MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > Anyone who votes based on a celebrity en...

Anyone who votes based on a celebrity endorsement

should not be allowed to vote...


Based on her songs she has a history of choosing the wrong person.


Taylor would be canceled immediately if she dared to endorse anyone other than the mainstream democrats


This is true.


There's ALOT of morons on this site who simply shouldn't vote and these morons I refer to don't even realize you need 270 Electoral College Votes to win, NOT doing well in a debate or the Popular Vote like they'll claim Harris will have


If you need a celebrity to cast your vote, you are not yet of age. But her fans are yound and maybe living in a family not sharing their believes, so an endorsement might help them to cast the vote they want to do by heart AND not because a midle aged man tell them to vote.


OP is right. It doesn't matter who the celebrity is--Swift, Kid Rock, Clooney, or anybody else. Do your own thinking and decision making. If you aren't able to, then stand down and leave voting to smarter people.


How could anyone with half a brain seriously be swayed by a celebrity endorsement. Their not politicians and know about as much about politics as the average Joe. Yet somehow i should follow their recommendation because...they can act or carry a tune. Hey i did a school play once as a kid. Anyone want my recommendation.


Celebrities shouldn't have the right to vote. Their voting right is much more powerful than that of common people and annihilates the concept of equality.


Celebrities like Clooney and Swift have become weapons for the establishment.


And sadly many others too. like de niro, tom hanks and lady gaga.


True, I forgot about those three cult members.
