MovieChat Forums > Nancy Pelosi Discussion > Nancy Pelosi at the hair salon....

Nancy Pelosi at the hair salon....

She forced a salon to open even though they were closed so she could have a hair washing and a blow out. The whole time, she did not wear a mask. There is a youtube video of her at the hair salon and shows her not wearing a mask. This greatly upset the owner of the salon. In a public statement, she claims the salon set her up; not true at all. She preaches wearing a mask but, she doesn't follows the rules. I don't like this woman at all; she is a lair and a hypocrite....


I'd like to see her become president.


Really???? I hope that never happens....


Where do you get those wonderful drugs?


She is a hypocrite.


She's a complete liar and has little regard for anyone else's safety. President Trump should throw her in prison.


Question: why would she need to go to a salon to wash her hair and have it blown out? Is she too unskilled and incompetent to do it at home? What, is handling her own hair dryer too difficult or beneath her? Seriously.


I heard she went into the salon for an ESTIMATE! 😏


She needs to just go to her $20,000 freezer and eat fancy ice cream until she goes into a sugar coma.
