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Will China nuke Taiwan when Nancy visits in Aug?

China warns US of 'forceful measures' if Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan

China warned Tuesday it would take "resolute and forceful measures" if US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits Taiwan, in what would be the highest-level delegation from the United States to the self-governing island in 25 years.

Pelosi, who is second in line of succession to the US presidency, has reportedly outlined plans to take a delegation to Taipei in August, according to the Financial Times, citing people familiar with the matter. Pelosi's office declined to comment on her travel plans.

August 1 is the anniversary of the founding of China's People's Liberation Army.

On Tuesday, China's Foreign Ministry lashed out at the potential visit, saying it would "have a severe negative impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, and send a gravely wrong signal to 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces."

"If the US insists on going down the wrong path, China will definitely take resolute and forceful measures to firmly defend its national sovereignty and territorial integrity," ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian told a news conference. "The United States must be fully responsible for all the consequences caused by this."

Taiwan has seen a flurry of visits by American delegations in recent years, especially after the Taiwan Travel Act was signed into law by then US President Donald Trump in March 2018. Since then, US officials and lawmakers have embarked on more than 20 trips to the democratically controlled island, according to a CNN tally.

China, meanwhile, has sent record numbers of war planes near Taiwan, as cross-strait tensions soared to their highest in recent decades.



It won't come to that or anything else as the visit will never happen. This administration is to cowardly to go now after that.


Yup, you sure nailed that one.


No, Satan, your wish did not come true.
