love carelessly throwing that phrase around about anyone you don't like, despite the fact that nobody has ever called Biden that but you fckg numskulls. If you call someone a pedo, you better have some damn facts to back up that claim---which you know good and damn well you don't, so just stfu already. and stop making up bull**** reason to bash Biden only because you like the orange-faced fake-a** criminal con man with 91 felonies against his criminal a** better.

Funny how you forget that your cult leader trump loved to just bust into young women's dressing rooms while they were undressing--some of them were minors at the time, and have gone on record as saying that he actually did that s*** a lot when he was running some beauty contest, just because he thought he had a right to. He's an old fckg creep who's never had any respect for women at all, not even the ones he was married to. In fact, Biden's been married to Dr. Jill longer than the orange menace was married to any of his wives, all of whom he cheated on, including his current one---who hasn't been to any of his rallies or shown up at all in court for his latest trial---how interesting. Oh, and funny how you forget that at least 10 to 15 women have said that he sexually harassed them, and at least three of them have said that he assaulted them, or tried to.


But it was about Pedo Joe. Do you also enjoy showering with your daughter?


Just give it up. A sentence out of his daughter's diary that her scumbag roommates stole from her, and then tried to blackmail her with it---they just got sentenced to jail for that----dosen't prove s***. Given that that sentence was taken out of her private diary with no context at all for it, it's not evidence of a damn thing. People write crazy s*** in their private diaries all the damn time. Since his daughter has never confirmed anything about that sentence she wrote, and obviously never will, since she dosen't have to---just stfu up about it. Funny how you trump trolls never have s*** to say about the fact that he used to hang out a lot with a now-known pimp/sex trafficker/pedophile named Jeffrey Epstein and his sleazy-a** co-pimp Ghislaine Maxwell back in the day. There's plenty of damn proof that trump hung out with Epstein and even called him a good friend. But then, trump is nothing but a damn sleazy-a** bastard himself, who loves to hang with other sleazy-a** bastards---no big surprise there.

Here's an article on the ex-roommates being sentenced:

A more recent update:


She confessed that it was her diary. Kind of Streisand effect...
A simple "no" as an answer might have been better. 🙄


No he isn't.

Trump doesn't have to be a Christian to support Christian values or protect freedom of religion. I know that's difficult for you libtards to understand.


Trump is a known athiest but he pretended to be a Christian during his presidential campaigns so religious suckers like you would vote for him. Obviously you're stupid and you fell for Trump's lies. When will you stop making excuses for Trump?


Biden and all the others are doing the same. Neither of them are truly Christian - but you look the other way when they do it.

Long story short, you're yet another leftist political partisan blinded by TDS, unable to see reality for what it is.


That's some bull**** and you know it. Stop trying to justify what a piece of worthless s*** the orange idiot is, only because you like him. No, Biden and whatever "others" your talking about are nowhere near the same as trump--so move the fck on with that bull****. And there is no such fckg thing as "trump derangement syndrome"---that is just some completely fake-a**, self-serving bull**** excuse you magaheads made up in order to justify why you buy into trump's bull****. That's the reality you magaheads can't face.

He's nothing but a fake-a** con man and a grifter playing you all for a bunch of suckers, but you buy into his bull**** so hard, that's why it's easy for him to fool your gullible a*****. No wonder it's so easy for him to hit you up for money all the damn time. Biden is clearly way more real, and takes his faith more seriously than the orange idiot, whose god is money, period. Apparently, trump's dumb a** never listened when someone told him that when he died, he damn sure couldn't take any of his money with him. Yet he worships money more than anything else.


> That's some bull**** and you know it.

Not an argument.

> Stop trying to justify what a piece of worthless s*** the orange idiot is, only because you like him.

I don't like him, I think he's rather appalling. Your assumptions say more about you than me.

> No, Biden and whatever "others" your talking about are nowhere near the same as trump

You're right, they're arguably worse. Biden who likes little girls just a little too much and Clinton who was dear friends with Epstein, enjoying regular trips to his special little island. Surely just for the nice weather, right?

> you magaheads

Not a "MAGA" head.

> That's the reality you magaheads can't face.

You're deflecting. I am rather neutral here - you are the one seething with foam dripping from it's mouth, unable to form a single coherent sentence.

> He's nothing but a fake-a** con man and a grifter playing you all for a bunch of suckers

So just like all the others then, just like I said. Glad you're finally getting it... ah wait, no, you still aren't.

> No wonder it's so easy for him to hit you up for money all the damn time.

I never gave a cent to Trump. *shrug*
Also, other politicians beg for money too. See Sanders, for example. Hell, his begging has become a meme, lol.

> Yet he worships money more than anything else.

Not even that you get right.
The one thing Trump worships the most, is Trump.
After that, for a loooong time comes nothing, then comes power and then money. Who knows what comes after that.

If Trump would just be all about money, he wouldn't do the things he does and instead focus on a completely private career in whatever industry making Billions without drama. But he doesn't. He constantly needs the spot light and he lusts for power. Like any politician.

But tell me more about what a gullible MAGA head I am, while apparently, you see it all so very clearly... as we can see. xD

You are so absolutely lost, lol.


I do see it very clearly, so stop trying to act so damn superior. You sounded like a magahead, so how the hell was I supposed to know you couldn't stand him? You should have made yourself more clear that you weren't one, instead of trying to tell me I'm dumb because you didn't. And stop trying to claim that all politicians are like him----that's a damn lie, and a bunch of BS, and just a damn lazy-a** excuse a lot of magaheads use to justify supporting him and his bull****, even though he dosen't give a fck about them and will never help them with a damn thing. Politicians begging for money is how they're always gotten their campaigns going, so what's your point? That's nothing new.

The thing about the orange-faced punk is that he keeps putting on this front like he's a billionaire, yet he's been coming up with all these side schemes begging his cult followers for money. If he's so damn rich, why can't he fund his own campaign? Because he's not----he's four billion dollars in the hole, and has been broke as hell for the past several years. He's even more broke now since his Truth Social company lost 328 million dollars as of this week. Basically anybody who was conned into investing into his company has lost anything they put into it. His company had always lost way the hell more money that it ever made, which makes one wonder how he kept it going in the first place.


> I do see it very clearly, so stop trying to act so damn superior.

It's not an act. I am superior.
I didn't read the rest, you're not worth my time.

Cope harder.


Superior to what? A fckg cockroach? You wish you were superior to anything. You magaheads are such whiny-a** little snowflakes, lol.


Dude you just called yourself a cockroach... I mean... *sigh*

Godspeed, man, really. You need it.


When will you grow up and stop whining about Trump all fucking day long. I can go days, weeks even months at a time without thinking about Trump. You can't go five minutes. You love the corrupt establishment that much???


Here, have a tissue. 🧻🖕🏻


Kinda hard to ignore trump when his attention media whore a** is literally on TV 24 hours, seven days a week. Call up your local station and tell them to quit running stories about his every little damn unimportant move. You need to grow the hell up, and stop acting like trump is not a deranged fckg nutcase who shouldn't be anywhere near any position in office ever again. trump himself is nothing but a damn criminal, and should be treated like one.


What is it you Trump MAGA cult members do not get about the importance of genuine and authentic behavior when it comes to sincere beliefs?

I would like you MAGA Cult people to tell me ONE moral thing about Donald Trump. Just one. You can't do it.

And to suggest people like Trump, that absolutely do not live by the beliefs and standards they claim, is like suggesting a male rapist has genuine concerns about women.


I don't give a shit if Trump worships Satan or the God of Tomatoes.

You're like every other cultist, just looking for any excuse to hate. It's pathetic.


You are full of hate and you're just way too stupid to see it. But then you worship Trump so that proves your stupidity.


You missed the entire point and you again prove why no one can discuss anything with a MAGA cult member and expect any sort of honesty, integrity or genuine debate.

So yet again, another MAGA nut on ignore.


> You're like every other cultist, just looking for any excuse to hate. It's pathetic.

Ain't that the truth.
It's curious how those who constantly preach diversity, equity, equality, respect and love are those most devoid of it, using any and every chance to unleash pure, unfiltered hatred on anything and anyone who isn't parroting their ideological nonsense.

I am so through with these disgusting leftists.


These crazy magaheads have their heads so far up trump's behind, they can't see the reality of what he really is---a damn con man---and they don't want to. Most of them haven't taken their meds, that's why it so easy for them to fall for his bull****, despite the fact that he dosen't give a damn about any of them. That's another reality that can't accept either. They watch too much damn fox news---all fox news does is kiss the orange idiot's a** and push his damn lies for ratings.


This right there.

I am an atheist too, but over the past years, I have been more in favor of Christianity and its values and ideas when I saw Europe crumbling apart.

I'd rather deal with Skydaddy lovers who make my eyes roll preaching about "finding Jesus" than muslims taking over my country and continent under the disguise and pretense of "peace" and "inclusion" and I also take these over LGBTQ freaks parading the streets in leather and dog costumes while taking children to drag-shows and showing them sex toys.

Sick and tired of all this insanity.


There are no Muslims trying to take over a damn thing in the U.S.. Oh, by the way, Muslim Americans have been a part of the U.S. since the late nineteenth century---so they are as American as apple pie and hot dogs, which they eat as much as you do. And so what if LBGTQ people have one damn parade for themselves once a damn year? How the hell is that hurting you or anybody else that you know? Nobody is making you go to one, so why the hell does that even fckg matter to you? You need to get a life and worry about your own damn problems, instead of whining and bitching about people who are not even bothering your close-minded, narrow-minded a**. Live and let live, and stop wasting time whining about people who aren't even bothering your silly, whiny a**. Get the fck over yourself----this country is big enough for you and even people you don't like to live in.

Everything you just spewed is typical right-wing talking point bull****. Drag shows are not a damn threat to anybody, they're just entertainment----as usual, it's just a bunch of right-wingers making a big damn deal out of things that weren't even issues at all until they made a big damn deal out of it. There are no drag queens attempting to groom children, or whatever crazy shit you magahead nutcases made up about them---that's some s*** you crazy right-wing magaheads made up. You need to ask yourself why the hell are you right-wingers so scared and threatened by anybody who dosen't look and think exactly like you? It just goes to show how damn intolerant you are and how you think only the way you live and believe should be shoved down everybody's throats. There are no drag queens and Muslims hurting anybody in the U.S.----that's just some scaremongering tactics republicans have been using in the last couple of years just to rile up people enough to get votes. How fucking pathetic that is.


> There are no Muslims trying to take over a damn thing in the U.S..

No shit sherlock?

Never said a word about the fucking US, did I?
Maybe you fucking dip shit Americans start to realize that you aren't the center of the fucking universe.

And Muslims eat hot dogs?
99% of all hot dogs are made of PORK you fucking idiot.
You know nothing, but an awful lot about that!

Muslims wait until they reach a certain percentage in the population, only then the trouble starts. Until then, it's "please don't hate me, Islam means peace!". After that, heads are rolling. Look at Europe! Two gang-rapes every day in Germany alone. Before 2015, that number was zero, because this shit didn't even exist here.
Stabbings every day. Robberies, hold ups, random attacks, even their damn children sare being criminals already, causing massive issues across schools in Germany, intimidating Gerrman pupils to "convert to Islam" so they are finally left alone, are sexist towards female teachers or worse and bully everyone for whatever reason. Every. Single. Day.

You have No fucking idea what's going on across western Europe since 2015, so spare me your leftist kumbaya bullshit you ignorant, inbred imbecile.

You're as fucking dumb as they come, I swear!


I'm talking about here in the U.S., you brain dead troll. I'm not fckg dumb just because I don't agree with your " I hate Muslims" a**. I'm American, and I'm talking about American issues. You didn't even say or clarify that you were European, so that's your damn mistake. Don't go the hell off on me for a damn mistake you made. Just go fck the hell off. I'm not wasting my damn time having a conversation with dumb-a** trolls like you who love to scream and call everybody who dosen't agree with them "dumb" like they're little kids or something. Oh, and crime existed in Germany long before any Muslims came. Deport the ones that are causing trouble, and let the stable ones assimilate.

Hot dogs in the U.S. are made of both beef and pork, depending on the brand. There's plant-based hot dogs,too. You're talking about refugees in Germany. I'm talking about the fact that here in America, Muslims have been here for well over a century, and are very much a part of the American fabric. That's not me saying anything "leftist", that's just a fact here in the U.S. They are not all criminals either. You sounds like you're just stereotyping the hell out of all Muslims in Germany, but I'm not even gonna get into that. I'm done.


"I'm American, so everything evolves around me. I do not need to remember that there's more outside of my borders, because I'm an ignorant fuck who doesn't know jack shit."

That much is clear.
