MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Lawrence Discussion > IMDb Boards Close BEFORE Jennifer Lawren...

IMDb Boards Close BEFORE Jennifer Lawrence is a Proven Box Office Hit

Such a shame. I thought 2017 was the year she would show everybody that ensemble casts, franchises or books series' were not needed for her to consistently break $100,000,000 domestically.


Oh FRAUDSTUS, are you off your meds again? Here's the link to where YOU claimed that NOBODY ever made $200,000,000 off of a movie:

And has already been pointed out by me and another poster, you keep pretending that you don't know the conversation was centered around actors. That's how deranged nutcases roll--you ignore the parts of reality that don't fit with your fantasies.

Knowing you, you'll just delete it within the next 16 days because somehow in your mind, it will mean that you were right (despite being PROVEN WRONG with FACTS).

I don't need to delete anything, since you've never proven me wrong on any subject at any time. The closest you got was providing me the evidence I asked for when I was skeptical about something.

So, the movie that literally invented Hollywood and produced the very films you are referring to is irrelevant?

Cupcake, please write sentences that actually make sense. You are really losing it in the final days, aren't you?

Jennifer is NOT a proven box office hit.

Adults who study this stuff for a living know otherwise. Choke on this, loser.
