
I don't understand it, why does the Academy hate Jennifer Lawrence? It really is pathetic, and I don't get what she has to do to get the proper recognition she deserves. The Oscars proved once again that they are a joke.


Oh, so you have psychic powers, now?
I knew you would reply to my post, in which it had nothing to do with you. 
No, you don't. You're just a troll living in an imaginary universe of your own creation. Is that the same universe in which you feel that Jennifer Lawrence is a proven, box office draw and has more than one film breaking $100M Domestically at the box office that is not a franchise, ensemble cast or book series?
Funny how you fail to note that its total box office is almost $289 million, which is remarkable for a film which was panned by so many critics.$290M on a production budget of $110M is NOT a good return on investment, and is still vastly under performing.

While it has done better than Ghostbusters - Answer the Call, Paul Feig himself said that movie needed to break $500M, on a production budget of $144M to break even. So essentially, Passengers would need around $400M, and it hasn't even topped $300M.

The studio does not get to keep ever dollar from the box office sales, it gets about half. And globally, it is far less. These are basic mathematics that are beyond your comprehension.
